Join Kitsap Republicans at one or more events!
We still need election observers to help us monitor the General Election as well as people willing to help make phone calls to encourage Republicans to turn in their ballots.
Executive Board Member Reports
Juliana McMahan, Chair
We had 55 PCOs and volunteers sign-up to address over 10,000 Sample Republican Ballot postcards! That’s very impressive! We also posted a printable version of the sample ballot on our website.
The performance of our Sample Republican ballot postcards for the Primary Election attracted attention from the state and other counties. In our county Republicans who received our mailing voted 11% more than the general population (56% vs. 45%). Six other counties replicated what we did for the general election.
The very close primary race for Public Land’s Commissioner is a reminder to us all that every vote counts. If anyone tells you that your vote doesn’t count – that is not true!!
The newly elected PCOs met on September 23 to plan for the KCRP Organization Meeting scheduled for December 14, 2024. It’s not too late to volunteer if you are interested in helping.
Our current volunteer efforts are focused on getting everyone possible to submit their ballot. If you know if anyone who hasn't voted yet, please encourage them to turn in their ballot as soon as possible. You can check on the status of your ballot online at votewa.gov.
Sean Murphy, Vice Chair
We have some real momentum here at the county level to build a training platform for our candidates lead by John Johanson. Everyone needs to be thinking hard about their school board elections next year. He believes the school board position is the most important elected position. We need to have a plan to take back the education of our children, and turn the country around with a steady, solid plan moving forward.
John Cameron, State Committeeman
He is happy to see that WSRP is working to bring more PCOs into the fold. They’ve hired a director, Ashley Ray, to help facilitate PCO support and have put together an online PCO portal. The new system will allow us to get the items and information faster than ever before, give all PCOs the same quality support, and allow county and Legislative District Committees to focus on what matters most!
Federal elections are important, but where we can effect real change is right here. We can change the nation by changing our backyard.
Elizabeth Doll, State Committeewoman
The Roanoke Conference is coming up at the end of January. They have a fabulous keynote speaker planned. If you want to meet anyone who is anyone in Washington State politics, you should attend the Roanoke Conference. Basically, they are all Republicans, you will learn a ton of stuff, and you’ll have a blast!
Shelly McKinley-Olson, Treasurer
You never know who you’ll meet when door knocking. It might not be that you’re persuading someone at that moment about, but just planting a seed in their head, that maybe it’s the democrat stuff that is the problem, and if they try something different maybe they’ll get a different result. Door knocking may seem a little scary, but when you get out there it isn’t. People are generally pretty nice people, and it’s fun to talk with them.
Linda Popp, Secretary & GOTV Committee Chair
She has been doing a lot of door knocking. On one occasion she was able to help a blind couple connect with resources in the Auditor’s office so they can use an ADA machine. You never know who you’re going to meet at the doors and if you’ll be able to help someone. It’s always so worthwhile and rewarding.
She encouraged people to sign up for Leadership Institute Trainings. If you’ve never taken any of their classes, they are very good (and free)!
She attended the Drew MacEwen/Emily Randall Eggs & Issues. Drew kept his composure despite the things Emily was saying. He told me that it’s really hard to smile when Emily is talking.
She canvassed with Jessica and company up in the Vinland area of Poulsbo. A big thank you to all of you who have been going out and making a difference with our neighbors.
In conversations with Dan Griffey, our 35th LD Representative, she has gotten info about Tarra Simmons (since he’s on the Crime and Safety Committee with her). He was so informative. She also watched several videos on TVW of committee meetings with Tara Simmons. These are very difficult to watch and the frustration is palpable. If there is a Democrat Amendment the vote is always YAY, and if it’s a Republican Amendment the vote is always NAY.
Jamie Miles, Bainbridge Island
She participated in Eggs & Issues at the Cloverleaf, the Candidate Day event at Olympic College, the Hansville Candidate Night forum, and was on Outlaw Radio. Being a candidate has kept her very busy.
During the Olympic College even someone shouted at her for her religion. They didn’t shout at any other candidates. It was obviously planned, and they used masks to hide their identity.
John Johanson, Bremerton & Candidate Resources Committee Chair
He would like to create some kind of streamlined course where we have everything a candidate needs for their campaign.
