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March Newsletter

The Center’s very first musical, Quilters, opens March 8th!

Dear Friends of the Arts,

February was an exhilarating month with so many activities going on at the Center that we almost needed traffic control! Rehearsal space was shared by the Will-O'-the Wisp, Quilters, and Forest Stone casts, sometimes having two shows rehearsing at one time (one in the theater and one in the classroom), and this week three art shows (Regional art, Galena Roots and the Student gallery) all changing out to welcome the Broad Ideas exhibit. It's wonderful to see the whole space in action.

There is so much to see and do at the Center, and I hope you will visit us frequently. We are excited about presenting Quilters, our first musical, and all the Broad Ideas events are always fun and inspiring. We are also amping up our art classes and artist opportunities. There's something for everyone.

Looking forward to seeing you!


In Memoriam

This month has been a sad one for our artist family. We have lost three artists who will always be dear to us, and we will miss them greatly.

Eric Faramus





Eric Faramus, surrealist painter and graphic designer, lived in Galena for many years and frequently exhibited artwork at the Center before he moved to Washington state in 2016. His work was represented in our recent Galena Roots exhibit.

Diann Marsh was an accomplished oil painter and was one of the founding members of the Galena Center for the Arts.

Without her guidance and support and constant encouragement, there would be no Center for the Arts in Galena.

Jac Tilton inspired art students in Galena for many years, and regularly submitted wonderful art for our regional gallery exhibits. We are grateful to Jac and his family, who have chosen the Center to be one of the recipients of memorial donations in Jac's name.

Become a Member!

Did you know you can become a member,

renew your membership, or donate online?


To learn more about membership options and benefits click.


To donate online click or send your check to:

The Galena Center for the Arts

971 Gear Street, Galena, Illinois 61036.

Center Open Hours

The Center will be open from 1 to 4pm on

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

through the month of March.


Beginning in April the Center will extend the open hours to

11am to 4pm throughout the summer months on the same days.

Click here for the Center's Calendar

Current Exhibits

Broad Ideas

Opening Reception & Exhibit

Friday, March 1, 5 to 7pm

Broad’s Planning Committee

L to R: Cindy Tegtmeyer, Carole Sullivan, Kate Miller, Irene Thraen-Borowski, Cathie Elsbree, Jen Nottrott, Connie Warnsing, Nancy Schuldt.

Join us at the unveiling of Year 7's visual arts exhibit! As always, it's the best party in town. Enjoy the art, light refreshments, cash bar, music of Robin and Ted, and without a doubt, wonderful Broad conversations!


Free childcare provided by licensed childcare volunteers.

Check for more information.


Our exhibit opening kicks off a month-long, inclusive,

feminist celebration of artists, poets, and musicians. 


The exhibit can be enjoyed through March 24, 2024,

during gallery hours, Thursdays through Sundays.

Current Events


by Molly Newman and Barbara Damashek

7pm March 8, 9, and 14, 15, 16

2pm March 10 and 17

In wonderful scenes of storytelling and song, we are introduced to strong women who created quilts not just for survival, but also as a form of art. These women lived 150 years ago, but many parts of their lives, loves and struggles are relevant today.

Cast includes Standing Left: Lisa Anderson; Clockwise from top: Hannah Von Mulert, Moira Kelley, Christen Tebbe, Jennifer Wolff and Melissa Goranson. Directed by Carole Sullivan; Music Director Susan Lipnick; Set Design by Jan Lavacek; Choreography by Christen Tebbe.

A quilt collection will also be on display in the lobby of the theater during the run of the play. Click for tickets!

Calling all volunteers! We’re in search of ushers for our musical production of Quilters. Signing up is easy: click, pick a time and fill in your information. Don’t forget, ushers attend our performances free of charge. Thank you!

Broad Ideas CommUNITY Drum Circle Event by

Galena Sound Sanctuary

Tuesday, March 19, 6pm

The Drum Circle is a free event all about creating harmony, both in music and with one another. It’s a community, family-friendly rhythm party that is open to EVERYONE of all ages and no previous musical or drumming experience is needed.

Please bring your own drum and/or percussive instrument if you have one. We’ll also have instruments available to play.

Together with facilitator Theresa Larsen and the Driftless Drummers, we’ll explore traditional drumming rhythms, the rhythms of words and affirmations, and the free-flow rhythms of connection.

Please sign up in advance so we know you’re coming!

Songwriters Showcase

Broad Ideas

Thursday, March 21, 7pm

The Broad Ideas Songwriters Showcase brings together a diverse group of amazingly talented women performers, and is always a favorite. Don't miss it!

