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eNews for the week of November 1, 2024

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  • Parish Workday - 11/2
  • All Saints' & All Souls - 11/3
  • Holy Comforter Quarterly Meal - 11/6
  • Fireside Sit & Sip - 11/7
  • Veterans' Recognition - 11/10
  • Advent Book Study - 11/14
  • Chez Epiphany - 11/14
  • Newcomers' Dessert - 11/17
  • Thanksgiving at Home - bags due 11/17
  • Link for full listing of All Upcoming Meetings & Events
  • Link for the Liturgical & Event Calendar through the Feast of Epiphany

STEWARDSHIP | Pledge Update

Love in Action has been our theme for the 2025 Stewardship Campaign. We want to thank everyone who has made a pledge so far. Your generosity enables us to do all that we do and hope to do at Epiphany.

If you have not yet made your pledge, please consider doing so today as the Vestry will soon complete budget planning based on committed expected income.

Pledge cards are available in the narthex and gallery, or you can make your pledge online by clicking the button.

Make your pledge for our 2025 Operating Budget


Morning Liturgy - All Saints

Sunday, November 3 at 10:00 a.m.

11/3—Epiphany will observe the Feast of All Saints at the 10:00 a.m. service. Names of parishioners who were baptized, confirmed, married, ordained, or died since last year’s observance will be listed in this bulletin.

Livestream Options: YouTube Link | Zoom Link

Bulletin for All Saint's Service at 10:00 a.m.


Evening Liturgy - All Souls' Choral Evensong

Sunday, November 3 at 5:00 p.m.

11/3—Join us for the All Souls’ Choral Evensong Servicean evening service at 5:00 p.m. to remember and honor all whom we love but see no longer. NOTE: There will be incense at this service.

  • Parishioners are invited to bring mementos and pictures of loved ones for the Table of Remembrance.

  • Following the service, there will be a reception in the courtyard hosted by members of the Community of Hope. They will also be available that evening for extra support as you remember loved ones. 

Livestream Options: YouTube Link | Zoom Link

Bulletin for All Souls' Service at 5:00 p.m.

This Saturday


Parish Workday

Saturday, November 2 • 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

11/2—Come and help spruce up our grounds. We will be planting blueberry bushes, fig trees and dogwood trees. Bring a shovel if you have one, and gloves will be helpful too. There will be other jobs to work on and coffee and donuts will be on hand.


Daylight Savings Time Ends

Sunday, November 3

11/3—We return to Standard Time on Sunday, November 3. Be sure to set your clocks back one hour on Saturday Night.

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Cards for Susie

Our bookkeeper Susie Boyko continues to recover, but won't be back home for some time yet. If you would like to send her a card, you can do so c/o Epiphany and our clergy can take them to her when they visit. Our mailing address is 2089 Ponce de Leon Ave., NE, Atlanta, GA 30033.

This Sunday

Worship with us at 10:00 a.m.

  • Children's Chapel will NOT take place during the service this Sunday.

  • Live Stream Links and Bulletin links for both services are listed above.

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Adult Formation

Sundays • 11:30 a.m. in the parish hall

Join us in the parish hall as we continue our discussion on “Idolatry in the Bible & Beyond.” This series is led by guest speaker Caitlin Hubler from the Candler Foundry — an initiative of Emory’s Candler School of Theology. “Idolatry” is a frequent sin in the Old Testament, but what exactly is it, and why is it so bad? This course explores the nature of idolatry in the Old Testament with special attention to how conceptions of idolatry shifted over time in ancient Israel. Through this close attention to the ancient context of the Bible, we can be empowered as readers to discern and respond to idolatry in our contemporary contexts. 

Epiphany's You Tube Channel

Click here to view recordings of recent Adult Formation Classes as well as our library of playlists.


Children & Youth

Sundays at 11:30 a.m.

Our Surveying the Scriptures and Youth Formation Groups will be in the Donut den this Sunday, participating in a shared time of crafts and reflection around All Saints Day

Epiphany Star Car Magnets for Sale

Don't Miss Out!

Epiphany Car Magnets will be available for purchase during Coffee Hour this Sunday, November 3. Cost: $6 for one magnet, $5 each for two or more. Pay through Realm (QR code available) or exact change will be greatly appreciated! Permanent ink pens will also available for a quick refurbish of your existing magnet — only basic coloring skills required!


Youth Group

This Sunday, Youth Group will meet at the All Souls' Service taking place in the Nave at 5:00 p.m. There will be opportunities for our youth to serve and sit together during the service

Altar Arrangements & Sanctuary Light Sign Up

Altar Arrangements & the Sanctuary Light can be given in honor of an anniversary, birthday, or in memory of a loved one. Click the button link to reserve dates that have meaning for you.

