Following Jesus?

Rev. Glen Miles, Senior Minister

Jesus taught, "Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you." These are not easy things to do. We have a hard enough time loving each other.

I'm a preacher's kid. I went to church for the first time when I was six days old. Throughout my life in the church, one of the complaints I have heard from folks who leave the congregation is that the people fight too much. This is nothing new; church fights are recorded in the New Testament, after all, but it continues to be a painful issue for many.

Brennan Manning, an evangelical writer, preacher, scholar, teacher, theologian, recovering alcoholic, and, in his own words, a wandering vagabond preacher, wrote an open letter to the church in America. He didn't write to any particular denomination or congregation. He wrote to every church, to every gathering of Christians across the land. He did not mince words:

"We would be known as Jesus' followers not because we are chaste, celibate, honest, sober or respectable; not because we are church-going, Bible-toting or Psalm-singing. We would be recognized as disciples primarily by our deep and delicate respect for one another, our cordial love impregnated with reverence for the sacred dimension of the human personality."

Manning's phrase, "the sacred dimension of the human personality," is an academic way of saying that every person we meet in the world is a child of God. When Jesus instructs us to "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," he invites us to follow him in a sacred and holy way, with little to do with proper beliefs and everything to do with love. When we learn to love one another, when we practice prayer for those who persecute us, we are acting and behaving like followers of Jesus.

The hymn "We Are One in the Spirit" may not win any awards for musicality, but its simple message communicates a profound truth. The chorus concludes,

"They'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, yes they'll know we are Christians by our love."

Simple, profound, true. Where you see love in this world, you see the Spirit of Christ. Let's pray together that all who claim to follow Christ will follow in his way of love.

A Weekend with David Hayward, NakedPastor

Friday, November 1 (Ticketed Event/Registration Required)

Reception and Art Exhibit

6:30-8:30 pm


Saturday, November 2

(Free and Open to the Public, No Registration Required)

Presentation and Q & A

9:30 am-12:30 pm

On Saturday, David will offer a presentation and question and answer session entitled “Creative Deconstruction”. This is a free event, and while registration is not required, it is appreciated, and registrants are offered an opportunity to submit a question to David that he may get to answer on Saturday.

Listen to The Spirituality Podcast here. It is a conversation between Rev. Seth Stearns and David Hayward and they are joined by Alejandro Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Spirituality Network.

Any questions, please email, Program Administrator

Register Today

Sunday, November 3

We lovingly remember before God the members of our congregation who have passed on into God’s eternal light during the past year.

View List of Names

This week in Sunday School

  • Our K-2nd at 9 am, and K-1st at 11 am will read the picture book, Jacob’s Ladder by Sekiya Miyoshi. It tells the story of brothers, Jacob and Esau from the book of Genesis, who are nothing alike and struggle to get along.
  • Our 3rd-5th grade at 9 am and 2nd-3rd at 11 am will hear the Story of Elijah. Elijah was a prophet who persisted in following God even when it made the king and queen upset. Elijah heard God not in the wind, or earthquake or fire, but in a still, small voice.
  • The K-5th grade class at 10 am will hear the story of Jonah and the Great Fish. God told Jonah to take a message to the people of Nineveh, but Jonah decided he did not want to listen. Jonah had quite an adventure on the way to figuring out he could not run from God.
  • The 4th-7th grade class at 11 am will learn about Peace in the Midst of Arguing through a story about the prophet Muhammad. The tribal leaders were arguing, and Muhammad found a creative way to have the leaders work together to solve the problem.

Please go here to register for all K-12, 2024/25 programs.

Election Day Prayer Vigils

Tuesday, November 5

11 am – 1 pm at FC North, Sanctuary

5 pm – 7 pm at FC South, Sanctuary

Election Day brings hopefulness and excitement, as well as high anxiety. Even after we cast our ballots, we often feel a mix of emotions as we await the results. Come find peace and presence during two drop-in prayer vigils on Election Day.

Rev. Mary Kate Buchanan and Rev. Sarah Kientz will be present in the Sanctuary at FC North from 11 am – 1 pm, and in the Sanctuary at FC South from 5 – 7 pm. Light a candle, listen to soft music, and/or receive a personalized prayer from one of the pastors. There will be hands-on prayer activities for God’s children of all ages. As always, people of all beliefs and all ages are welcome! 

