Our Weekly Message
News, Invitations, and Ministerial Reflections
October 25, 2024
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The Meaning of “Membership” in a Congregation—and Why it Matters
The marketing world generates confusion around the word “member.” The charities which I support (human rights, environmental action, public radio, etc.) call you a “member” if you donate at least a minimumm amount. I am a dues-paying “member” of my gym and an art museum; I can visit whenever I want to. In 1987, American Express advertised its elite credit card with the slogan, “Membership has its privileges.” This meant only you could buy nice things and earn points to buy more nice things. In the 1960s, my dad was a “member” of Chicago’s Playboy Club, a nightclub with bands, vocalists, standup comics--and waitresses dressed as bunnies. That's not what it means in a congregation like this one. Sure, we send a birthday card to each Member, and a Member can use the UUSS Directory.
However, to be a “Member” of UUSS really means that you belong to it. You become an official part of the organization. A UU congregation is not owned by a denominational hierarchy. The congregation owns UUSS because the congregation is UUSS. What we are and what we can accomplish—it’s all up to us.
When you become a Member, you gain the right to vote. This includes the annual budget, candidates for election to lay leadership, social action resolutions, a strategic plan, calling a minister, and making amendments to the UUSS constitution. With such a right comes the responsibility of ensuring that it pursues its mission and lives up to its stated values. Members gain the ability to chair committees and be elected to lay leadership offices. (And the right to say, “Not right now, but thanks for asking.”)
When you choose to join a congregation, you become part of a cooperative organization. In effect, you become an employer (we have staff), an investor (we have savings), a debtor (we have a building loan), and a property owner (we have two buildings on 5.5 acres). You become a neighbor on Sierra Blvd. and in the larger community. As we know from the pledge drive, a Member makes a pledge of monetary support for each fiscal year.
A pledging and voting Member is a steward of the organization and stakeholder in its mission and goals. Please plan to attend the Congregational Meeting on Oct. 27 (after service). It is always an inspiring experience for me to be there with you!
To learn more, see this: www.uuss.org/who-are-we/becoming-a-member/. If you are prepared to join, contact Rev. Lucy or me. Either one of us can answer your questions, give you handouts, ask you to fill out some forms, and witness your signing of the Membership Book. It is a joy to hear why people have chosen to become a part of UUSS!
Rev. Roger
P.S. In addition, we are truly grateful for the many pledging Friends at UUSS. Friends are those who value the congregation, enjoy its programs, and rely on the ministers and staff. In return, they seek to sustain all that we do at UUSS. Friends and newcomers are welcome to attend the Oct. 27 meeting. However, we do need Members to hold a meeting!
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Roger's Facebook Preferences
I am not accepting Friend requests because I use Facebook only to participate in three closed membership groups that use Facebook (including Between Sundays).
It's always best to email or call me. Moreover, I have not had any access to my "Roger Jones Minister" account for years, so I've not seen any messages or requests to that one. (I can't even delete it!) Hence, if you get a Friend request, it's a scam, not me!
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Sunday Mornings with UUSS
Face masks are available but not required.
Join us for Worship Services in person or on Zoom Zoom links here
(Closed Captioning available on Zoom)
Service time 10:30 a.m.
Fellowship afterwards in the Welcome Hall and for 22 minutes on Zoom
Did you miss a service? You can find links to past services here
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Sunday Morning Programs
Join us before the service at 9:30 AM at UUSS
1st Sunday - Facilitated labyrinth walk in the meadow
2nd Sunday - Post-election sharing on Nov. 10 with Lue & Peter, 9:30-10:15, Fahs Room
3rd Sunday - Qui Gong/Tai Chi - Covered Patio
4th Sunday - Exploring Unitarian Universalism: History & Theology Sunday, Oct. 27 with Rev. Roger in the Fahs Room. He will offer this topic again on Zoom Tuesday, Nov. 5, 7:00 pm uuss.org/online
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Sunday, October 27, 10:30am: Calling our
Beloved Dead: A Circle Service for All Ages
Rev. Lucy Bunch and Rev. Dr. Roger Jones with Worship Associates Celia Buckley and Jenni Gouine. Reflection on Grief by Pat Hofmaster, leader of UUSS grief group; UUSS Choir with Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva special guest vocalist Yvette Couvson
We come together in community to honor our loved ones who have died and whom we wish to remember and celebrate. We will read the Roll Call of names of those in our UUSS community who have died in the past year. We will feature our altar of remembrance during the service and have a chance to share our memories of those who have gone before. Come with an open heart. Bring a photo or an object of remembrance for our shared altar.