  • The Arrangements at the Altar are given to the Glory of God and in memory of Shirley Sugden, by her family.
  • The Sanctuary Light is given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of her dearest friend Sue V. Moore, by Judy Jarady.
Sign up for Altar Arrangements or the Sanctuary Light

This Week at Epiphany


An Invitation to Prayer

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday — November 4-6 — the nave will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. as a space for prayer and meditation. Bulletins with scripture and prayers will be available to guide you. We invite you to bring all of who you are and what you carry during this election week into this space of prayer. Please note that there is a Noonday Service every Wednesday.


Election Day Prayer

Tuesday, November 5 at 6:00 p.m.

11/5—Join us in the nave at 6:00 p.m. for a time of centering prayer, Scripture reading, and reflection as we share together in the many experiences and emotions of this election season.


Holy Comforter Quarterly Wednesday Dinner

Wednesday, November 6

11/6—Holy Comforter is a unique worshipping community in the heart of Atlanta. About 60% of this congregation lives with mental illness. We will prepare a meal during the afternoon and take the meal to the church, leaving at 6:00 p.m., prepare to serve after the 6:30 p.m. service. After serving, the volunteers join the parishioners for dinner. Contact Jeanette Hanson using Realm.

Sign up to help
RSVP for the Fireside Sit & Sip


Fireside Sit & Sip

Thursday, November 7

11/7—The Fireside Sit and Sip at Epiphany is for women primarily in their 40s, 50s, and 60s to come together just as you are. Bring a camp chair and join us around the fire pit in the courtyard to sit, sip, and enjoy conversation with other women on the journey. Our next gathering will be on Thursday, November 7 at 7:00 p.m.

Please RSVP at and sign up to brink drinks or snacks. Questions? Use Realm to contact Kathy Corcoran or the Rev. Carmie McDonald.

Ongoing Meetings and Programs

Week of 11/2/24

Men’s Breakfast Group—Tuesdays following the 7:00 a.m. service

Choirs for Children & Youth—Tuesdays NOTE: They will NOT meet this week

Trivia Group—Tuesdays • 7:00 p.m.

Gateway Center Meal Ministry—meals served 2nd Fridays of the month

Choirs for Adults & Youth—Wednesdays

The Grief Pastoral Care Group—1st Thursdays at 12:00 p.m. • Zoom

Other Ongoing Meetings and Programs

Contemplative Practice—2nd Sundays at 4:00 p.m.

Epiphany Book Group—2nd Mondays at 7:00 p.m.

The Episcopal Church Women (ECW)—2nd Tuesdays at 9:30/11:00 a.m.

The Munch Bunch—3rd Wednesdays of the month1:00 p.m.

The Community of Hope’s Circle of Care—Last Mondays at 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Recent Events

John Philip Newell, author of more than fifteen books on Celtic spirituality, and Cami Twilling, director of Earth & Soul, spoke to a group of parishioners who participate in Epiphany’s contemplative groups and who recently joined them on the Isle of Iona, Scotland. Newell was in Atlanta for the launch of his latest book, The Great Search, at the Cathedral of St. Philip. 

Click the photo for the event photo album.

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Share your photos with Epiphany

Did you take any photos of the Youth Visit to the National Center for Civil & Human Rights, or perhaps during the Ingathering Celebration in the parish hall this past Sunday? How about Oktoberfest or the Animal Blessing? We'd love to add ot our albums, so use the link below to send photos to Epiphany.

Submit your Photos >>

Upcoming Events


Veterans' Recognition

Sunday, November 10 at the 10:00 a.m. service

11/10—We recognize the Veterans in our parish on the Sunday closest to Veterans’ Day (November 11). If you have NOT previously told us so, please let the office know the military branch and campaigns that you served in (e.g., Name, U.S. Navy, Vietnam) by noon on Monday, November 4 to be included in the bulletin.

Click here to send an email to the parish office >>

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Contemplative Book Group: A Fresh Look at the Hope of Advent

Starting Thursday, November 14

11/14—On Thursday November 14 at 11:00 a.m., the Contemplative Book Group will begin a study of the book The First Advent in Palestine by Kelley Nikondeha, led by Paul Hinson and Suzanne Yoder. Nikondeha puts the story of God-with-us into its original embodied context, provoking comparisons to our own, in a beautiful narrative spanning scripture and experience.

RSVP for the Book Group
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Register for the class


Chez Epiphany Cooking Class

Thursday, November 14parish hall

11/14—The next cooking class with chef-in-residence Joel Fowler will be from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. on November 14. The topic for this session is Fried Pies! We'll make savory and sweet fried pies from two different types of dough. No pastry skill or experience is needed.

The cost is $30 per person, which includes the class and the dinner we have together from what we cook.