Betty O'Neill Election Day Bake Sale

The Gathering

Are you looking for a meaningful way to deepen your faith while fostering unity in our divided world? We invite you to a new Bible study, Bridging the Gap, led by Rev. Seth Stearns. This study will focus on building connections and understanding across the political divide while grounding our discussions in Scripture.

When: Every Wednesday in November  

Where: The Gathering  

Time: Supper at 5:30 - Study Begins at 6 pm

In these challenging times, it’s easy to feel isolated or overwhelmed by differing opinions. Seth will bring a thoughtful approach that encourages dialogue and compassion, reminding us that, as followers of Christ, we are called to love one another despite our differences.

Throughout the study, we will explore biblical principles that promote unity and discuss how we can actively embody the teachings of Jesus in our interactions with others. Each session will include Scripture reading, group discussions, and prayer, creating a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

We hope to see you there! Bring a friend, your Bible, and an open heart.

Wrapping Up the Not So Late Show

As the curtain falls on this season of The Not So Late Show, we can confidently say it has been a tremendous success! Glen's fresh approach to engaging conversations brought a unique vibrancy to our community, fostering connection and understanding through the perspectives of our beloved clergy.

Throughout the series, we explored pivotal themes of life, faith, and the spirit of our time. Each episode showcased insightful interviews that not only entertained but also provoked thought and dialogue.

The positive feedback we've received underscores the importance of such platforms where laughter meets reflection. We took meaningful steps in making faith accessible, relevant, and enjoyable, creating memorable moments along the way.

Our clergy members shared their wisdom, humor, and personal stories, making the series feel more like a gathering of friends than a typical talk show.

If you missed any of the episodes, don't worry! We invite you to relive the conversations that made this show a highlight of our community. Click the links below to watch each interview with our clergy.

Rev. Seth Stearns

Rev. Mary Kate Buchanan

Rev. Sarah Kientz

Rev. John Girard

Thank you to everyone who tuned in, participated, and supported The Not So Late Show!

Quilt Presentation with Artist Molly Todd

Join us for a special event on November 8 at 9:30 am at FC North, Wing Grace Hall. Artist Molly Todd will discuss her mission to support critically ill children and families who have lost their children by translating the child's art into a legacy quilt and gifting it to the family. For more information visit,

Presented in conjunction with Worship and Arts Ministry and Women's Guild Group V this event will showcase Molly's remarkable quilt work created from the children's original artwork. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about Molly's mission and her book, "Threads of Life," which pays tribute to the culture of quilting and celebrates children's creativity. 100% of any purchase or order goes to creating more quilts for more ill children. Don’t miss this inspiring event!

Klais Organ Concert

Ondřej Horňas, Concert Organist

Sunday, November 10, FC North

I started my musical studies in P. Rajnoha organ class at Conservatoire in Olomouc (CZ). From 2014 I continued studying at Janáček Music Academy in Brno under the tutelage of P. Černý, in academic year 2015/2016 I studied at Institut supérieur des ARTS de Toulouse in M. Bouvard and J. W. Jansen class within the Erasmus program. I finished my studies by reaching a master's degree in The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.

During my studies at conservatoire I represented the school at conservatoire showcases. I took part in many organ masterclasses led by O. Latry, W. Zerer, Mallié, J. Tůma, T. Ospital, E. Wiersinga, M. Schmeding, and others.

I also attended the Organ academy in Sarlat led by Michael and Yasuko Bouvard. I participated in several organ competitions e.g. 2nd Jan Kucharski International Organ Competition 2011 in Łódź, Poland, the International Organ Competition Premio Elvira Di Renna 2016 in Salerno, Italy, and Boëllmann-Gigout concours 2016 in Strasbourg, France.

I perform concerts in the Czech Republic and abroad as well (USA, Germany, Austria, France, Slovakia). I work with vocalists, instrumentalists and choirs too. I am lifelong interested in transcriptions of great orchestra compositions e. g. Symphony From the New World, Four Seasons, Beethoven's 5th symphony.

Read more about Ondřej Horňas

Children and Youth Ministry

The Children’s & Youth Ministry is trying something new this fall: Children’s Church!

On chosen Sundays, children will be dismissed from worship to attend a casual, kid-friendly worship service that will feature music, a noisy offering, acted-out Bible stories, and hands-on activities. This will take the place of Sunday School on the following days at the following services:

  • Sunday, November 10: 10 am at South
  • Sunday, January 12: 11 am at North 

Children of all ages are welcome to join us, but pre-K children must attend with a parent. No registration required! We hope families choose to attend these worship services so that their kids can experience Children’s Church!