*Exploring UU History with Rev. Roger in the Fahs room at 9:30 am.
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Sunday, November 3, 10:30am: Poetry of Hope
Rev. Lucy Bunch, with Rev Dr. Roger Jones, Worship Associate Dawn Huebner, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva
Our annual poetry service will focus on hope this year – something we all need more of in our lives and in our world. Rev. Lucy and Dawn will share and reflect on three poems about hope.
Come and be inspired.
Labyrinth Walk in the Meadow at 9:30. Soup Sunday after the service!
Joys & Sorrows candles & prayer cards in the sanctuary before the service.
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Sunday, November 10, 10:30am: Our Mission & Values, No Matter What: A Post-election Reflection
Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, preaching, with Rev. Lucy Bunch Worship Associate Jenni Gouine, the UUSS Choir, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva
Election Day is over, and we gather again for mutual support. The presidential campaign rhetoric of scapegoating and violence has troubled many of us who cherish the values of honesty, compassion, fairness, democracy, and protection of the most vulnerable of our neighbors. No matter the results of this election, how shall we embody these values in the days and years ahead?
Pre-service discussion: post-election sharing with Lue & Peter at 9:30 a.m. (Fahs Room)
Newcomers Orientation and tour with Dave & Deirdre at 11:50 a.m. (Welcome Table)
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Congregational Meeting - this Sunday, October 27, after service. Please plan on attending to hear about our closer partnership with our Community Partners, important updates from our Treasurer and other Congregation Leaders, plus the Unsung Hero award. Child care will continue during this meeting if you would like it. All are welcome to this open meeting but we do need a quorum of Members in order to conduct business. In person and at uuss.org/online.
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Ask Someone about Deep Listening
You can explore this theme by having conversations about listening with people who are close to you. It’s a great way to deepen our relationships! Here is a list of questions to help you. Be sure to let your conversation partner know in advance that this won’t be a typical conversation. Remember also to answer the questions yourself as they are meant to support a conversation, not just a time of quizzing another. Some of us are answering these questions in our Soul Matters groups, but this process is open to all. Give it a try.
Deep Listening Questions:
- On a scale of 1-10, how good of a listener are you? Tell me a story to help me understand why you named the number that you did.
- What type of people do you have the hardest time listening to?
- Thinking back to your childhood, what did you learn about listening by watching your parents interact with each other?
- Do you believe that our bodies carry wisdom that our minds don’t? If so, tell me about a time when the wisdom of your body “saved” you or helped you avoid a mess. Was there ever a time that you regret not listening to your body?
- How have your wounds and losses altered the way you listen?
-Rev Lucy
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Joys and Sorrows in Our Congregation | |
If you would like to have a joy, sorrow, concern, or milestone spoken by a minister at Sunday’s prayer time, let us know at this link.
Make sure to tell us you do not want us to mention it aloud, or if you would like a phone call from one of the ministers. On the first Sunday of the month (Nov. 3) you may come a bit early to light a candle and fill out a prayer card for inclusion in Joys and Sorrows (or just to let the ministers know without a spoken mention in the prayer time.)
We extend our love and condolences to our member Alicia Taylor on the loss of her mother, Susan Kinney, of Granbury, Texas. Surrounded by her family, Susan died Oct. 19, two days before her 86th birthday. She had worked as a medical technologist, then a laboratory criminologist for the Fort Worth police department, and then a registered nurse. She leaves behind her husband, Terry Kinney, and her two younger brothers, as well as Alicia and two older daughters and two grandchildren. At this link her service will be llivestreamed Saturday, Oct. 26, at 12:00 Pacific time/2:00 Central time: www.fccgranbury.live/
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2024 Service Auction is LIVE!