Thanksgiving at Home

Bags are due by 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 17

Bags are due in the gallery by Sunday, November 17.

NOW through 11/17As we are all experiencing, grocery prices remain high, and celebrating Thanksgiving with extended family or friends can strain family finances. We have the opportunity to help families in Peoplestown afford to maintain the family ties that are so important this Thanksgiving.

Epiphany will collect “At Home Bags” of ingredients to make the sides, and Emmaus House will provide a turkey and other items to round out the meal. Place each family's food in a separate reusable shopping bag(s) with handles and drop it off in the Gallery between Sunday, October 13, and Sunday, November 17.

Click here for the list of items
RSVP for the Newcomers' Dessert


Newcomers’ Dessert

Sunday, November 17 • Courtyard

11/17—Epiphany’s membership committee invites all newcomers and visitors, both individuals and families, to a dessert reception on Sunday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Old-timers are welcome too!

The committee is providing the desserts. This social gathering will be a time to get to know one another and learn more about our parish, programs, and ministries from clergy and parishioners.


DEAM - Big Peach Discount to Continue

Now through November 30

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Big Peach Running Company in Decatur has decided to continue its partnership with DEAM by extending the 10% discount on in store purchases with a donation to the DEAM food pantry until November 30. As the holidays approach, please take this opportunity to save some money and support Epiphany's ministry with DEAM. Click this link or refer to the flyer posted on the church bulletin boards, for suggested donation items.

Click here for a list of suggested donations >>

Prayers of the People

Meal Train for Marion Curry

For members who are bidding our prayers: Kathy Corcoran • Susie Boyko • Marion Curry • Pam Hall • Jerry Wall (husband of Lucy Davidson) • Clove Wroe • Barbara Belcore • Esther Harbert • Veta Smith (mother of Cecilia Democko) • Chris Miller & Ron Hutcheson • Chris Belcore • Brandon Laird • Anne Warner • Kim Boswell • Eric Olson • Francis Lee • Brett Boatright • Laura, John & Sarah Keys • Robin Hairston • Beth Towers • Mary McCall Cash • Wende Crowe • Sally Brockington

For friends and family: Chris & Korb Korbesmeyer, sister & brother-in-law of Nan Ross • Carrell Burton, friend of Nancy Thompson, Johanna Hinman, and Lisa Carlson • Sara & John Quinn, mother and stepfather of Amy Shipp • Joshua Moore & Elle Lu, son and daughter-in-law of Amy Dills-Wright • Rosalie Shipp, stepmother of Amy Shipp • Janis Afotey, friend of Barbara Ryder and Katharine-Hilliard Yntema • The Alford Buchanon family, friends of Pam Tipton & David Thierry • Doris Hanna, mother of Patrick Hanna • Bill Barker, cousin of Kelli Gantt • Louise Peters, grandmother of Tristen Webb • Sherri Sharpe, cousin of Terri Lawrence & Julie Ryder • Gary Davis, father of Jeremy Davis • Diana Lawrence, niece of Terri Lawrence & Julie Ryder • Dave Tipton, brother of Pam Tipton • Isabel, granddaughter of Mike & Beth Towers

For members who desire our continuing prayers: Jewel Allen • Rod MacLeod • Sally McClintock • Chris Miller & Ron Hutcheson • Tom Mundy • Ann Rowles • Pat Spivey • Michael Towers, Jr. • Wayne & Judy Urban • Larry Wilcox • Colleen

For those who have died: Jan Scholer, friend of Loren Williams • Sam Obenschain, friend of Dave Thompson • Mark Hoptroff, friend of David Draper • Sue Allmon, aunt of Alix Janke • Kathy Walmsley

For all those serving in the armed forces, especially: Stewart Mundy

For those celebrating anniversaries for the week of 11/3-9: Laura Jurotich & John Danze

For those celebrating birthdays the week of 11/3-9: Elizabeth Roberts •Frances Robertson •Caroline Burris •Kaylie Gibbs • Kathy Corcoran • Bob Peatman • Zachary Wojcik • Phil Bolton • Colleen Morich • Sara Cushing • Cecilia Democko • Mark McDonald

For our Haitian sisters & brothers and the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti.

For all who are displaced, distraught, and devastated by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.

For racial justice: As our volunteers serve the quarterly dinner at Holy Comforter, may we also find ways to embrace our neighbors with God’s inclusive love and acceptance.

For our fragile and beautiful Earth: The Ogeechee River — the most polluted river in Georgia

Did we miss your anniversary or birthday? Send the full date of your anniversary and/or your date of birth to the parish office so that we can update our records.

The weekly deadline for submission of announcements for the Friday Morning eNews and the Sunday bulletin is Wednesdays at Noon. Please send your submissions ready to go to the parish office.