Sunday Morning Childcare Volunteers

To ensure we have two leaders present, we are looking for a volunteer to help during each service. 

There is no lesson to teach in Sunday childcare. We ask that you spend your time welcoming and supporting our youngest members as they play in the room during services. 

Staff or designated volunteer team member will teach the lesson in Sunday school. Occasional volunteers will help take attendance, support the children during the lesson and response time, serve snacks, and be an added layer of safety. 

Sunday Childcare: Infant – Pre-K
Sunday school: K-8th

Midweek Mission, Heart to Heart Thanksgiving Food Drive 

This year’s Thanksgiving food drive benefiting the Heart to Heart food pantry and Midweek Missions Thanksgiving Basket project is in full swing. Please support our efforts by donating the food items we need to pack baskets for 20 Franklinton families and provide Heart to Heart with the food clients need to prepare a Thanksgiving meal.  

The drive will conclude with a churchwide Thanksgiving food collection on Sunday, November 10 during all worship services. On that day donated items should be brought into worship and placed on the chancel to be blessed.  

  • Canned Green Beans    
  • Cream of Mushroom soup
  • Fried Onions
  • Cranberry Sauce
  • Egg Noodles
  • Stuffing Mix (box or bag)
  • Broth (chicken or turkey) 
  • Canned Sweet Potatoes 
  • Gravy (chicken or turkey) 

Midweek Missions also needs 20 frozen turkeys. Let us know we can expect a turkey donation from you by signing up here. All turkeys must be delivered to the First Community North walk-in refrigerator on either Sunday, November 24, 8:30 am -12:30 pm or Monday, November 25 before 11 am.  

The Midweek Missions program and Heart to Heart food pantry are happy to collaborate for this year’s Thanksgiving food drive. Whether used by Midweek or Heart to Heart, please know that your food donations will be received by a family in need this holiday season.  

Please visit for more information.

Mexico Mission Trip 2025 

Experience a more powerful spring break! This year’s Mexico Mission Trip is March 18 – 26, 2025. The trip is for high school students, college students, and their family members. To learn more, visit

We are offering one more info session about the trip: Sunday, November 10 at 2 pm. The meeting will be held at First Community North, and is available to attend via Zoom for those who register to receive the link. RSVP to the meetings here (Mexico Info Sessions) or by emailing Rev. Sarah Kientz.

Mary Evans Childcare Center is Enrolling

Email Leigh Anne Easterling for information.

Pre-K Sing & Play, November 13

Balloon Twisting Workshop

The Balloon Twisting Class was a big success thanks to teacher Erica Carlson. Some of the newly trained apprentices even twisted at the Halloween Hullabaloo event in October. Look for another class to be held next spring and keep your eyes out for the apprentices at future Youth Team events. 

Block of Wood Confirmation

Sign Up Now

Heritage Sunday

On Heritage Sunday, November 17, we will honor our members of 40 years and more. New 40-year members will be recognized by name during the 10 am worship service at South in the Sanctuary. Following the service there will be a reception in the Weist Room and Gallery Court. We will also recognize all our 40+ year members during each service by asking them to stand.

So that we can confirm our records, if 2024 is the year that marks your 40th year of membership at First Community, contact Kristy Glaser at (614) 488-0681 ext. 161 or This 40-year milestone can be consecutive years or the total number of years if you were away at some point in time. If you are not sure when you joined or how many years you have been a member, please contact Kristy.

Governing Board Update

by April Howe, Governing Board Chair

Greetings First Community,

Autumn has arrived in Columbus, and the trees are putting on quite the show. November is a great time to be thankful. Besides my family, I am truly grateful for this church community.

The Governing Board and related Committees/Task Forces will be busy with several meetings to finish the work and goals we set for ourselves earlier this year. An overview of some of this work is listed below.

