For the week ending

January 13, 2023

Join us for worship

January 14, 2024

The Second Sunday After the Epiphany

Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers.

It's Never Too Late!

If you forgot to turn in your pledge card during December, it's not too late to make a financial commitment to St. Nicholas in the coming year.

It's also not too late to catch up your 2023 pledge if you left a few checks at home. Statements will be going out soon to let you know your total donations for 2023.

This Weekend!

Click the image above to see the full flyer.

Reminder: Sign up for Third Sunday Brunch

If you are planning on staying for brunch after the service on January 21, please RSVP on the sign-up sheet in the narthex.

Printed Directories Available

Using our online directory (Instant Church Directory) saves time and paper. But if you are unable to use our directory online, a printed directory is available. Just let Erin know you need one by emailing

This is a good time to be sure your directory information is up to date, too!

SNICK will meet after the Evans' concert on Saturday, January 13 at 4:30.

Margaret Zachry will be hosting a Flower Arranging workshop for children and youth on January 28. Stay tuned for more details.

Prayer Requests

This week we offer prayers for Gene Wells, who is recovering from surgery, and Jewel Wells, who is ill.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry recovering from surgery

From The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs (January 10 2024): Today Presiding Bishop Michael Curry was moved from the intensive care unit of the hospital to a regular room, where he will continue his recovery from a Jan. 6 surgery to treat the reoccurrence of a subdural hematoma. Further updates will be provided as they become available.


Please hold Bishop Curry, his family, and his whole medical team in your prayers.

 Read all health updates.

The Harris County Men's Club MLK Day Parade is

Monday, January 15, 2024.

They are looking for vendors. Steve will have his fire truck there and we would like for the SNICK kids and adults to ride it. They should bring blankets and be prepared for rain. He doesn’t have seats for it yet so maybe not so comfortable for the older adults.

We are encouraging people to make a donation to Christian Valley’s tailgating food since we always eat what they provide. There is a donation basket in the narthex.

This is one of our big fellowship events with Christian Valley and other members of the community so we need a good turnout.

The program will include an invitation to an event we are going to have at St. Nicholas on Feb. 25, in conjunction with Chattahoochee Valley Episcopal Ministry, to promote the Harris County Community Remembrance Project.

Also, if you would like to join the Community Choir for MLK Day, rehearsal will be Sunday afternoon at 3:00 at Bethany Baptist Church in Pine Mountain.

Click the image above or click here for more details.

A Case for Love

January 23, 2024

This movie event is free of charge and will be shown at several local theatres. Click here for more information on show times, locations, and acquiring tickets.

Look for more information to come on follow-up events in the area.

News from The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs. Click on the image or click here to read.

The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta takes a look back at the year. Click the image above or click here to read.

Visit our website

The minutes for the December meeting of the vestry are available by clicking here.