Rev. Glen Miles, Senior Minister
"At the heart of the matter is the heart of God." These are the words of the philosopher, priest, and mystic, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. He experienced the light and love of God in a way that very much reflects the ancient Celtic awareness of God's sacred presence in all matter. Teilhard declared, "Love is the most universal, the most tremendous, and the most mystical of cosmic forces. Love is the primal and universal psychic energy."
Chardin died relatively unknown in 1955. The Roman church banned his ideas and writings. He was sent on missions to China and the USA to keep him from continuing to delve into what the church deemed as dangerous. This, of course, did not work. During his time in the East, he expanded on his ideas, finding love at the core of living experience.
Teilhard taught that love is the greatest force of the human mystery. He writes, "Love alone is capable of uniting human beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and joins them by what is deepest in themselves."
Popular culture seems to understand this idea as well as any area in our lives. Just do a Google search for "love songs," and you'll find thousands of recommendations like "All You Need Is Love," "I Will Always Love You," and "Love Story." We seem to know the centrality of love intuitively.
A few years before his death, Teilhard signed over all his writings to his assistant. The Vatican had refused to publish them. So, when he died, the writings belonged to his assistant. His assistant released them one at a time in the years following his death. The Vatican banned the writings and declared them a "danger," but the ban did not work. They never do! Love always finds a way.
In his book Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul, John Philip Newell notes that for Teilhard, "Love of Christ and love of creation, love of heaven and love of earth, love of spirit and love of matter" are inseparably intertwined. He's right. In the Gospel of John, when Jesus arrives at the home of his disciples Mary and Martha, he weeps at the news of the death of their brother Lazarus. The tears first formed in his heart, demonstrating his deep love for Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. Jesus embodied the love of heaven and earth, spirit and matter. In him, we saw a human being fully alive. In him, we saw the fullness of God.
As Newell helpfully notes, the beauty of Jesus is seen as the one who removes the veil to show us what we have forgotten, "the conjoining of heaven and earth deep in the matter of our being."
We know, but we easily forget, that we carry within our very selves the same love that was present at the beginning of time. It is this same love that welcomed us to life that will also hold us in our death. At the heart of all of this is the heart of God.
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The Gathering is Tonight! | |
Join First Community tonight for The Gathering! Mini sandwiches, salad, chips, and cookies are on the menu! Dinner begins at 5:30 pm followed by a brief worship service at 5:45 pm in Grace Hall at First Community North.
Adults are invited to stay for Sacred Doorways Bible study led by Rev. Glen Miles. Click here to watch or here if you'd like to listen to last week's study. Children are welcome at Midweek Missions, choir, and Pre-K Sing and Play. Children are welcome to join Wednesday evening programs even if they have not attended previously.
We hope to see you tonight - all are welcome!
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Sunday School
- The K/1 classroom at North, and the K/5 classroom at South will continue to learn about the Beatitudes as they discuss the statement, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 5:3).” Another way of saying this is - God blesses all our feelings. God loves and blesses us even when we experience difficult emotions.
- The 2nd/3rd grade Godly Play classroom at North will hear the story, Jesus feeds 5000 (or the Loaves and Fishes). Jesus was teaching a large crowd, and they were getting hungry. A boy offers what he has – 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. I wonder how this small amount fed so many.
- The 4th/5th grade classroom at 11 am will discuss the story, Loaves, and the Fishes (or Jesus feeds 5000). Jesus was teaching a large crowd, and they were getting hungry. A boy offers what he has – 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. I wonder how this small amount fed so many. In this version of the story, we will explore the possibility that people in the crowd shared what they had, putting into action Jesus’ teaching of creating the kingdom of Heaven on earth.
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by April Howe, Governing Board Chair
Greetings, First Community from your FC Governing Board,
February was sure to be busy! We started with the All Church Annual Meeting on 2/3, then a retreat on 2/17, and finished the month with our monthly meeting on 2/28.
Our retreat was a great way to jump-start the year with fellowship and inspiring discussions about what is needed for a successful year of service and how to fulfill our board's purpose of supporting Glen and the staff in achieving their goals. I want to thank each GB member who spent part of their Saturday with the group. A special shout-out to those who helped with planning and facilitating the retreat:
- Molly Hagkull (Past Chair) for Community DEI Basics presentation and I Am poems
- Liz Compton (Exec. Director of Operations) GB Financial reporting review
- Rev. Dr. Glen Miles (Senior Minister) Next Level Generosity presentation and discussion
- Thank you to the Executive Summary Task Force - Glen Miles, Emily Rogers (Director of Digital Content and Strategy), Catherine Adams, and April Howe
- Rose Konrath (Vice Chair) Reflection and Devotion
At our February 28 meeting, we worked on the following:
- Reviewed and approved the following: Jan meeting minutes, financial report, operations report, by-laws updates
- Written notes to Mexico Mission trip participants
- Discussions for crafting our GB Goals for 2024
- Approval of Senior Minister 2024 Goals
- Committee and Task Force assignments
- Election of the 2024 Treasurer
Please note that the full GB will not meet in March; however, all the Committees and Task Forces will begin their work for the year by setting their agendas and schedules.
Overall, I feel great energy with the service offerings, activities, and discussions planned for 2024! Please feel free to contact me via email if you have any questions or concerns.
Peace & Blessings,
April Howe | 2024 FC Governing Board Chair
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First Community Foundation | |
Seth Stearns, Director of First Community Foundation
Please remember First Community Foundation in your estate planning, will, and obituary. Planned giving is a wonderful way to support those ministries of First Community that you feel most passionate about for decades to come. Not only are your planned gifts vitally important in the support of the ministries of First Community, but there may also be tax incentives available to you now and/or to your loved ones in the disposition of your estate.
First Community Foundation was established in 1961 to support the future of First Community Church’s programs and ministries. The Foundation is supported by immediate and/or planned gifts from those with a focus on the future of First Community and leaving a family legacy. The Foundation encourages families, friends, and members of the church to establish a Foundation fund or to give to an existing fund with full assurance that donors' wishes for their legacy gift will be honored and benefit the church.
The impact areas supported by the First Community Foundation include:
- Camp Akita
- Facilities, landscape, and maintenance
- First Community Village
- Missions
- Worship & Arts
- Youth Programs
Please contact Seth Stearns, Director of First Community Foundation, to explore your planned giving options. Seth can be reached by email at or by phone at (614) 488-0681.
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First Community welcomed 21 new members into the congregation on February 4. | |
Top photo (left to right): Stephanie and Kurt Kieninger with Quinn and Kylle, John Freeman, Liz Viering and Chris Lamb with Edie and Piper, Patti Webb, Mark and Nikki Henkel with Zeke.
Bottom left photo: David and Katie Meyers with Maggie and Finn.
Bottom right photo: Richard and Hilary Fessler with Charlotte and Catherine
Not pictured: Laura Gannon Evans, Jessica Hosgood, Anne Larrison, Krystal Maurer, Alana Painter, Emily Portales, Jennifer Schoedinger, Kevin Schoedinger, Keith Zolkowski
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Each Tuesday throughout Lent, a Taizé worship experience will be offered in the South Sanctuary. During these short services, participants will be invited to meditate, sing, and pray. | |
During the season of Lent, every Sunday morning from 9-9:30 am, Rev. Mary Kate Buchanan and Seth Stearns will open Burkhart Chapel for a time of quiet prayer and meditation. Lent is a time of reflection and stillness as we prepare our hearts and minds for Jesus' journey through Holy Week. You are welcome to just stop in for a few minutes or stay the whole time, then grab a cup of coffee and meet us in the Sanctuary for fellowship before worship begins at 10 am! | |
Deep Griha Event with
Guest Speaker Jason Barger
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by Randall Rocke, Deep Griha USA Board Member
We are pleased to announce that the keynote speaker for this year’s Deep Griha Celebration Dinner, taking place at First Community North in Columbus, Ohio on March 8, will be Jason Barger.
Jason is a globally celebrated Author / Speaker / Consultant and creator of the Step Back from the Baggage Claim Movement - featured in the New York Times, National Geographic Traveler, Kiplinger, Book TV, and many other spots worldwide. His dynamic storytelling and engaging keynote speeches have resonated at global leadership conferences around the world as well as with places like IBM, Kaiser Permanente, Discover Card, Alliance Data, UKG, the Society for Human Resource Management, Nationwide Insurance, Caribou Coffee, Deloitte, Wendy's and many more.
Jason brings with him a unique perspective for the work of Deep Griha Society, as he was fostered in the youth programs of First Community Church, one of several communities that aided in the founding and continued support of Deep Griha’s work and mission.
Eventually, as a member of the First Community staff, Jason led over 1700 people to construct 125 houses internationally for families living in poverty as well as implemented the Streets Mission Project to serve the homeless on the streets of Columbus. As the former Director of First Community Church’s Camp Akita retreat center, he designed leadership programming focused on living with joy, love, compassion, faith, and service for over 1900 campers a summer.
We are excited that Jason will be with us! We will also be sharing a video interview with updates from the Deep Griha Director, Ashlesha Onawale. Please consider joining us for the catered dinner at the First Community Church North. Click here to register.
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Continuing by virtue of "POP"ular demand!!
We gather again in March, after a light supper at The Gathering, to share the lines that we love. A special invitation to those of you who enjoy writing poetry, and those of you that would like a safe place to share your pursuit. We look forward to you to sharing it with us and celebrating your gift!
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The Women’s Guild is once again proud to host the Women’s Spring Luncheon on Saturday, April 20, at 11 am in Grace Hall at FC North. The luncheon will feature humorist, musician, and inspirational speaker Mary Miller.
As a speaker, Mary combines her standup comedy and improv comedy background with music and an inspirational message about overcoming life’s challenges. After years of experience touring on the comedy club circuit, sharing the comedy stage with such names as Tim Allen, Bill Engvall, Brad Garrett, and Victoria Jackson, Mary shifted her focus to creating clean comedy material and music to perform at various venues.
Mary founded the “Motor City Women of Comedy” and co-produced highly successful comedy shows for five years to benefit “Gilda’s Club of Metro Detroit,” created by Gilda Radnor to create a “community and home” so that no one needs to go through cancer alone. She is also known for creating, co-producing, and performing the “Laughing in the Face of Cancer” fundraiser comedy shows to benefit the Stephanie Spielman Comprehensive Breast Center at OSU.
Mary was selected by Sunny 95, WSNY-FM, as one of their “20 Outstanding Women of 2017 for her work in the community and her charity, Fill Your Cups, which provides free prosthetics to women in need of surgery. A 15-year THRIVER, Mary knows firsthand the power of prayer and the healing power of laughter and music amid life’s challenges.
Tickets for the event are $25. RSVP by April 13 by clicking the link below to purchase tickets and register or by contacting Jane Torbica via email at or by phone at (614) 488-0681, ext. 235.
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February was a very busy month for the women of the FC Women's Guild! On Tuesday, February 13, the women hosted the Guild's annual "We Love You Luncheon" for our beloved, hard-working First Community staff. The lunch consisted of lasagna and pizza accompanied by homemade salads and desserts. The committee, led by Jennifer Short, provided each staff member with a party favor bag. The staff were also given a raffle ticket when they arrived, and Guild E provided four beautiful raffle prize baskets filled with various goodies. The staff and Guild members look forward to this event each year, and this year's luncheon did not disappoint! Thank you to all those who helped to make this luncheon a much-appreciated tribute to our wonderful staff!
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After the 9 and 11 am worship services on February 18, Guild Group A hosted the annual Frozen Soup & Casserole Sale. All Guild group members contribute homemade soups, casseroles, and baked goods. Having become a favorite event of our congregation, it grows each year. This year's sale was quite a success, raising more than $1,200 to benefit the church and broader missions, both distant and close to home. As has always been, the few leftover items found homes with families amid a crisis. Thanks go to all the women who cooked and baked and all in the congregation who bought items and supported this project!
Be sure to SAVE THE DATE OF MAY 4 for the 2nd ANNUAL MINI GARAGE SALE, and of course, begin saving those treasures you'd like to contribute to the sale. Details will follow. Call Kitty Rohrer at (614) 282-3932 with any questions about the sale.
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Click below to read the On a Mission! monthly news. In this month’s news you can find more information about:
- Our Easter special offering will be split between two deserving organizations: Little Bottoms Free Store and Healing Art Missions. Get a glimpse of these two programs in the newsletter.
- In the Heart to Heart update this month, we learn about Period Poverty and the importance of our upcoming Feminine Hygiene drive on March 17.
