Please send any newsletter submissions to by Tuesday at 5:00 pm. | |
This Sunday, October 1, 2023
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with Rev. Karen Armina
Let’s celebrate our congregation and the beautiful life-affirming faith tradition we’re part of! There will be lots of singing, sharing of stories, and opportunities to get engaged with our mission and work.
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The Share the Plate for Sept. 24 and Oct. 1 is Wheels for Winners, a local all volunteer run non-profit that fixes up used bicycles and gives them away, along with a helmet and lock, to children and adults who have done some sort of community service. These bikes provide critical transportation to school, jobs and community events for many low income persons, immigrants and teens. Thanks to Kelly Kearns for nominating them.
Please nominate a local organization for our Share the Plate Program!
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Our October theme: The Gift of Heritage | |
Our October theme reminds us that we’re part of a sacred chain, always in contact with something larger than ourselves- our history. In this space, you’ll find a new invitation into reflection every week.
Check-in question: What story told by (or about) your ancestors has shaped you the most?
Some people are your relatives, but others are your ancestors, and you choose the ones you want to have as ancestors. You create yourself out of [their] values.
-- Ralph Ellison
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What's Happening in Our Congregation | |
Minister's Musings
Dear Ones, it seems that autumn has finally (and suddenly) arrived! I’m watching the leaves begin to show the colors that have been hidden behind their green, and I’m enjoying the crispness of fresh apples and fall air. Seasonal transition is really apparent in this place at this time, and my Pagan heart knows this season as a sacred opportunity to reflect on the transitions in my own life...(read more)
I would love to meet with you! Please come by during office hours (click the button below to see those) or send me an email to set up an appointment for another time.
And, as always, please call or text if you have a pastoral emergency.
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Religious Education and Family Ministry
This Sunday- Our multigenerational revival service followed by classes for everyone!
Children grades PK-5: RE class in the front classroom
Middle school aged youth: Our Whole Lives in the youth room following the service
Adults and high school aged youth: Writing Your Elevator Speech in the library with Rev. Karen
Please contact Genevieve at for more information on any of our programming.
Next Sunday-
Multigenerational worship, followed by collaborative youth group (ages 13 and up) in the Reeb youth room
Offerings for Adults and High School Youth
With Rev. Karen
“The Shared Pulpit” course for adults- ask Karen for details
“Writing Your UU Elevator Speech” for adults and high school youth on Sunday, October 1
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Music Ministry
Jennifer is currently away on their honeymoon and will be returning to work on Monday October 2. For this Sunday's service, music will be led by Reeb's fabulous folk music group. All music will be participatory! Come, sing, and revive your spirit!
The Sacred Breath Choir is trying to track down all of our choir folders. Do you have a choir folder at home and no plans to return to choir in the near future? Please bring it to Reeb and leave it on the table in the staff office. If you have a folder at home but plan to come to choir eventually, please email Jennifer to notify them of your folder number! Thank you!
Are you good at organizing and/or data entry? If you would like to support the music ministry, but are not able to commit to weekly choir rehearsal, contact Jennifer at about ways you can assist with filing and updating the Choir Inventory doc.
This Sunday’s shared music:
“Down to the River to Pray,” traditional
“Joy to the World” by Hoyt Wayne Axton
“This Little Light of Mine” hymn #118
“If I Had a Hammer” by Pete Seeger and Lee Hays
“Come Sing a Song with Me” hymn #346
“We’re Gonna Sit at the Welcome Table” hymn #408
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Offering and Receiving Connection, Support, and Spiritual Practice | |
Meditation With Friends - Will resume today, Wednesday 9/27 at 6:30-7:00 pm (Beginners Welcome)
Sacred Breath Choir - Thursdays 7:00-8:30 pm, contact Music Director Jennifer Hedstrom at
Journaling Group - Currently on hold
Building Our Racial Awareness Open Discussions - Breaking for the summer, contact Jeanette Clawson
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Announcements & Upcoming Events | |
Meet Our New Office Administrator!
Hi, my name is Tony Hebblethwaite. I’m very excited to join James Reeb UU Congregation as your new office administrator. I recently moved to Madison, Wisconsin from Phoenix, Arizona. I look forward to greeting you in person on Sunday morning.
I'll be in the office on:
Wednesdays at 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Fridays at 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Sundays at 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
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Celebration of the Life of Ken Ragland, Sunday October 1 at 2:00 pm
This service will be held in the Landmark Auditorium at First Unitarian Society of Madison (900 University Bay Drive). Please contact Rev. Karen if you’d like to carpool.