Help make this beloved community builder and fundraiser reach our $40,000 goal. In addition to the online Silent Auction, plan to attend our re-imagined, happy hour event Saturday, November 9, 4-6pm.
It will include "sips" and a variety of savory and sweet small "bites" (see below for the menu). There will be a live auction, Fund-A-Need), gift baskets raffle, 50/50 cash raffle (NEW!) and a Flamingle Photo Booth (NEW!).
Buy event tickets at the Flamingle table during coffee hour or online for $25/person. Click here to purchase yours before they sell out! The deadline is Friday, November 1.
Free childcare with pizza and Flamingo Bingo (plus Pin the Tail on the Flamignto) is available for the event! Register here.
The online Silent Auction is LIVE! Bid high and often on 100+ outings, dinners, services and classes offered by members and friends of our congregation. You can also contribute to our Fund-A-Need for kitchen upgrades (energy-efficient range with a broiler, plus a new refrigerator and freezer) as well as "Flock Funds" supporting:
- Religious Education Supplies and Materials
- Guest Musician Stipends
- Coffee Hour Supplies
- Zoom Subscription
- Printing costs for the weekly order of service and Blue Sheet
- Safety and Security Items (e.g. security cameras, fire extinguishers, alarm system)
Here are other ways you can participate:
- We are gratefully accepting bottles of wine that we will serve at the Flamingle event. You can bring them to the Flamingle table during Sunday coffee hour or drop off in the church office M-F, 9am-5pm.
- We especially need help with kitchen clean-up. Since we are not using dishes or silverware (but we will have washable glassware), this will be quick!
- Visit the Flamingle table or contact Jennifer Webb at auction@uuss.org to sign up.
We hope you will Fla-mingle with us for fun, funds and community!
Questions? Contact Auction Chair, Jennifer Webb at auction@uuss.org.
Savory Bites:
* Chicks in a Blanket (Dairy Free)
* Roasted Potatoes w/ Chive Pesto (Vegan, Gluten Free)
* Goat Cheese w/ Bell Pepper & Herb Dressing on Baguette Toasts (Vegetarian)
* Chicken & Cilantro Bites w/ Dipping Sauce (Dairy Free; GF)
* Polenta Bites w/ Sun-Dried Tomato Tapenade (Vegan; GF)
* Creamy Artichoke Dip; Hummus w/ Pita Chips (Vegetarian)(Hummus: Vegan)
* Charcuterie Board: Meats, Cheeses, Olives, Roasted Vegetables (GF; Optional Vegetarian)
* Gravlax w/ Mustard Sauce (Dairy Free)
* Mini Quiche (Vegetarian)
Sweet Bites:
* Brownies
* Mini Carrot Cupcakes
* Lemon Bars
Wine, beer, coffee, tea, soft drinks
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Join us in Religious Education! | |
Childcare--The Nursery welcomes infants (6 months +) through age 5, year round. Staff supervise child-led play in a fun, friendly nursery filled with toys and games. Snacks are offered. Access through the main entrance. Don't forget to sign in when you get to Room 11. Please contact Crystal with questions.
All ages of children and youth are invited to join the all ages Circle Service this Sunday, October 27.
Grades K-5 are invited to join Soul Kids for the next installment of the Lego ValUUes Curriculum continuing Sunday, November 3.
Youth Sundays (both Senior and Junior High Youth Groups) will be the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, continuing Sunday, November 3.
Other engaging activities for children, youth and families are available and information can be found in the email linked above!
There's always a lot happening in RE!
RE Coordinator Crystal Fountain has weekly office hours and is available by email too.
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What's Happening?
For a listing of all events this week and coming up
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Everyone in the UUSS community is invited to join the Family Dinner Potluck TONIGHT October 25 at 5:30pm
We will plan to eat at 6:00pm and wrap up by 7:15 pm for the dance. Bring a dish to share (or just bring yourself--there's always plenty!) and meet us in the UUSS Main Welcome Hall. There are facilities for re-heating food. No sign-up required!