Broad Ideas Spoken Word Closing Show

Wednesday, March 27, 7pm

Broad Ideas will close its 7th year with a powerful evening that will make you laugh, cry and everything in between. Essayists and poets will share their stories on stage at the Galena Center for the Arts. A reception will be held following the readings, giving everyone the chance to meet the authors, discuss their stories, and get a last look at the visual art still on display in the gallery.

Free childcare is available, provided by licensed childcare volunteers. Check out for more information.

The Broads sharing their story for Spoken Word, 2023

Upcoming Classes

Guided Open Studio

Still Life Painting

Sandra Principe will facilitate an Open Studio beginning on March 11 from 1 to 3pm continuing every other week through April. See below for details.

  • Every other Monday 1 to 3pm, beginning on Monday, March 11.
  • Practice the principles of drawing and painting in these facilitated classes (not instructed).
  • Bring your own supplies and reference material.
  • All mediums welcome, but please avoid products that emit toxic fumes.
  • Cost: 5 dollars a class for members, 10 dollars for non-members.
  • Initial trial period of four sessions: March 11, 25, April 8, 22.
  • Studio open to beginners as well as seasoned artists.
  • A still life will be set up for the first session; afterward, upon request.
  • Sessions will offer brief instruction and feedback as desired.

Wolf Wood Burning Class

Due to the popularity of the first wood burning class, the Center is offering another class; however, this time students will wood burn a wolf. This class will be held on Saturday, March 13 from noon to 3:30pm.

Marie McDonough will once again be teaching the class. The cost is $85. which includes all supplies needed. Click to register and pay for the class on the Center website. Class maximum: 10.

Figure Drawing

A reminder that the next figure drawing session will be Thursday, March 14 from 5 to 7pm and will be held thereafter on the second Thursday of each month. Do not miss this opportunity to sketch a live model for only $10. Session facilitated by K. Kriesel.

Click For more information.

Relief Carving and Printmaking

Come join us for a day of relief carving and printmaking. Create your own designs and carve them into soft linoleum material. From the carvings, you will ink-print your designs onto cards and beautiful papers. Jennifer Mally, who has extensive education and experience in the arts, will teach the class.

The class will be held on Saturday, April 20 from 11am to 3pm. The cost is $50. The instructor will provide all the supplies needed. Click to see the Center website for additional information about the class / instructor and to register. Class maximum: 15.

Intermediate Watercolor

Those who attended Barbara Mathews Beginning Watercolor class last year had a fun time and went home with several finished watercolors. So, she is returning to teach an Intermediate Watercolor class. The class will be held on Thursday, April 25 and Friday, April 26 from 9am to 4pm both days with an hour for lunch. The cost is $180. Click to see the Center website for additional information, the supply list, and to register. Class maximum: 12

Coming Events

Upcoming Gallery Exhibit

Two talented Dubuque artists will be featured in the Special Exhibit gallery for the April / May show: Barbara Heitzman and Pamela Hiatt.

Receiving numerous awards in Bluff Strokes Paint Out as well as State and Regional competitions, Barbara paints primarily with pastels, although she experiments with other mediums. She is a retired instructor from the University of Northern Iowa where she taught Expressive Arts and elementary creative

A Memory by Barbara Heitzman

drama. When plein air painting, Barbara says she tries to “capture the essence of what [she observes] but also go beyond realistic local color and use imaginative color juxtapositions and texture.”

Yellow Roses and Lavender

by Pamela Hiatt

One could hardly believe that Pamela only began painting after retiring from the Post Office by looking at her work, but she has devoted herself to the art of oil painting. Pamela has shown her work at various local venues and online. According to Pamela, she is “inspired by the play and flow of light on any given subject and strive[s] to breathe life into [her] paintings using color and brushstrokes to lead the eye.”

Both she and Barbara are members of the Plein Air Painters of Dubuque and have shown their work at various locations in the past. We look forward to highlighting these two amazing artists!

The Regional Arts gallery will once again feature an eclectic array of art as it is open to whatever artists choose to submit. The date for the Opening Reception will be on Saturday, April 6 from 4 to 6pm. Plan to attend!

Studio Spotlight

Steve Larson

Light attracted Steve to stained glass art. He has always loved to watch the way light dances on water. And when he first began his artistic journey into stained glass in 1983, he “loved to see what the glass [did] in the light.” Steve has done numerous commissioned pieces - for churches, bars, restaurants as well as people’s homes.

His better paying job was working for Caterpillar as a mechanical engineer and, later, as a professor teaching math and engineering courses at IL Central, which he enjoyed. Additionally, he taught a stained-glass course at a studio for a year.

Now, in retirement, he appreciates his studio which enables him “to get away from all the distractions.” What does he love about his craft? He responds, “The craftmanship requires precision; yet, it is very relaxing.” Patterns intrigue Steve, and he loves “coming up with original designs.”

