Weekly eNews
November 1, 2024
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This Weekend & the Week Ahead | |
All Saints' Day Service
Today (Friday), 12:00 PM
In-person & Livestreamed
Each year we honor those who have gone before us to join the cloud of witnesses and saints. At today's All Saints' Service at 12:00 PM, and at the start of the services this Sunday, we will read the names of those remembered by our St. Michael's family. Join for this meaningful service followed by a light reception.
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Welcome Bailey Bachynski
Sunday Forum, This Sunday, 9:15 AM
This Sunday, we officially welcome Bailey Bachynski as our new Director of Children, Youth, and Young Adult Ministries. Bailey and her husband, Nate, recently relocated to Colorado Springs from Pennsylvania, along with a few dogs, cats, and bunnies...10 furry friends in all! Bailey says she is excited to step into this role at St. Mike's and see God through the children and youth’s eyes while helping them create meaningful and lasting relationships with the Church.
Bailey will be the special guest for the Sunday Forum. Regular children and youth Sunday School will not be meeting so that everyone can join in the Sanctuary to get to know Bailey and hear more about her call to something new at St. Michael's.
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Episcopal Essentials
This Sunday, 9:15 AM - Downstairs Chapel
Episcopal Essentials classes continue for two more weeks, and anyone interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church or St. Michael's is welcome. This Sunday we'll be exploring The Trinity: God, Jesus & the Holy Spirit.
Youth Sunday
This Sunday, Both Services
You won't want to miss this Sunday's worship experience! Two members of our Youth Council, Morgan W. and Layla N., will be preaching, and other youth will be enhancing our morning with their vocal and musical talents. We are still looking for a few more youth to participate as readers, acolytes, ushers, and greeters. Please contact Jennie at jennie@stmikeschurch.com to volunteer.
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Thanksgiving Donation Drive
November 10 - 17
Pick up a bag Sunday!
After a highly successful Gloves, Hats, and Scarves Drive, the Outreach Committee is asking for your support in providing Thanksgiving meals, groceries, and gift cards to our neighbors in need. In the Gathering Space, please look for the shopping bags with a recommended list of food items attached or click below to access the list. All of your donations are genuinely appreciated and will help make Thanksgiving a more joyful time for those struggling in our community. Please return all donations to the church November 10-17 (on Sundays or Monday - Thursday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM).
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Investiture of Presiding Bishop Elect, Watch Party
This Saturday, 9:00 AM
Join the churchwide virtual celebration! The Episcopal Church will officially welcome the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe as its 28th presiding bishop this Saturday, November 2 with a smaller, simpler investiture service aimed at reducing carbon footprint and increasing nationwide virtual participation. Rev. Vicki will host a St. Michael's livestream watch event in the nave for the service which begins at 9:00 AM. All are welcome! No RSVP Required.
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Daylight Savings Time Ends
This Sunday, November 3
Don't forget to change your clocks (and check your digital devices) to set them back an hour. "Fall back" and enjoy an extra hour of sleep before you come to church.
Labyrinth Walks Offered
This Week: November 4, 5, 6
Noon - 6:00 PM
As this emotionally charged election time is fully upon us next week, you are invited to walk the labyrinth in the St. Michael’s Parish Hall at your leisure Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, between noon and 6:00 PM. A labyrinth can provide a serene environment for reflection and prayer, allowing you to enter a sacred space, listen, and renew your spirit with God’s presence. Come replenish your soul! Walk guides will be available to assist you. Please bring socks for your walk.
Stewardship 2025
We are incredibly grateful for the pledges that are steadily coming in, and we thank you for your generosity. As you continue to prayerfully consider how you are Called to Rise in 2025, we encourage you to please CLICK HERE to watch a short stewardship message from Cindy Carr. Celebration Sunday is only two weeks away, and we ask that you please submit your pledge by then, November 17. You can return your pledge card to the offertory plate on Sunday, mail pledge cards to the church, or make a secure pledge online by clicking below. THANK YOU for your support of St. Michael's!
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On the Calendar
This Sunday, November 3
Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost
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Worship Volunteers Needed
Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour? Click above to sign up today & thank you!
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Worship with Us
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist with Choir & ASL Services
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
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Education & More!
9:15 AM Education for All
Sunday Forum-Called to Something New
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
9:15 AM Episcopal Essentials
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Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM.
Join for Coffee Hour and Fellowship after each service.