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Website Tip of the Week - Themes
Wondering what next month’s theme will be? You can find out here, or go to the Worship tab or menu option and then choose Monthly Themes. This page also list past themes, and links to services with recordings about that topic. It’s great way to explore ideas or find inspiration.
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Seeking Folks with a Welcoming Attitude
Do you have a winning smile? Are you up to the job of making newcomers and old-timers feel they belong? If so, consider being a greeter on Sunday mornings. The membership Team is looking for people to help greet, especially on the first or second Sundays of the month. If you are interested, please contact Elaine Morrison. She will make sure you get the instruction you need.
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Upcoming folk music gatherings!
You're invited to join our weekly folk music gathering. Next session is:
Saturday, September 30, 2pm
In addition, we will play the music for the October 1 Revival Service! All are welcome to come any or all of those Saturdays, and to sing/play with us on Sunday, October 1 at 10am.
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MOSES/WISDOM Public Action - Tuesday, October 10, 12-1 PM
We will be holding a public action on the steps of the State Capitol protesting the inhumane, destructive, and harmful "lockdown" practices of the Department of Corrections at its various institutions. We will be calling on the Governor, the State Legislature, and the Department of Corrections to take immediate and decisive action to address this human rights crisis through reducing the prison population and reinvesting taxpayer resources into community alternatives.
Contact Joan Kemble at 860-796-8746 to arrange carpooling from Reeb. See WISDOM for registration and details.
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Camp-out at Lake Farm Park! October 14 - 15
Join us for time in nature, a shared campfire, biking over the bridge to McFarland, and/or overnight camping if you are so inclined, at the Group Campsite right on the lake, beyond Shelter #3 at Lake Farm Park. Watch your newsletter for more details to come!
Saturday, October 14th: All invited for Potluck Supper and Campfire (Overnight Camping is optional)
Sunday, October 15th: All can join potluck breakfast at the campsite before worship. Then head back to Reeb at 10am for a service and workshop on reparations with the Rev. Kerri Parker.
Contact Kelly Kearns for more information and to sign up
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Save the date - Exploring Membership Class will be Saturday, November 4 from 10-2:30
Anyone new to JRUUC, long term friend or even members wanting to know more about JRUUC and UU history are welcome to attend. To sign up or get more info, contact Kelly Kearns or Mary Wagner. Read more or sign up here.
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Reeb Rave 2023 is on Saturday, November 11
In person at Reeb 5:30-8:30, or on Zoom 6-8:30
Suggested donation - $10 per person or $25 for a family
This will be a hybrid event. The in-person event includes dinner, live entertainment and online auction bidding. For those people who do not wish to attend in person we will live-stream the event, including entertainment on Zoom, and online auction bidding will still be available.
We are seeking volunteers to help with the event, including providing entertainment, helping setup and cleanup, preparing dinner and helping with the auction. We are also soliciting suggestions for a theme. Current ideas include ‘Who are my Heroes’ and ‘Fairy\Folk Tales’.
Items and services can be donated to our auction now using the online donation form. Donations can include all kinds of things like household and sports items, tools, art, dinner parties, vacation stays in cabins, help with yard work or snow removal, outdoor excursions, pet-sitting etc. Donation ideas can also be found on the donation form. Links to this years catalog will be posted on our website and in an upcoming newsletter.
If you have any ideas or suggestions please contact Tom McClintock.
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What's Happening in Our Community | |
Urban Triage Unhoused Youth Initiative Drive
September 11 - October 6, 2023
Urban Triage strives to end youth homelessness though their transitional housing services: Youth- Headed Family Shelter, Scattered Transitional Housing Units, Rapid Rehousing, and Youth Drop-In Center. You can support their initiative by contributing household items to either a drop off bin near you or checkout their Amazon Wish List. View the wish list here.
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A Message from UUA President: “Welcome, in this Season of Return”
The Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, elected UUA President at General Assembly in June 2023, offers a message of welcome at the start of a new congregational year for Unitarian Universalists. Rev. Dr. Betancourt also invites all UUs into a shared ministry together to reimagine the workings and expressions of Unitarian Universalist faith, while holding onto the traditions, theology, and commitments that have made us who we are.
Watch the video message here
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Click the banner to learn what you can do to promote social justice along with our national organization. | | Abortion, Anti-Racism, Reparations, Restorative Justice, Medicare | |
Click the banner to learn how you can get involved in getting out the vote.
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Do you have an announcement for our congregation?
Please send it to and submit by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays - earlier if possible!
Please specify where you would like it listed by writing
Sunday Announcement and/or Weekly and/or Website in the subject line of your email
Our office is the central point of contact for all Reeb communications.
Please send your questions to
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