- Our Refugee Ministry shares updates on the three families currently being supported and a thank you to the congregation.
- The Share and Learn Garden volunteer group is gearing up for the growing season with their first meeting on March 19. See more about this ministry’s purpose and learn about the volunteer opportunity.
- The Trading Post is overflowing with unique and low cost items for sale. The White Bag sale starts next week!
- The Deep Griha team will host a dinner on March 8 with keynote speaker Jason Barger. Read more and register.
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by Rick Greene, Mission Finance Team Member
Over forty years ago, Gayla Cooper felt reluctant to spend even one day ministering to children in a Tijuana orphanage. However, after meeting a group of children from a Mexican facility, Gayla’s heart was touched so deeply that she decided to pack her bags and move to work in Mexico full-time.
Meanwhile, Scott Congdon traveled to the very same orphanage with a community service group from his college. The children had such a profound impact on Scott that when he returned home, he began collecting food and clothing for the children and later returned to deliver the collected items.
Scott and Gayla soon discovered they shared the same dream of ministering alongside people experiencing poverty in Mexico. In March of 1980, Scott and Gayla founded Amor Ministries. They recruited their first ministry group to participate in a building project at a Tecate orphanage that fall.
Scott and Gayla were married a year later, and four more mission teams traveled to Mexico with Amor. Today, the ministry continues living out the Congdon’s initial calling and builds homes alongside families daily.
Over the years (excluding the Covid pandemic era), FCC has sent many volunteers on 24 Mexico trips, resulting in the completion of 183 homes. The 2024 trip is set for March 19 – 27. The 37 participants (15 adults, 18 youth, and four college-age) will build three homes there.
There are two ways to make donations to help fund this trip.
- Donate directly, which is tax-deductible, and all donations go directly to supporting participants and building materials.
- Purchase a Flower-a-Month card for $75, which gets you a bouquet each month from Bloomtastic Florist for a year, and the Mexico Trip receives $25.
Please visit for donation links and more information on this mission project.
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Dr. John Weigand to Speak on the Importance of Sleep at Lunch & Learn Event at Noon, Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in Grace Hall
Back by popular demand and in preparation for daylight savings time, Dr. John Weigand will return to First Community to share his expertise on the importance of sleep in a presentation titled, “Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep: Understanding the Third of Our Lives Spent With Our Eyes Closed.”
Please join us in Grace Hall at First Community North for this luncheon event, with arrival requested at 11:45 am on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. RSVP to Jane Torbica at or call (614) 488-0681, ext. 235, by Friday, March 1.
Our guest presenter, Dr. John Weigand, a gerontologist and expert on aging, spoke last November on the various aspects of the aging brain and memory loss. He is the Medical Director at the Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Department of Aging. Dr. Weigand has also served as the Chief Medical Officer at National Church Residences. He has received many honors, including the Ohio Commendation Medal presented by Governor Mike DeWine for his effective work managing COVID-19 responses in Ohio, especially for older adults.
This event is presented by the Older Adult Ministry Team and sponsored by First Community Foundation.
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We hope to see you at the Children and Youth Team’s annual Easter Eggstravaganza on Saturday, March 30 at 10 am outside the Rose Wing at First Community North.
There will be an egg hunt, dance for candy, and a photo opportunity. This fun family event is open to all children, toddlers through grade 5, and their parents. The event will be held outside and canceled only for extreme weather. Be sure your child is dressed appropriately.
The Easter Eggstravaganza is free, but please register here by Thursday, March 28 to reserve a spot. We will send a reminder to families who are registered with details a few days before the event.
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What is the Bible? Why do we say we take it seriously, not literally? It’s true-- This 2600-year-old collection of stories, poetry, and letters is full of wisdom and teachings that have a whole lot to do with you and me in the 21st century! We just need to know how to read it and engage with it—both are meant to be done together in community! Join Rev. Mary Kate Buchanan and Judy Westman for Bible 101, Sunday mornings at 9-9:45 am before worship in Burkhart Chapel. Bring your own Bible or download the free BibleGateway app to your phone and select the New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVUE) as your default Bible.
Advance registration is requested. Please email or call Jane Torbica, (614) 488-0681, Ext. 235
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Church or Foundation.
Click here to securely give online.
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Pastoral Care Links and Church Gifts | | | | |