December 29, 2023

The Loom Group at

Oak Creek Community UMC

Oak Creek Community UMC, in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, has served at Midwest Mission in Illinois for several years.

Recently, they discovered a new way to serve from right where they are: making Sleeping Mats using a Loom.

Bonnie Clement, Midwest Mission Board Member, attends Oak Creek Community UMC, and shared with us about their Loom experience.

They have been working on Sleeping Mats for several weeks in their Loom Group. A group of women get together, cut bags, weave mats, and fellowship with one another.

"The women who have been meeting are having a great time," Bonnie said. " I thought we'd meet once a week for an hour. We are now meeting twice a week, and I have to ask them to stop after two hours! They love it!"

In late November, they completed their first mat, and showed the congregation on a Sunday morning.

This is a great project to get involved in if you are looking for ways to serve with your church community, right where you are.

Learn more at

If your congregation has a loom, we'd love to hear how it is going! Email with your stories!

Thank You for All You Do!

As 2023 comes to an end, we want to take a moment to pause and reflect on all of the blessings God has given us in 2023.

It was an amazing year — full of ups and downs, times of uncertainty and times of excitement. There was a lot of "new" and "different," but also many reminders of how thankful we are for the work others have done in the past.

There were no shortages of blessings (and I urge you to look at our God Moments Newsletter here to read about the many ways God has blessed Midwest Mission in the recent months).

One of the biggest blessings, by far, is YOU.

Without you (our volunteers, donors, and prayer warriors) the mission would not happen. People around the world would not receive the items they need, and would continue to suffer.

But YOU answer the call for help, YOU sacrifice for the sake of others, YOU bring our needs to Christ, and people around the world are deeply grateful because of it ... WE are deeply grateful because of it.

So, thank you. Thank you for everything you've done in 2023, so that more people may know the love of Jesus in a practical way.

We look forward to serving alongside you in 2024.


Your Midwest Mission Family

Bishop Beard Receives First Midwest Mission

Cheerleader of the Year Award

This year, we gave out our first Midwest Mission Cheerleader of the Year Award! This is given to someone who has been an amazing representative of Midwest Mission, and has connected others to the organization.

The award was given to Bishop Beard, of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Beard has been a great connector for Midwest Mission. This year alone, he gave us time to speak at the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, brought us into the North Central Jurisdiction College of Bishops so we could share about our mission, and he brought his staff to Midwest Mission to experience our mission opportunities.

Thank you, Bishop Beard, for spreading the word about Midwest Mission!

God is doing great things at Midwest Mission! We combined some of our most recent "God Moments" into a publication called "God is On the Move."

Using the button below, you can download the stories and share with someone you know!


January Church Bulletin Insert

We offer monthly church bulletin inserts that you can slide in your church's bulletin. These inserts keep your congregation up-to-date on our current needs and upcoming events!

Download January Bulletin PDF

You can purchase these items at your local store, or make them, and take them to Midwest Mission or a Collection Site near you. You can also buy items online and have them shipped right to Midwest Mission.

Liquid Household Cleaner

56-80 oz total (no spray bottles) - purchase here

Receiving Blankets

28"x28" - 32"x32" — can be store-bought or handmade — purchase here

Share some GOD news with those you love!

Do you have family or friends that need some GOOD News - GOD News - to uplift them? If so please click on the button below and share the link provided. The more we can spread the word about the work God is doing here, the more we can make the world a happier place.

Link to Share the Midwest Mission Newsletter

Ready to Get Involved?

Host an Off-Site Event!

We have several easy, hands-on mission opportunities for all ages that your church can participate in. You can make an impact around the world from right where you are!

Learn more here

For more ways to get involved, including serving at Midwest Mission in Illinois or Iowa, or serving from home, go to

Click Here for the UMVIM NCJ Newsletter
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