Friday Newsletter

February 23, 2024

This Sunday

Worship Service &

Sunday School: 10 am

Potluck w/ Annual Meeting: 11 am

New Song Chime Practice: 11 am

Labyrinth Workshop & Vespers: 2 pm

Regular Youth Groups

It's Annual Meeting Time--Sunday, February 25!

The 2023 Annual Report is available now. Access it in three ways:

  1. Online – Click HERE.
  2. Church – Binders with the annual report will be available on Sunday to review.
  3. Individual – Want to take an Annual Report home with you? Contact the office to reserve a printed copy (

Feb 25: 10am: “State of the (Westminster) Union” sermon during worship

             11am: Potluck + Annual Meeting in Boulder Hall

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 880 8535 9208

Passcode: 268941


*Please bring something to share for the potluck. Suggested guidelines: A-H entree, I-P side or salad, Q-Z dessert. Many thanks! Beverages and rolls provided.

Looking Ahead

2/25 @ 11 am: Congregational Annual Meeting with Potluck

2/27 @ 2 pm: Ted Hughes Memorial Service

3/3 @ 12 pm: Usher CPR

3/9 @ 11 am: William Roth Memorial Service

3/11 Red Cross Blood Drive

3/24 @ 4 pm: Light Shines in the Darkness concert

3/29 @ 6:30 pm: Good Friday Service

3/30 @ 9 am: Easter Egg Hunt

3/30 @ 2 pm: Jim Randle Memorial Service

3/31 @ 10 am: Easter Sunday Morning Service

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email


Rosemary Bell served as inspiration for the sanctuary Lenten banners.

Luanne Barnes helped set up the labyrinth for the beginning of Lent.

Thanks, Rosemary and Luanne, and many apologies for the omissions!


The Session stated meeting for February has been rescheduled to 2/28/24 at 5:30pm via Zoom.

Items to be included in the newsletter are due the Thursday prior at 9 am.

Help for You or Your Friends

The bulletin board to your left as you enter Boulder Hall has a new display on featuring new information on ways to help yourself or loved ones who are suffering from depression. There are information papers for you to take home and invitations to some physical activity groups you might like to try, including an ongoing Gentle Yoga class group on Tuesdays from 7 to 8 in the media room above Russell Hall, and a free martial arts class called Shorinji Kempo group led by Toru Tanabe and others, on most Mondays from 6 to 8 pm in Boulder Hall. Shorinji Kempo (Shao Lin Temple) is a unique martial art emphasizing personal and community growth and strength, rather than competition. Branches are operated as a contribution to the community, our branch is one of only four in Oregon, led by Toru Tanabe Sensei, who began the practice of Shorinji Kempo in Japan and has earned a Fourth Degree Black Belt. All Sensei (masters) do this work as volunteers. Activities like these help strengthen your heart, mind and body, which helps you cope with depression. We hope to get a walking group started as the weather improves. This bulletin board is made as a cooperative project between our Stephen Ministry group and the Mission Peace Eco-Justice Committee’s Physical and Mental Health working group. Many thanks to those who helped with this endeavor including Susan Tanabe, Lucy Foster, Wendy Crane, Carole Brewer, Toru Tanabe, Ted Burney, Luanne Barnes and Madison Barnes-Nelson, Nancy Crawford, and Carolyn Jones, and others.  

Pray for...

Family and friends of Ted Hughes, who passed away last week. A memorial service will be held this coming Tuesday, February 27, at 2 pm at the church.

Carol Huber as she enters hospice care.


Attention South Salem Westminster friends with big driveways and/or secure parking! 

We're looking for a new HOME for the church van! Our van has been generously stored in West Salem the past two years with the Mathers, but we'd like to bring it closer to us! Keeping the van on site at Westminster has made it a target for gas and catalytic converter theft, and we'd like to avoid this! If you have space at your house to welcome a new 12-passenger house guest, please let Vik know! 

Every unit we donate at the Westminster blood drive can help save up to three lives. Each recipient of that blood donation has his or her own story. He or she could be an accident or trauma victim, cancer patient, a mother giving birth, a premature baby, a transplant recipient or surgical candidate. Our impact goes beyond that patient – it is multiplied by the impact it has on that person’s loved ones who are thankful for the unit we donated. Please consider making an appointment to donate on Monday, March 11, 2024. There are many appointments available at nearly any time of day between 1:00pm and 5:30pm. You can use your computer, tablet or smartphone to conveniently sign up using the Red Cross blood donor App which can be found at (computer), at the Android Play Store or at the the Apple app store. Or you can always contact Bill Nelson at (503-576-1278) or Pam Garland at

In the Community

Come meet Naya and Barakat on Feb 27 @ 2:30pm at the Ike Box. They are mission workers in Lebanon who serve women, men, and children with physical disabilities sustained during the Lebanese civil war. Naya and Barakat will be visiting Salem, OR, to share about their work and ministry. Find more information here.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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