  • Approved September meeting minutes. Did you know you can find past meeting minutes on the church website? Click here!
  • Elected our 2025 Vice Chair; Congratulations, Jen Short! You'll be hearing more about her at the annual meeting.
  • Estimates of giving for the Measuring What Matters campaign are still coming in, and to date, they are 15% ahead of last year. Good news for 2025! If you have not yet turned in a commitment card, please let us know your intentions for giving in 2025. This helps the church budget appropriately. 
  • September financials report: Our month ended $50k below budget. This is primarily due to the revenue shortfall. Pledges were $34k below budget, and non-pledge contributions were $15k below. Because of the revenue shortfall, we are still having issues with cash flow.
  • The Q3 financial update was presented to the Board and will be available for review on the website soon.
  • The business office is reaching out to the New Horizons capital commitments with balances remaining.
  • South Facilities Task Force held three meetings in October and has a few more planned in November.
  • The Personnel Committee could not submit their final revised Staff Handbook for review to the Board at the October meeting but will do so at our November meeting.
  • Please note that we've made changes to our November meeting schedule to accommodate the Thanksgiving holiday. The Finance Committee will meet Monday, November 18th, at 4 pm at FC North, and the Governing Board will meet Wednesday, November 20th, at 7 pm at FC North.

I'm continually impressed with how our facilities run so smoothly, with all of the activities happening at both locations. Our FC Staff is doing a great job supporting our congregation and community with their time, talent, and resources. 

Finally, if you have not yet done so, please vote on or before Tuesday, November 5th! Civic engagement starts with you. If you need information on when or where you can vote or want to review a sample ballot before you go. You can find that information here. Also, please support the Betty O'Neil Election Day Bake Sale (including hot soup!) sponsored by the Women's Guild of First Community. Stop by for homemade goodies even if FC North or FC South are not your polling locations.

Peace & Blessings,

April Howe

First Community Foundation

Seth Stearns, Director of First Community Foundation

On October 24, 2024, we offered an informational seminar sponsored by Johnson Investment Counsel, the firm that manages the Foundation funds. The title of the seminar was, Meeting Your Legacy Goals – Tax Strategies for Charitable Giving. In addition to enjoying hors d’oeuvres and wine served by Steven’s Catering, there was some valuable information shared regarding strategies to maximize the impact of legacy charitable giving. Thank you to all who attended. Thanks also to Steven’s Catering, and our fantastic partner, Johnson Investment Counsel (

Remember that you can participate in the important work of First Community Foundation in support of the ministries of First Community through a gift of any size. You can make a gift to an existing fund or establish a new named fund. Speak with your financial advisor to see how your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) might be leveraged to add impact to your charitable giving.

Please remember the Foundation in your estate planning, will, obituary, and 401(k) benefits. Planned giving is a wonderful way to support those ministries of First Community that you feel most passionate about for decades to come. Not only are your planned gifts vitally important in the support of the ministries of First Community, but there may also be tax advantages available to you now and/or to your loved ones in the disposition of your estate.

First Community Foundation was established in 1961 to support the future of First Community Church’s programs and ministries. The Foundation is supported by immediate and/or planned gifts from those with a focus on the future of First Community and leaving a family legacy. The Foundation provides full assurance that donors' wishes for their legacy gift will be honored and benefit the church.

The impact areas supported by the First Community Foundation include:

  • Camp Akita
  • Facilities, landscape, and maintenance
  • First Community Village
  • Missions
  • Worship & Arts
  • Youth Programs

Please contact Rev. Seth Stearns, Director of First Community Foundation, to explore your planned giving options. Seth can be reached by email at or by phone at (614) 488-0681.

Welcome New Members

First Community welcomed 10 new members into the congregation in October.

Anna and Colin Aldridge

Kelly Tanner

Charles and Delores Saunders

Cindy and Matt Skaruppa

Emily Guse

Hanna and Johnathan Wade

Legacy of Joy:

Celebrating 75 Years of Camp Akita

Legacy of Joy: Celebrating 75 Years of Camp Akita

On Sunday, September 29, we kicked off a year-long celebration of Camp Akita's 75th Anniversary!  A part of our year-long commemoration are Celebration Sundays at Camp Akita, with the first event coming up on Sunday, November 17. Activities will be led by current Camp Akita staff and local experts. Activities are at no charge, but registration is requested to help plan supplies and staffing.