We welcome Steve to our community of studio artists!

Save the Dates

April 3 – Galena NAHS Art Opening “Escaping Reality”

April 6 – Art Opening featuring Barbara Heitzman & Pamela Hiatt and Regional Art

April 6 – River Glen and Sophie Coyote with Joel Sires Trio

April 13, 14 – “Forest Stone" Children’s Play

April 18 – Songwriters Showcase Don Greenwood, Scott Stieber & Thomas Burns

April 21 – Sunday Salon “Tunes and Tales” Evelyn Dias piano program for children

May 2,3,4,5 – Spring Radio Play “You Can’t Take it With You”

May 16 – Songwriters Showcase Scott Cornwell and Roy Schroedl

May 24 – Ralph Hepola Jazz Concert

Recent Activities at the Center

The Old Lady Shows Her Medals

Early February’s table reading of The Old Lady Shows Her Medals

Songwriters Showcase

Our Songwriters Showcase audience was charmed by music

offered by Addison Aronson and Jody McGill.


February’s charming play, Will-O’-the-Wisp, featured

Ted Williams, Robyn Davis and Leah Morgan.

Our Unique Sameness

Our Unique Sameness, a collective art show from the high school students of East Dubuque, Galena, River Ridge, Scales Mound, Stockton, and CTE Academy.

In the photo, art teachers from the area schools at the opening. L to R: Dorothy Ramey, Rhonda Ransom, Sarah Wendt, Irene Thraen-Borowski, Tai Thew.

Galena Roots Exhibit

Galena Roots artist Jerry Kaiser visits with reception guests

Click here for the Center's Calendar

Corporate Spotlight

We welcome two new corporate members:

Bauer McCoy Insurance and Jordan Mentoring!

With locations in Galena, Stockton and Elizabeth, Bauer-McCoy Insurance provides commercial, personal, life, and health insurance in Northwestern Illinois.

Jordan Mentoring, run by Carol Jordan, has over 35 years’ experience:

Developing Leaders in Business.

Culvers Share Night

The Broads had fun serving meals at Culver's Share Night, bringing in over $400 for Broad Ideas events and scholarships. Thank you, Culver's!

L to R: Cindy Tegtmeyer, Carole Sullivan, Irene Thraen-Borowski,

Connie Warnsing, Nancy Schuldt.


Don't forget that when you make a purchase at Poopsie's, if you name the Center as your non-profit choice, we will get a percentage of that sale as a donation from Poopsie's! Thank you, Poopsie's!


  • Lisa Anderson
  • Gary & Gail Appel
  • Patty Kelly Boggs
  • Chris Canelake
  • John & Bonnie Cox
  • Nicole Deisinger
  • B'Ann & Dan Dittmar
  • Cathy Dorwick
  • Janet Eggleston
  • Julie Eggleston
  • Cathie Elsbree
  • Corwin Emery
  • Mark & Sheila Haman
  • Betsy Hansen
  • Jayne Hartley
  • Emily Huppert
  • Theresa & Phil Jackman
  • Ron Jenkins
  • Bonnielynn & Kim Kreiser
  • Susan Lipnick
  • Courtney Lomax-Moser
  • Kate Miller
  • Rose Noble
  • Jen Nottrott
  • Pam Powers
  • Dorothy Ramey
  • Rhonda Ransom
  • Gladys Ressler
  • Marion Roberts
  • Brian & Lisa Schoenrock
  • Nancy Schuldt
  • Carole Sullivan
  • Deb & Michele Sullivan
  • Cindy Tegtmeyer
  • Tai Thew
  • Irene Thraen-Borowksi
  • Dennis Waltman
  • Connie Warnsing
  • Lenny Wayne
  • Sara Wentz
  • Lynn Werner
  • Sandy Winge


  • 8.5” x 11” Printer Paper
  • Volunteers to usher or help with food prep for openings


Time to get involved! We still need greeters for the gallery and volunteers to help with serving at openings, ushering at music and theatre events, garden maintenance, painting, and more!


If you would like to help out as a greeter, please go to and scroll down to choose the dates you would like to help. It’s not hard, and it’s so much fun to meet other art lovers and show off our wonderful new space. For other volunteer opportunities, email Carole.

Thanks so much!

All River Road Talent hosts a monthly art drive the first weekend of each month. All River Road Talent is a synergy of artists building a cultural and visitor awareness of artistic talent in the Galena region of Northwest Illinois. The next ARRT tour is March 1 - 3.

Please Donate

Please help us to advance our mission to

elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.

To donate online click, or send your check to:

The Galena Center for the Arts

971 Gear Street, Galena, Illinois 61036

(815) 402-3111

Click for the Center Website

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This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

This program is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

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Thanks so much for your support of the Galena Center for the Arts!

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Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman