Who Could Better Guide
Kids Away from Violence?

When Arthur Beatty was released after 32 years in prison, his one goal was to do something about the violence and murder between juveniles here. He had survived a difficult young life and years of incarceration, but during his decades in prison, he spent his time taking classes and finally finding a worthy goal through his relationship with God. Here’s a quick video of Arthur, offering his advice, the lessons he's learned, and his wish to serve community organizations, schools, and other youth oriented programs by using his voice to change the conversation with at-risk young people. Watch video Here! Or click on the picture. For More Information, email 2nd Chance Indiana Here!
Pictured: Arthur Beatty at 2nd chance Indiana's headquarters.
Like-Minded Join
For Reentry Success

Deacon John Cord from the Archdiocesan Corrections Ministry and a powerful team met to discuss a collaboration to develop a comprehensive two-year reentry program. One year prior to release candidates would be identified. Barriers to successful reentry would be assessed, and a mentor would be introduced along with reentry preparation classes, including 2nd Chance Indiana's Jobs for Life. Safe, controlled, transitional housing would be ready upon release, and for the next year, reentrants would meet regularly with professional counselors, service providers, and more.
Pictured LtoR: Archdiocesan Corrections Ministry’s Deacon John Cord; Trusted Mentor’s Mentor Match Coordinator Ed Witulski; 2nd Chance Indiana’s Jim Cotterill and Scott Whiting, St. Vincent DePaul’s Andrea Leadford, Peter Zubler, Wendy Braun (not pictured), Marilyn Clerc and Jim Clerc.
South Bend UMC Church Answers Call For Inmate Correspondents

One of the people who responded to last month’s 2nd Chance Indiana (2CI) newsletter request for inmate correspondents was Pastor Cindy Uhrich, of Lydick United Methodist Church in South Bend. She wrote, "For the past two years, I have been providing pastoral care to two inmates. This experience has changed me." During Advent she preached on Isaiah 64, about giving comfort to the captives, the brokenhearted, and those who mourn. She invited her congregation to consider answering 2CI's need for letter writers. That very day, five followers answered the call. Pastor Uhrich tags her emails with this phrase: Christ in me recognizes Christ in You. Need we say more? If you are so moved and would consider writing a lonely and often deserted inmate, please contact Sara Here.
Pictured: Pastor Cindy Uhrich of Lydick United Methodist Church in South Bend, Indiana.
PayDay Loans Continue Punishing Low Income Folks Here

Payday lenders continue to extract millions from Hoosiers through exorbitant interest rates and fines, reports the 2023 update from Indiana Community Action Poverty Institute. 2CI partner, Hoosiers for Responsible Lending, has consistently focused its efforts on the passage of a bill to place a 36% APR cap on small loans, but the cap has never been adopted. Instead, Indiana Legislators continue to allow these lenders to remain exempt from the state’s 72% APR criminal loan sharking statute and allows rates as high as 371%. Our Legislators’ support for PayDay loan companies is unexplainable, considering that In 2021, these lenders collected $29 million in finance charges on loans that averaged $386, when those same borrowers could have saved $26 million of those dollars if only a 36% APR cap had been codified. What is wrong with lawmakers who don’t consider the bankruptcies, the loss of homes, and the financial devastation these loans cause in communities throughout the state?
Jobs For Life To
Change Far More Hoosier Outcomes

Last week Margaret Jones, Acting CEO of Jobs for Life, met with 2nd Chance Indiana's President, Jim Cotterill, to plan for the certification of 2nd Chance Indiana teachers to facilitate JfL training across our state. Jobs for Life is the organization's highly successful, internationally taught, 13 module course that can change the future for reentrants and others who need direction to get ahead at work. Jobs for life is also structuring a program for employers to provide to existing employees with certified 2nd Chance Indiana supervision, to improve the longevity and success of their employment. It is such a pleasure for all at 2nd Chance Indiana to work with others who care so much about the success of folks in need.
Pictured: Margaret Jones, Acting CEO, Jobs for Life.
A Name Change Changes More
Than Just The Name

In 1996 a company named BackRub changed its name to Google. Google means "a million zeros." That says a lot about what Google would become. Blue Ribbon Sports became Nike, after the goddess of victory and Cadabra became Amazon, a name that truly defined its future.
As constant as it seems for corporations to change names, they didn’t invent the practice. According to the Bible, when God changed a person’s name and gave him a new one, much like the corporations’ aim, it was to establish a new identity. When he changed Abram's name to Abraham, meaning "father of a multitude" the childless man eventually lived up to the name.
When we changed our name to 2nd Chance Indiana, overnight things began to expand and the number of counties in which we were working quickly doubled. Read Nancy's post Here.
Why Support 2nd Chance Indiana?
2nd Chance Indiana's team works to reduce recidivism and rebuild lives through the dignity of work. In the process we believe that our efforts can also have a profound, multi-generational impact by reducing poverty, crime, and homelessness.
Our major focus is to assist the thousands of inmates returning to communities across Indiana after long-term incarceration. 2nd Chance Indiana provides mentored job training inside the correctional facility, and a jobs website for those with a criminal record, 2ndChanceIN.com, which is filled with job opportunities and support agencies to help reentrants get back to work, support themselves and their families, and contribute to the economic improvement of their neighborhoods.

How You Can Support Jobs for Justice- Involved Individuals
Support For Reentrants After Incarcertion:
Since 2017 UNITE INDY, now 2nd Chance Indiana, has provided a free web-based system, 2ndChanceIN.com, that connects those released from incarceration with jobs offered by our 45 employer partners, willing to hire people with a criminal record and pay them a living wage.
The site also offers a huge network of support organizations that can help with housing, drug abatement, licensing, clothing and so much more.

A good job found quickly after release from incarceration drives down recidivism about 90%, according to studies. Unemployment is connected to poverty, a criminal record, and re-incarceration. Our poorest neighborhoods contain many who have not been able to get good jobs because they have a criminal record, but 2nd Chance Indiana not only connects them with jobs, it also provides van transportation to many sites to help those who do not have affordable or reliable transportation. In some neighborhoods of Marion County unemployment is extremely high and poverty remains the overwhelming cause of violence and lack of opportunity for children.

You can help us to help a reentrant today, Here! To know more, go to 2nd Chance Indiana now. There are a number of choices that are all secure and safe. By sending your fully tax deductible gift* now we can have a greater impact meeting needs in our community.
Many, many thanks!

 *UNITE INDY dba 2nd Chance Indiana is approved under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) as a Public Charity, donors can deduct contributions they make under IRC Section 170.
Corporate Partners
A big Thank YOU to our Corporate Partners for their unwavering support which makes it possible for us to provide our services at no charge to job applicants and employers!

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