Fall Celebration Sunday

November 17

1 - 5 pm at Camp Akita


  • Archery Lessons & Tournament: Have you always wanted to learn how to properly use a bow & arrow, and finally hit that "bullseye"? Now is your chance! Camp Akita's Assistant Summer Camp Director, Andy Frick, will provide instruction, ending the afternoon with a fun tournament to test your skills. (Note: All ages are welcome, but this activity is recommended for grades 5 and older. The bow can be challenging to use.)
  • Fishing: Bring your own fishing pole, bait, and gear and enjoy a quiet afternoon at Camp Akita's Lake Wantanopa.
  • Nature Crafts: Learn new craft skills using supplies found in nature. A fun group activity for all ages to enjoy together!
  • History of Rock Stalls Hike: Did you know that Camp Akita owns the 70 acre Rock Stalls Nature Preserve (29886 Rock Stull Road)? Spend an afternoon hiking as a group, or individually, and learn more about the history of this beautiful and serene space, including a 50 foot waterfall!

Click here to register for November 17 Celebration Sunday

For questions or additional information, please contact the Columbus Akita Offices or call (614) 488-0681.

Missions Updates

Click below to read the On a Mission! monthly news. In this month’s news you can find more information about:

  • Lots going on at Heart to Heart: November’s Thanksgiving food drive, the Christmas Kindness Project, and a 2025 fundraising announcement
  • The Refugee Ministry Team continues to work with a family of 5 from Venezuela, moving them into their new home.
  • Trading Post is busy too, preparing to transform the store for the upcoming holidays!
  • You’ve received two invitations: Tandana’s Celebration of Hope and Molly Todd’s Quilt Presentation
  • The Share and Learn Garden continues their work through October. The growing season isn’t over for a while yet!
  • Read the updates about the success of two collection projects: Eyeglasses and Pill Bottles.
  • Don’t miss your final opportunity in 2024 to take the free in-person Darkness to Light abuse prevention training. Info on the virtual trainings is also included.
Click Here to Read On A Mission! Newsletter

Southside Family Farms

by Rick Greene, Mission Grants Team Member

“The passion of South Side Family Farms is to serve its community by Planting Seeds of Progress. It produces plants—fruit on the vine—as agents of change towards better food access, equity, quality, and fair food. It wants to sustain and equip generations going forward through knowledge transfer and learning to grow food and food systems.


Its guiding principles include organic farming, waste avoidance, regenerative farming, and water conservation through empowering neighbors in the community as the neighborhood experiences gentrification. It focuses on training youth to put these principles in action.


The South Side Family Farms features hands-on teaching in the gardens, interactive learning about proper nutrition, and how to cook delicious recipes with the harvest. The organization currently has two farms at both 1204 and 1269 Wilson Avenue. In addition, it has the Seedlings of Change Farmsite in Johnstown (a 1.25-acre plot of land) and has plants for seedlings and production.


The organization shares fruits of its labor with all in the community through the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. In this, it participates with the CSA by bringing fresh food access to homes in the South Side community. Youth in the program participate in the growing and harvesting of the bounty and deliver it to homes in the community.”


Click here to read more about our recent visit from Minister Aaron K. Hopkins and his presentation on South Side Family Farms!

Community Justice

Hurricane Relief opportunities: volunteer from home

Crisis Cleanup is a volunteer group through the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), aimed at linking people who need property clean-up with groups who are already on the ground offering their clean-up services.  All you need to do to help is complete a short online training session, and then you’ll be ready to link hurricane victims with relief workers – all from the safety and security of your own home and internet connection.  To volunteer email 

Click on each graphic for more information and registration.

Women's Guild

Camp Akita in the Fall

by Kitty Rohrer

During the weekend of October 18th through 20th, 65 women from age 22 to 90 gathered at Camp Akita for a relaxing, spirit-filled retreat. The weather was ideal, with blue skies and sunshine highlighting the trees as they began to display their beautiful fall colors and with comfortable temperatures for hiking and sitting on the porch to visit.  

The weekend began with a potluck of heavy appetizers and an introduction to the retreat theme of “Finding Beauty in these Broken Times: Embracing Nature’s Gifts,” exemplified in “Trees.” Barb Davis, the facilitator of the retreat’s program, led small groups in sharing the essence and significance of each one’s special tree. Barb helped the group begin to explore the importance of trees and nature in our everyday lives. Joy Converse and Vickie Murphy taught the group the Okee Dokee Brothers’ song, “The Life that’s in Me is the Life that’s in You,” which connects nature to all of us and our life experiences throughout our life cycle. 