Send questions to CrystalFountain@uuss.org
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Intergenerational Dance Party TONIGHT October 25, 7:15 p.m. Lets dance away the election heebie jeebies with the classics from the 60’s and 70’s (and 80's) featuring no divas Band (with UUSS members including Rev Lucy). Invite your friends and family to join us. This party follows the Friday Family Dinner Potluck (which starts at 5:30).
Freewill contributions will support Planned Parenthood, our Community Partner.
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UUSS Readers - Fahs Room Oct. 31, 7:00pm. We meet on the LAST Thursday of each month in Fahs 7 PM to 8 PM+. Sign up at www.uuss.org/uureaders to receive a meeting reminder each month or if there are changes. “Up Home: One Girl’s Journey” by Ruth J. Simmons Contact: uureaders@uuss.org
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Family Movie Nights - Fahs Room. Our Justice & Equity Team is hosting one per month. Each movie explores the genre of Afrofuturism at UUSS on Fridays at 6:00PM:
Nov. 15 - Black Panther, Dec. 20 - Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey. Snacks and conversations around race and ethnicity in movies. All ages welcome, but childcare is not available. Please contact jet@uuss.org with questions.
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Saturday Stitchers and Crafters - Welcome Hall, Saturday November 2, 10am Bring sewing, coloring, beading, knitting, or any other portable craft and join us! Contact: stitchers@uuss.org
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Mindfulness Meditation-- Join Rev. Roger on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Wednesday evenings of the month in person at UUSS or at uuss.org/online. Next one is Oct. 30!
We will gather at 6:00 and settle in with a Chalice Lighting, brief words to invite mindful attention to our breathing, and then 20 minutes of sitting in silence. Done at 6:30.
This is basic mindfulness practice of Insight Meditation. No previous experience is necessary. As a group we are supporting one another's practice of mindfulness. If you can't make it, just take a mindful breath at 6:00 and remember that others are doing it also.
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Ministry Circles (not part of Soul Matters) are informal, confidential support/discussion groups. I lead a group that meets on 1st and 3rd Wednesday mornings 10-11 a.m. on Zoom. We check in briefly to share our joys and sorrows, and then we discuss a topic we have chosen: spiritual, ethical, social. Our covenant: We do our best to be there for each other at every meeting. We listen carefully to each other and refrain from giving advice. We do argue, respectfully, during topic discussions.
Past topics: Different spiritual paths, Making friends as an adult, The problem of evil in the world, Compassion, Meditation, Finding the holy in the daily, God, What gifts do we bring to the world? Interested? You can email me via ministrycircles@uuss.org. --Judy Lane
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Disaster Relief Donations
for Affected UU Communities -- UPDATE
In the wake of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, individuals and UU congregations have contributed more than $125,000. More gifts are on the way. This will benefit congregations in North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and other states. Congregations can repair damage, provide direct support to members, and help their wider communities through relationships with local partners.
To donate at the UUA website, click https://www.uua.org/giving/disaster-relief
If it's easier to send or bring a paper check to UUSS, we can send the funds to the UUA. To help our Bookkeeper, please write "Hurricane" on the memo line.
--Many thanks from Rev. Roger & Rev. Lucy
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Are you a member who wants access to the Directory?
Just ask!
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Contact Debrah to get access to our online directory. She will send you an invitation to our database. Just click on the link and get set up. Its a Breeze! Only members can access the directory and you will be able to see the names of other members. If there is someone you want to contact who is not in the directory, call the office and Elaine will provide their contact information to you.
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Staff and Minister Availability | |
Rev. Roger is available for pastoral support by appointment by phone, Zoom or in person, and the Pastoral Volunteers are available for support by phone. His day off is Monday.
Rev. Lucy is available for pastoral support by appointment by phone, Zoom or in person. Schedule an appointment with Rev. Lucy at calendly.com/revlucyb.
Our office staff members (office@uuss.org or 916-483-9283) are available to respond to your calls and emails weekdays 8:30-4:30, except public holidays. Our part-time staff have hours that vary (some of them serve UUSS only on Sundays), so please call the office if you have a question or need to be in touch with them. Our Pianist and Music Director are available by email and invite you to choir practice Wednesdays at 7:00.
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We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world. | |
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