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NIA Hot Topics

October 2023

Welcome to the October edition of NIA Hot Topics, Naples Improvement Association's eNews communication.

NIA Hot Topics is distributed 1-2 weeks following the NIA's monthly board meetings. Hot Topics shares quick updates on Naples happenings, NIA business, and announcements.

Feedback? Send comments to Steve Pruitt at:

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In this issue:

  • In the Know
  • Naples Newsletter Milestones
  • Garden Club Fundraiser
  • Naples Ready Fest
  • Veteran's Day Ceremony
  • Neighborhood Watch
  • Upcoming Naples Calendar
  • Check if your NIA Membership is Up-To-Date!

This Hot Topics section has local news that may be of interest to Naples Residents and help us all stay involved. Click the links for more info.

Belmont Beach and Aquatics Center Project

Last Tuesday, the City Council authorize City Manager to proceed with the design, permitting, and bidding for the revised Project design “Option 1” recommended by City staff; and Authorize the City Manager to execute all documents necessary to amend the contract for design services for the Belmont Beach and Aquatics Center Project. There is much concern by residents on the slimmed down version which is moving forward. This paragraph from the linked document explains:


On August 31, 2022, the California State Legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 1137, which would have a significant impact on the City’s oil-related revenue, particularly in the Tidelands area. SB 1137 establishes a 3,200-foot health and safety zone around new and reworked existing oil wells and prohibits drilling of new wells and improvements to existing wells within that radius, which affects a significant portion of the City’s oil operations in the Tidelands and Uplands areas. SB 1137 accelerates the City’s transition away from oil production, which was planned for 2035. Simply put, as a result of SB 1137 the resulting oil operations cannot support either the operating or the capital requirements of the previously approved Project without significant modifications. As such, staff worked with Project architects, engineers, and aquatics experts to reduce the Project’s costs and align it with expected revenues moving forward. The new law was slated to take effect in January 2023; however, private interests qualified the bill for a veto referendum on the Statewide ballot scheduled for November 2024. Whether upheld or repealed, and despite the challenges encountered, the City is steadfast and committed to delivering an inspiring facility for all age groups that will engage, instruct, and train our public aquatics users, while providing equitable access to recreational water space for the larger Long Beach community in a fiscally sustainable way. More info HERE.

2nd & PCH Transportation Taskforce Launched to Improve Coordination between City of Long Beach and Caltrans

The 2nd & PCH Transportation Taskforce will convene representatives from the City of Long Beach and Caltrans to make short-term adjustments including updating signal timing and improve communication on capital projects that impact the 2nd and PCH intersection. More info HERE.


Submissions for "Naples Milestones" in Naples News are due by Wednesday, November 1. These announcements should fall within the last 4 months, including July 1 - October 31, 2023. Send news of island-related births, weddings and passings to


For births, please include:

Parents' names

Child's name

Date of birth

Street name

Photo of child or child and parents


For marriages, please include:

Names of the couple as they would like them to appear in print

Date of marriage

Street name

Photo of the couple


For passings, please include:


Date of passing

Up to 150 words 

Street name

Photo of the beloved

Naples Islands Garden Club will host its annual Veterans Day ceremony honoring our Islands’ Veterans. We invite all local veterans and neighbors to attend this special service so that these courageous men and women can be honored with heartfelt appreciation. It is hoped that some of our beloved and cherished WWll veterans will be in attendance.

Let’s see if we can top the nearly 50 veterans in attendance in the past! Please join us and invite a friend!

Veterans Day, Saturday November 11th

La Bella Fontana, 8:30 a.m. coffee and donuts

9:00 a.m. Service with special guest speaker, Kristina Duggan, 3rd District Councilmember 

Linda Pillsbury and Lynne Clarke Co-Chairs

BE ALERT when out walking, biking, or jogging! There have been several attacks by aggressive / erratic individuals near 2nd and PCH and Belmont Shore. Use common sense and stay away from folks that look like they could be trouble. Follow your instinct - it's usually RIGHT! Check the next issue of Naples Magazine for more tips.


HOLIDAYS bring thieves to our area. Be sure you are lit up dusk to dawn, front and back, and locked up house and car!

Upcoming NIA and Naples EVENTS 

Gatherings, Meetings and Celebrations!

Go to the website HERE to see the whole calendar!

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• Nov 4 - Naples READY Fest

• Nov 8 - NIA Annual Meeting

• Nov 11 - Veteran's Day Ceremony

Holiday Theme: Christmas Around the World

Dec 11&12, 5pm - Holiday Decor Judging

• Dec 16 - Christmas Boat Parade

• Dec 17 - Spark of Love - Joy of Giving Toy Donations

• Jan 17, 2024 - NIA Installation/Awards Dinner

"Is my NIA Membership


Not sure if you renewed your membership this year?


to view our list of active members.

Membership runs June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024

Questions or Help Registering?

Contact Tony Digiovanni at


NIA Mission

Promote • Unite • Improve

The mission of the NIA is to promote and protect the interests and welfare of the Naples community, particularly in regards to public improvements, public utilities and all other governmental related activities; to unite the property owners and residents for the purposes of developing and improving the civic and social interests and activities; and to partner with other organizations and associations whose missions are similar to those of the NIA.