Eye on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is designed to share relevant information and upcoming events to support our commitment to promote equity and fairness among our physicians, scientists, trainees and staff members.

Diversity and Inclusion Virtual Grand Rounds

Join us for the Diversity and Inclusion Virtual Grand Rounds event on January 18, 2024 featuring guest speaker Shanti Narayanasamy, MD, "Attending to Race: Exploring How Faculty, Trainees and Medical Students Operationalize Race In Medicine."


Duke Clinical & Translational Science Institute Releases 2023 Translational Impact Report

Duke CTSI has released the 2023 Translational Impact Report: Partnering to Improve Health, Trust, and Equity in our Communities. This report describes some of the many highlights from the past year, and the great work they have achieved with their partners.

CTSI is dedicated to creating a deeper connection between groundbreaking medical research and the communities we serve. For too long, clinical research has been marked by mistrust, bias, and lack of diversity. Through partnerships and collaborative community initiatives, they are working to ensure that clinical research is representative and benefits everyone.

January Observances

New Year's Day

January 1

The first day of the new year is a Federal and a Duke holiday.

January 1 is also Emancipation Proclamation Day, honoring the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln that all enslaved people in Confederate-held territory were to be set free in 1863. This played an important role in changing American history and jumpstarting the fight toward freedom and equality.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 15

Martin Luther King Jr. Day, celebrated annually on the third Monday of January in the United States, commemorates the life and enduring legacy of one of the most influential figures in the civil rights movement. Established to honor the remarkable achievements and profound impact of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., this day serves as a poignant reminder of his tireless advocacy for racial equality, justice, and nonviolent activism.​​​​​​​​​​​​

Upcoming Events

2024 MLK Commemoration

January 14 • 4 pm

Basketball legend Grant Hill will deliver the keynote address at the university’s 2024 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration. This year’s theme is “Our Path to Progress: Realizing King’s Dream of True Freedom for All.”


Eighth Annual National Day of Racial Healing

January 16

Save the date for the National Day of Racial Healing, which is part of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s Truth, Racial, Healing & Transformation efforts. Read more about racial healing and learn how you can celebrate the day by attending or hosting an event in your community.

Learn more

Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration

January 18 11am - 1pm 

Duke Health and BLACKtivate are thrilled to announce the upcoming MLK celebration featuring keynote speaker Dr. Howard-John Wesley, a 1994 Duke graduate and senior pastor of Alfred Street Baptist Church, located in Alexandria, Virginia.

Visit the Duke Events Calendar for a Listing of EDI Events Across Campus

If you would like an opportunity to participate in discussions related to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, click here. "National Chats for Change" is a monthly webinar designed to facilitate important discussions around EDI on a national level and is provided through Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. It's available to anyone interested and generally meets from 12:00-1:00pm EST.


Sharing positivity!

Share something special that you or colleague did at work, or service to the community using this nomination form.

Upcoming Events

View a list of Diversity and Inclusion events on the Duke Event Calendar

Please email dukeeyediversity@duke.edu if you would like to suggest adding a holiday or event to our calendar of events.

Duke Eye Center Statement on Racism and Discrimination 
Duke Eye Center is comprised of a diverse community of physicians, scientists, trainees and staff members devoted to providing high quality care, innovative research, and first-class education.  We welcome and fully engage people of diverse backgrounds, abilities, and perspectives, and strive to provide a safe and secure space for all. We strictly prohibit discrimination and do not tolerate harassment based on age, education, skin color, disability, gender, gender expression and identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.   We are honored to serve Durham, the broader community of North Carolina, and beyond. Contact Us: DukeEyeDiversity@duke.edu