Wesley Update

January 14th, 2024

Pastor's Corner

Hi y'all!

And we're back! This past Thursday marks the beginning of the Spring Semester and a new journey for a new batch of students. It's only been a month since the Fall Semester ended but things change in a hurry here on campus.

I had another Wesley pastor tell me one time that each new semester is like a new church plant. Some students graduate, some drop out, some get new jobs and don't have as much free time, some simply find a different community. Whatever the case is each semester has the opportunity to be radically different from the last.

And while change can always be a little worrying and a bit anxiety inducing, it also brings me so much excitement to see what God is going to do this semester!

What new students are going to walk through these doors?

What will be this group of student's passions and excitements?

How is God going to use me to love these students?

I hope you'll join me as we find out these answers together!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Kyle Tremblay

Students gather at the Wesley on the first day of the Spring Semester to catch up and eat lunch together

Ministry Updates

Cardinal Food Pantry Update

One of our big focuses last semester was getting the word out about Cardinal Food Pantry on campus and it was an absolute, runaway success! Here are the number of students we served each month this past fall:

August: 390

September: 428

October: 469

November: 476

December (only 2 weeks): 172

We more than doubled our average number of students and we're not done yet. Stay tuned for excited updates in the next few weeks about how we plan to expand our mission even further!

Much of our food is supplied by SETX Foodbank but we are in need of both monetary donations and food donations to keep our supply up!

Donate Now!

The aftermath of a Food Pantry Delivery. Each month we receive ~2000 pounds of food through our partnership with SETX Foodbank and St. Mark's Episcopal Church

Lunch and Worship

We are starting our weekly worship again next week! Last semester we transitioned to a Dinner Church system and it was incredible!

I sat with a student who told me how he saw God in the kindness of the people who welcomed him to the US.

Another student told me how they'd felt overwhelmed by school but the Wesley helped them find peace amidst chaos.

If you or your church is interested in providing a meal, please give us a call or email!

Paul Hoell, Lamar Professor and member of St. Mark's Episcopal, and Pastor Kyle pose during the last Lunch and Worship of the Fall Semester. We were able to give out ~300 Watermelons and ~1000 Oranges while also having our last worship of the semester

Consider Becoming a Monthly Donor

Our mission is to serve the students of Lamar and help them see God at work in their lives.

Your gifts help make this mission possible.

By becoming a monthly donor of as little as $10/month, you can provide 3 scholarships that send students to Fall Retreat.

Donate Today

We spent part of Finals Week volunteering at Garth House for their annual Fall Fundraiser!

Lamar Wesley Foundation

Phone: (409) 728-7473

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