He got to see Alex Stein—who’s on Blaze TV—when he went to the University of Washington about a week ago. It was really good. He got to chat with the Turning Point USA group. He would like to see us get more participation from them in the Kitsap County region in the future.
Janell Hulst, North Kitsap
She is thankful that we have a lot of signs going up for the Vote No NK School District Bond.
Francis Doyle, South Kitsap & Election Integrity Committee Chair
He has been volunteering to be part of Dr. Jamie’s security crew during events.
The last SK School Board Meeting was a study session, where they did an overview of how they’re going to handle disruptions in the classroom, unusual events in school, verbal confrontations that lead to physical abuse, or disrespect for others. They have a training platform they’re going to teach teachers how to deal with confrontational kids. They want everyone to belong, and to be treated with respect, but at the same time they don’t want to adhere to any discipline that would make a child understand that they’re doing something wrong and that there are consequences. Instead of expelling kids, they are going to do everything they can to accommodate the disciplinary lack of character. Schools are supposed to be for learning. Folks should be going to the school board meetings to learn what is going on. It’s not going to get any better until we get some Republicans elected. It’s important to get out and vote.
Volunteers Needed!
If you have been looking for opportunities to volunteer, now is a great time! We now have a special webpage where you can sign-up to help with upcoming volunteer needs. Please visit https://www.kitsaprepublicans.com/event-signup to learn about current opportunities.
Volunteer to help on one of the many KCRP Committees. Learn more about them at https://www.kitsaprepublicans.com/committees.
Thoughts and stray input
You cain't fix stoopid, but you can vote it out. – seen on a bumper sticker
FNC carries frequent stories about how governors of various states are purging their voting rolls of non-citizens and the dead. In one case over a million illegitimate voters were removed off the rolls.
The SAVE act is now attached to the next Federal funding bill. The SAVE act would pretty much end voter fraud across the country. Write your Federal representative if you have comments for them.
One KCRP member logged into Trump Talk (via Zoom) and had this report: "Trump Force" is fun! It was exciting using tech to try and harness the noble art of canvassing from the comfort of one's own home. I got a big kick out of "earning your Trump trading card" that sort of stuff is a lot of fun too. If I was reading it correctly, Republicans from ANY state can call one of the targeted swing states. We have come a long way from the days of hot-lines, but essentially none of YOUR information goes out, caller ID on the other end comes up as a campaign number. The facilitator (presenter) seemed very knowledgeable and kept my interest for quite a while.
Main website: swampthevoteusa.com
Bidenomics in action: The Climate Commitment Act (https://climate.wa.gov)
This Act is up for repeal by public referendum, Initiative 2117
The argument against the "Climate Commitment Act" is that, no matter how you slice it, the cost is to the businessman, and they in turn pass this along to the consumer, which is driving our prices up and destroying our economy!
The Kitsap County Commissioner meeting of August 26 was heavily attended by developers and the Kitsap Ecology Coalition (and associates) regarding an amendment to the GMA for Kitsap (2024). Feelings were running high on both sides. Developers were upset at their costs; it takes two years to get a simple permit to build, while KEC emphasized the problems with ground water quality on the Kitsap Peninsula and the ecological evils of over-development. Tribal representatives spoke up about the impact to salmon; it is poorly understood by many Washington citizens that Native Americans have salmon rights here
Elon Musk said a good deal about regulations which strangle technological advances in his (excellent!) interview with Mr. Trump on August 12, 2024.
Yet MORE Bidenomics: The Dems have a favorite saying which comes from Africa. It takes a village to raise a child. Several of our local school districts now have a "free breakfast and lunch for all children" policy. Sometimes those children are welcome to take home food for other family members. All of this comes out of the taxpayers' pocket.
Which U.S. states have free school lunches? California was the first state to go to universal free school lunches. Seven states have since followed suit. They are Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Vermont.
Should the schools be glorified baby-sitters which relieve parents of the responsibility of doing basic things like feeding their children lunch? People come out of the "public school machine" not understanding basic civics, math, or grammar, and are ill-equipped for the real world.
Not all is doom and gloom in Kitsap County! Fred Meyer on Wheaton Way put up a surveillance camera (complete with blue flashing light) in the garden entrance parking lot, which has hosted a sizable population of homeless for a long while now. As of September 13, the homeless had decamped and the lot was clear, cleaner, and safer.
