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January 2024 Newsletter Graphic (Facebook Post).jpg

January 2024 Newsletter

Monthly Calendar

Worship Schedule

January 7

Guest Minister

The Reverend Sandra Daly

"Everyday Epiphanies"

Isaiah 60:1-6

Matthew 2:1-12


January 14

Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend

I Sam. 3:1-10 - Calling of Samuel


January 21

Jonah 3:1-5

Mark 1:14-20


January 28

Annual Meeting

Deuteronomy 18:15-20.

Mark 1: 21-28


February 4

Mark 1:29-39


February 11

Transfiguration Sunday

Mark 9:2-9


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Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 28, 2024, following worship in the Sanctuary. Church members will vote on the budget and committee member nominees. Stay tuned for an official Warrant and Agenda!

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News from the Deacons

Much of our activities were focused on the Advent Season and beginning preparing for 2024. We continue to meet in person and have found this a great opportunity to have conversations on how to support our Pastor and the spiritual life of our church. We welcome all comments, thoughts – please reach out to any of the Deacons.

We say a huge THANKS to Lana and Chris Brandt and Laura Blake who will be leaving the Deacons at the end of January 2024. They have freely provided time, support and conversation to our meetings and the life of our church – so appreciated Lana, Chris and Laura!!

I encourage anyone to sign up for the invocation/scripture reading on Sundays, flowers for Sunday service and hosting coffee time.

We wish you a Peaceful and Healthy New Year!!


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Community Lunch

How about starting the New Year with a resolution to attend Community Lunch? It will be held on Wednesday, January 3 in Fellowship Hall starting at 11:30 AM. Healthy soups, breads, and desserts will warm your hearts and be made by your fellow congregants. A sign-up sheet is posted in Fellowship Hall

for your donation of food. If you would like to join the team as a participating member you may surely do. Best wishes to all for a happy and healthy 2024.

New Book Announcement

The Book & Meditation group meets from 6:45-8:00 AM on Tuesday mornings. We spend 15 minutes in silent meditation and then begin reading. There is no homework for this book group. We meet on Zoom and take turns reading the book aloud to each other. It takes a long time to read a book this way, but it allows us to stop and discuss ideas as we read them. 


We welcome new readers to join us as we start a new book on January 9. We will be reading The Wisdom Jesus: Transforming Heart and Mind by Cynthia Bourgeault. Cynthia is a modern-day mystic, an

Episcopal priest, and core faculty at the Center for Action and

Contemplation. Reviewers have this to say about the book.


“If you put aside what you think you know about Jesus and approach the Gospels as though for the first time, something

remarkable happens: Jesus emerges as a teacher of the transformation of consciousness. Cynthia Bourgeault is a masterful guide to Jesus's vision and to the traditional contemplative practices you can use to experience the heart of his teachings for yourself.”  

Church Life & Education

Please call or email the church office to obtain ZOOM links.

Adult Education

8:15 AM Sunday

Bible Study

NOON on Mondays

Book & Meditation

6:30 AM Tuesdays

Men's Breakfast

8:00 AM on the first Monday of every month

Mama D's

Spouse Support Group

2:00 PM Wednesdays

Bells Rehearsal

3:00 PM Thursdays


Choir Rehearsal

4:30 PM Thursdays


Contact Us

Congregational Church

of Boothbay Harbor, UCC

125 Townsend Avenue

Boothbay Harbor ME 04538

(207) 633-4757

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