Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Newsletter 23 April 2021 -11 Iyar 5781
Child Sacrifice & Eugenics Disguised As Reproductive Justice
✡︎ Shabbat Shalom & Good Day ✡︎

In this week's Torah portions, Acharei-Kedoshim, HaShem guides the new nation of believers into a new kind of worship, one that prohibits child sacrifice and many other lifestyle choices commonplace in Egypt. Leviticus 17:21: And you shall not give any of your offspring to pass through for Molech. And you shall not profane the Name of your God. I am the Lord.

And Leviticus 20:1-7:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, And to the children of Israel, you shall say: Any man of the children of Israel or of the strangers who sojourn among Israel, who gives any of his offspring to Molech, shall surely be put to death; the people of the land shall pelt him with stones. And I will set My attention upon that man, and I will cut him off from amidst his people, because he gave of his offspring to Molech in order to defile My holy ones and to profane My holy Name. But if the people of the land ignore that man when he gives of his offspring to Molech, not putting him to death. l set My attention upon that man, and upon his family, and I will cut him off, and all who stray after him to stray after Molech, from amidst their people. And the person who turns to Ov or Yid'oni, to stray after them I will set My attention upon that person, and I will cut him off from amidst his people. You shall sanctify yourselves and be holy, for I am the Lord, your God.

Knowing that many people would fall short and relapse into pagan attitudes and routines, HaShem also introduces priestly sacrificial rituals that atone for the sins committed by the Jews who were distracted, weak and afraid to step into a new life-centered, Torah based existence. We offer a prayer of repentance to HaShem as we seek atonement for Israel's ongoing sin of child sacrifice.

My God, incline Your ear and hear; open Your eyes and see the desolation of ourselves and of the city upon which Your Name is proclaimed. For it is not on account of our righteousness that we offer our supplication before You, but because of Your abundant mercies. Lord, hear; Lord forgive; Lord, be attentive, and act and do not delay; for your sake, my God, for your Name is proclaimed upon Your city and upon Your people. Amen.
From Selicot According to the Chabad Custom. Merklos L'Inyonei Chinuch.p.8.
A recent legal decision in Ohio caught our attention this week. On Tuesday, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals allowed Ohio to enforce its Down Syndrome Non-Discrimination Act. The law prohibits abortions if the abortionist knows the reason is because the unborn baby has or may have Down syndrome. Judge Richard Allen Griffin explained that justification for eugenics abortions has its roots in 20th century eugenics philosophy that led to legalized mass murder of millions.

“The philosophy and the pure evil that motivated Hitler and Nazi Germany to murder millions of innocent lives continues today. Eugenics was the root of the Holocaust and is a motivation for many of the selective abortions that occur today.”

A chilling reminder for Jewish abortion advocates: Hitler began his campaign to create a master race by first euthanizing imperfect, mentally challenged citizens, including Down Syndrome children and adults. To safeguard our moral fiber and our very lives, we must support legal protections for anyone who faces state sponsored termination because of specific characteristics - age, size, location, level of dependency, number of chromosomes, race, religion, or ethnicity.

Judge Blasts Abortion: “Many Think Eugenics Ended With the Horrors of the Holocaust. It Did Not”
A friend sent us this video of the Rebbe encouraging Jewish family building. His insightful comments delivered in 1980 apply even today as our materialistic, self involved society infects so many Jewish communities.

What Does The Soul Say? The Rebbe on Having a Family

Read the Rebbe's words here:
We're happy to offer blogger Tamara Aronowsky's latest post, where she asks thought provoking questions that demand national, cultural and self searching answers.

How Can It Be?
Tikvat Rachel, our healing program for Jewish women and men who suffer after abortion, meets weekly in our zoom room. Please contact [email protected] for login information. We're saving your seat!
Gevalt! She IS Alive Before She's Born!
"We must always take sides.
Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
Eli Wiesel
Get the Facts!
Judaism: The Original Pro-Life Religion Book
View & Download the book here,
Looking for help after abortion? Start your healing journey by downloading our healing program here. Then contact us to finally share your personal story with a friend who cares. These calls and emails are confidential, caring, and safe. Call Cecily at 412-758-3269 or email [email protected].

"Weeping is lodged in one side of my heart,
and joy is lodged in the other"
The Zohar

Do you know an abortion minded Jewish woman? Tell her about our list of Jewish couples waiting to adopt!

Jewish Adoption Services

Jewish Pregnancy Care Services

Jewish Post Abortion Support

Beit Emunah - An online shul where life affirming Jews meet for support and healing. Contact Rabbi Nachman at [email protected].
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Contact Us

Cecily Routman [email protected]
Rabbi David Novak [email protected]
Rabbi Shlomo Nachman [email protected]
Rabbi Menashe Bovit [email protected]

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292 Sewickley PA 15143