Online@JSU this Week | 11.04.24

Before You Copy Your Course

or Request a Course Copy

As new courses appear on your Canvas Dashboard, you may see that content is absent from the course(s). Each course has an associated blueprint that sets the course navigation menu, the homepage, and university-wide course content such as Academic Integrity, the Student Success, the Writing Center, and more. Please check your Blueprint Course association before you copy.

To check your blueprint course association:

  1. Click on Settings in the course navigation menu.
  2. On the Course Details tab, look for "Blueprint Course."
  3. Check to see that there is a blueprint associated with your course and that the Blueprint Course area is not blank.
  4. In the example image below, the course is associated with the JSU General Template (Fall 2024) blueprint.
  5. If you see a blueprint association, you may complete a course copy or request a course copy from Online@JSU.
  6. If you do not see a blueprint association, please allow for 24 hours before completing a course copy.

Preparing Your Spring 2025 Courses

As you prepare your Spring 2025 courses, review the following:

  • Course Copy: Course copies can be completed by instructors, or by Online@JSU by request. If you complete your own course copy, do not select "All Content." Instead, choose "Select specific content."
  • Review the new Course Copy tutorial for details.
  • Request a Course Copy
  • Course Merge: Course merge requests must be submitted three business days before the first day of class. Any merge requests submitted after this date must be approved by the Registrar. Course merges merge course enrollments (instructors and students) but do not transfer content, assignments, student submissions, or student grades. Any merge completed after student submissions have been submitted and graded will destroy all submissions and all grades.
  • Review the updated Course Merge Tutorial
  • Request a Course Merge
  • Publish Course & Early Access: Make sure you publish your course once set up is complete. Then, decide whether to open the course early in Preview mode. Preview mode allows students to see and read course content and the course syllabus, but students cannot submit assignments or participate in discussions until the first day of the semester according to the academic calendar.

Monday Minutes: Turnitin

Turnitin is the plagiarism detection tool supported at Jacksonville State University. It can be accessed any time a new Canvas Assignment is created. According to Turnitin, the focus of Turnitin is not to catch students committing acts of plagiarism, but rather to help students improve their writing by highlighting issues of potential plagiarism and failure to cite sources, so they can correct concerns before submitting the final draft. 


If you are interested in learning more about Turnitin, Module 4 of Canvas 101 includes faculty tutorials and Turnitin setting options.

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