Schedule Your Mandatory

Overhead Crane Annual Inspections

OSHA and ASME standards mandate that all overhead cranes undergo a comprehensive inspection at least once a year. Regular inspections are essential to maintain compliance, safety, and the performance of your equipment.

Keep your equipment and operations running seamlessly -

schedule your annual inspection with AFE Crane today!

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More Than Just an Inspection

Our expert technicians don’t just inspect your equipment; they can also identify potential issues and suggest necessary repairs to prevent future breakdowns. With AFE Crane, you get a comprehensive assessment and a plan to keep your systems in peak condition.

Installation & Load Testing Services

In addition to inspections, AFE Crane provides expert installation services to ensure your crane systems are set up safely and efficiently. We also offer load testing up to 50,000 lbs. using stackable weights and rigging.

Parts & Service

Equipment Repairs & System Upgrades

AFE Crane’s technicians handle everything from routine maintenance to complex repairs to keep your equipment in top condition. We also provide system upgrades and custom-engineered solutions to enhance performance and safety, keeping your equipment running at its best.

System Modifications

Annual inspections are just the beginning—trust AFE Crane for comprehensive services, including load testing, equipment repairs, and system upgrades.

Contact us to schedule your inspection and keep operations running smoothly.

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