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Upcoming Events & Parish Life | |
Christmas Light Festival Build
Volunteers Needed
Beginning Next Friday, Nov. 8
What time of year is it? Well, it's time to start preparing for the 5th Annual Christmas Light Festival of course! Our first build day is next Friday, November 8, from 1:00 - 3:00 PM, followed by Saturday from 10:00 - 1:00. There's a job for everyone, and many hands make light work, so please join in the fun when you are available!
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Celtic Spirituality Group
Fridays, 9:00 - 10:30 AM
This group meets weekly to discuss a chosen book and explore the many nuances of the author’s thoughts and wisdom. They will be starting a new book, Lost in Wonder by Esther de Waal, next Friday, November 8. New members are always welcome, but this is a particularly opportune time to join. Contact Linda Kean at linda@stmikeschurch.com for more information.
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Christmas Pageant Interest Meeting
November 10, 12:00 PM
Calling all Elementary-aged children! We need you to be a part of this year’s musical Christmas Pageant, Sing We Now of Christmas, on December 15 during the 10:30 AM service. Join us for an interest meeting next Sunday after the 10:30 service where you can hear some of the music and learn about the characters and speaking parts that are available.
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Youth Lock-In
November 15 - 16
Middle and High Schoolers are invited to spend the night at St. Michael's! They will eat dinner, play games throughout the church, watch a movie, and hopefully get some sleep as well! Drop-off is at 6:00 PM on Friday night and pick-up is at 9:00 AM on Saturday morning!
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Creation Care
“Sweet Conversation”: Tackling Food Waste!
November 13, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Join over dessert for the second Creation Care Conversation to learn what action we can take to help address America's significant food waste issues. We will hear from Ambrose Feess-Armstrong, community education manager of Food to Power, a local nonprofit organization founded in 2013 to reduce food waste while increasing food access. Please sign up so we plan appropriately for our yummy desserts and food scrap samplings. Contact Mary Anderson at mpand@comcast.net for more information on this event.
The Bishop's Visitation
Sunday, November 17
Forum & 10:30 AM Service
The Rt. Rev. Kym Lucas, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado, will be with us in two weeks to offer the sacramental rite of Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows. If you feel called to renew your commitment to Christ or have any questions, please click below to complete the registration form or contact a member of the clergy.
SMASH Holiday Luncheon
December 13, 11:30 AM
The St. Michael's Active Seniors Happening (SMASH) group is joining for holiday fellowship and lunch at The Margarita at Pine Creek on Friday, December 13. Sign up soon as we have to give a number to the restaurant by mid-November.
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Care & Share Support
Tuesday, November 19
9:00 - 11:30 AM
Did you know that 1 in 9 Colorado residents face food insecurity? St. Michael's is honored to provide financial and hands on support to Care and Share to help meet this need. Please join our team of volunteers to help sort and pack food on the morning of Tuesday, November 19. This is a great way to support our food insecure neighbors in southern Colorado while having fun serving together! Click below to sign up using the event reservation code of StMichaels. Contact Ellen Dickerman ellendickerman@gmail.com or Justin Morrill at justin_morrill@msn.com with any questions
Community Thanksgiving Dinner
November 28, 2:00 PM
This Thanksgiving, St. Michael’s is once again hosting a warm and inviting potluck meal for those who are unable to travel or who may be spending the holiday alone. Join us for a delightful gathering filled with delicious food, heartfelt conversations, and a sense of community as we celebrate gratitude together. Everyone is welcome, so bring a dish to share and come enjoy a day of fellowship and joy!
Piano Wanted!
The St. Michael’s Music team is looking to upgrade our 100+ year old grand piano (located next to the organ). Ideally, they are looking for a 7-foot grand piano in great condition that is less than 40 years old. If you have one to sell or donate to the church, please contact Amalia Dobbins, Director of Music, at amalia@stmikeschurch.com to arrange a viewing and appraisal.
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New Archangel Newsletter
Nov - Dec Now Available
A link to the new digital November - December Archangel was emailed to the parish yesterday (Thursday) afternoon. If you missed it, click below to access this newsletter to learn about all that is happening in the months ahead at St. Mike's.
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Birthdays This Week:
November 4 - George Hammond
November 4 - Margaret Miller
November 5 - Lania Bryant
November 6 - Bob Forster
November 6 - Josephine Richardson
November 8 - John Watkins
November 9 - Luke Fenton
Anniversaries This Week:
November 4 - Ama & Chris Couch
November 7 - Carolyn & Daryk Scott
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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