Congressional hearings on September 26, 2024 featured former SEAL sharpshooter Eli Crane testified. In summary, he said the Secret Service was incapable of protecting Mr. Trump, and the Trump campaign would be well served by hiring their own private security system.
Mr. Crane also noted that the two would-be assassins, from their approach to shooting, were amateurs, and did not behave efficiently or professionally. Therefore they were probably not foreign actors, and he downplayed any conspiracy theories for that reason. However, he also said that to ignore or deny any input which smacked of "conspiracy" was a mistake, and there might be more to uncover in each scenario. The entire hearing is very worth looking for on YouTube or whatever platform you stream on.
During the September 25 PCO/Volunteer Meeting Chuck DeCosta spoke at length about removing illegal voters from the rolls, voter integrity, and how to observe the ballot counting process, often with humor, but with penetrating detail.
During the KAPO Meeting on September 26 featured two of the current candidates for County Commissioner. For the most part, citizens are angry about the lack of common sense in building regulations for our county. Candidate Sean Murphy had a wonderful proposal for Shipyard workers, who have security clearances, to board a commuter train on the existing Navy rail system, and use that to get to work, thus relieving some of the traffic associated with the shipyard at rush hour. If you have questions, solutions or answers, get involved at county meetings, email county commissioners, and familiarize yourself with the Growth Management Act. It may get worse before it gets better.
Math curriculums county wide seem to be improving in the schools. One teacher who substitutes, and travels to many schools, has noticed that calculators are no longer part of the classroom for some elementary children. There are many different ways to do sums and arithmetic now, but none of those ways involve calculators. The only calculators being taught with now seem to be between our children's ears.
Movie: City of Dreams (about child trafficking across our Southern Border)
This situation has been going on a long time, and it should amaze us all that mainstream media (not to mention the FBI) does not cover this, investigate it, nor track it at all. Plainly there are powerful forces at work, hoping to keep the border open, and the citizens of America ignorant and in the dark. Estimations are more than 300,000 children have dropped off the radar after crossing the border (with or without parents, given into the custody of unknown unvetted people, etc.) and one theory is many of them have been put into the sex industry all over our country. Candidate Trump has said he will pursue and prosecute these people. The Biden-Harris admin seems to be clueless, and is still facilitating an open border. This is a modern-day slavery issue, and utterly violates civil rights and child labor laws. The producers likened the story to Uncle Tom's Cabin, they hope more people will see it and get a fire lit under them.
Reading Recommendations
Black Saturday by Trey Yingst. This book is a first-hand interview compilation by an America war correspondent in Israel. Right now a significant portion of the left-wing media is trying to pretend the vicious events of October 7, 2023 didn't happen in Israel. Hostages are still held, civilian murders have been committed, and most Americans, while seeing this on our own TVs, feel helpless in the matter. Israel is an American ally. The questions Americans should be asking themselves are things like: Does our tax money go for foreign aid to Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran? Do we allow civil disorder in our own streets over a war which is happening an ocean away? Why are some civil and local governments ignoring antisemitic bigotry toward other Americans? If you deal with anyone "drinking the Kool-Aid" over this situation, read the book and be prepared with information.
Homelessness Resources
Veterans Affairs Homeless Programs: www.va.gov/homeless
VA Homelessness Hotline: Dial 877-424-3838 and Press 1
Narcotics Anonymous: www.kitsapgov.com/pubdef/Pages/AA-and-NA-Meeting-info.aspx
NA help line: 360-215-2616
Kitsap County Auditor's Office - Elections Information
School Board and City Council Notes
KCRP School District Information Page
Bainbridge Island School District
School board website: www.bisd303.org/domain/44
Bremerton Bremerton School District
School board website: www.bremertonschools.org/SchoolBoard
Documents link: go.boarddocs.com/wa/wabrsd/board.nsf/public
Central Kitsap School District
School board website: www.ckschools.org/administration/c_k_s_d_school_board/school_board
North Kitsap School District
School board website: www.nkschools.org/about-us/school-board
Advisory board website: www.nkschools.org/get-involved/advisory-committees
South Kitsap School District
School board website: www.skschools.org/school-board
Board meetings recap: www.smore.com/gp6t2
Many parents in the South Kitsap district have found the "Parent Square" app/link to be very helpful in "being connected" with their district. See www.skschools.org for more information.
City Council
Video archives of city council meetings from all over Kitsap County can be found at: