Before You Copy Your Course
or Request a Course Copy
As new courses appear on your Canvas Dashboard, you may see that content is absent from the course(s). Each course has an associated blueprint that sets the course navigation menu, the homepage, and university-wide course content such as Academic Integrity, the Student Success, the Writing Center, and more. Please check your Blueprint Course association before you copy.
To check your blueprint course association:
- Click on Settings in the course navigation menu.
- On the Course Details tab, look for "Blueprint Course."
- Check to see that there is a blueprint associated with your course and that the Blueprint Course area is not blank.
In the example image below, the course is associated with the JSU General Template (Fall 2024) blueprint.
- If you see a blueprint association, you may complete a course copy or request a course copy from Online@JSU.
- If you do not see a blueprint association, please allow for 24 hours before completing a course copy.