[2 minute read, links and further stories attached]
Thank you for joining us this week for stories from supervised and recognized global workers, First EMC, church planters in Romania, pastoral training networks in Mexico, and mission mobilizers in Canada. When listed this way, it is a beautiful picture of how collaborative our shared mission to declare and display Christ together can be.
As a final encouragement, let's return to Monday and receive this question from Michael Oh, CEO of Lausanne Global, as an encouragement.
"What if instead of saying to each other 'I don't need you', we said to one another 'I need you'? Let us all take up our part in the whole body of Christ for the whole world."
Re-read the invitation in Ephesians 4: 11-16, as you listen to Jesus and consider how He is asking you to participate as part of His global church today.
Grace and peace,