Well, what’s a getaway without a bit of excitement? As the evening wound down, the loud sound of the fire alarm rang throughout the lodge. The local volunteer firefighters arrived to check things out, and without a known cause, the system was disabled. A fire brigade of pairs of women patrolled the lodge throughout the night. Thankfully, Mike was able to get the alarm company to fix the alarm system on Saturday, and the rest of the weekend was safe and “silent.” 

Saturday dawned to another beautiful day, and yoga and chair yoga, led by Jodi Patton, started the morning off right. After a delicious breakfast, the women reconvened in the lodge to continue the exploration of trees. Technical glitches did not seem to daunt Barb’s spirit as she proceeded to offer facts and perspectives regarding the interconnectedness and interdependence of trees and all of nature, including humans, to one another. Some solo reflection time in Akita’s beauty led to a group picture on the basketball court and a lunch of homemade soups and salad bar. A creative variety of “tree” crafts preceded an afternoon of free time for each of us to appreciate all the gifts Akita has to offer.  

Dinner was preceded by learning the Practice of Loving Kindness and Meditation, a Metta Meditation led by Jodi, and a Blessing of the cards made to distribute to residents in the long-term care unit at First Community Village. Following dinner, which included a delicious Ice Cream Sundae Bar, the group was treated to the lyrical voice of Katy Oberle singing some of her very appropriate original songs and finishing with a beautiful Sound Bath. A fire was started in the fire pit behind the lodge, and all enjoyed roasting marshmallows and eating s’mores. 

Sunday morning began with Tai Chi led by Sally Kriska and Diane Sturges followed by a very moving worship service consisting of a lovely homily by the Retreat Committee’s Chair, Linda Cannon, and a Communion Service led by Jodi Patton and Martha Livingston. A Closing Circle of Blessings concluded the worship, and all headed to the Dining Hall for an Akita Brunch featuring the famous Akita Coffee Cake. The morning ended as we all returned to the lodge, packed up, shared hugs, and took off to return to our everyday lives, renewed and refreshed by our time spent with each other in the healing atmosphere of nature at Akita. 

Veterans and First Responders Lunch Group

It’s that time of year to honor our First Community Sweethearts!

For more than 70 years, the red rose has been a symbol of caring and blessings at First Community Church. Dr. Roy Burkhart started the Christmas tradition of the First Rose of Advent. This symbol of the congregation’s love continues for men and women 70 and older in our church family. Members of the Diaconate and Congregational Care Ministry will once again deliver roses to our “Sweethearts” during the season of Advent.

Let us know if you are age 70 or older and would like to be a Sweetheart! To receive a rose and visit this Advent season, please contact Jane Torbica (, Care Coordinator, at (614) 488-0681 ext. 235.

Advent Preview

Begin Again: Rediscovering the Spirit of Christmas

There is a reason Christmas movies are loved by so many: they retell the story of Christmas in wonderfully sweet and creative ways, with the universal themes of hope, peace, and love woven throughout. In our Advent sermon series, Begin Again: Rediscovering the Spirit of Christmas, we will consider four excellent Christmas movies and how they invite us to believe in the magic of Christmas. We will also listen to the ancient words of scripture and their timeless messages for all.

Sunday, December 1: 

You're a Blessing: Buddy's Journey 

Luke 1:26-38 | Isaiah 43:1-7


Wednesday, December 4 at The Gathering

We Can't Go Alone: White Christmas

Ruth 1 | Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Sunday, December 8: Children's Musical

9 and 11 am North

(no sermon on Sunday)


Sunday, December 15: 

Do the Good that is Yours to Do: The Grinch's Transformation

Luke 3:7-16 | Isaiah 58:9b-12


Sunday, December 22: 

Hope is Worth the Risk: A Muppet Christmas Carol

Matthew 1:18-25 | Luke 1:46-55

We hope your child will join us at the 71st annual Christmas Workshop which will take place at First Community North on Wednesday, December 11 from 6-7:15 pm. This event is a chance for children to make gifts and Christmas decorations for family and friends. As children grow, learning to thoughtfully give and not just receive at Christmas can enhance their understanding of the spirit of this sacred season and help nurture an awareness of the needs of others.  

Christmas Workshop projects are geared toward elementary-age children, but younger children are welcome if accompanied by a grown-up. Please register for this event by December 8 so we can prepare materials for your child. Register now

Give to First Community

Your gift helps us live out our vision to serve the world.

Please consider a gift in memory or an honorarium to the

Church or Foundation.

Click here to securely give online.

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