New Book Announcement
The Book & Meditation group meets from 6:45-8:00 AM on Tuesday mornings. We spend 15 minutes in silent meditation and then begin reading. There is no homework for this book group. We meet on Zoom and take turns reading the book aloud to each other. It takes a long time to read a book this way, but it allows us to stop and discuss ideas as we read them.
We welcome new readers to join us as we start a new book on January 9. We will be reading The Wisdom Jesus: Transforming Heart and Mind by Cynthia Bourgeault. Cynthia is a modern-day mystic, an
Episcopal priest, and core faculty at the Center for Action and
Contemplation. Reviewers have this to say about the book.
“If you put aside what you think you know about Jesus and approach the Gospels as though for the first time, something
remarkable happens: Jesus emerges as a teacher of the transformation of consciousness. Cynthia Bourgeault is a masterful guide to Jesus's vision and to the traditional contemplative practices you can use to experience the heart of his teachings for yourself.”