Welcome to
Collectors Corner!

 Ed Sandoval Gallery's Newsletter

119 Quesnel Street, Taos, NM 87571
(575) 770-6360
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...
The holidays are upon us, and we are always so eager to decorate the house. On Thanksgiving day, even though there was not a snowflake anywhere, we got into a festive spirit and decided to take our annual pilgrimage up into the forest to find THE perfect Griswold family Christmas tree. Always a moment of great excitement and anticipation, but that doesn't mean all goes according to plan...

Finding the tree actually went fairly smoothly this year, with only 30 minutes of hiking from grove to grove. Sometimes, one in the distance will look glorious, but once you get up to it, you realize that it's actually two trees close together, like twins. Separated, each is spindly and scrawny. A few false starts like that, but we eventually found "the one."
Remember I said there wasn't any snow, but that doesn't mean it wasn't cold cold cold. After deciding to wait a day or two before setting up our tree and decorating it, we put it in a bucket of water and left it outside, thinking the cold and water would keep it nice and fresh. A few days later, it was finally time! We arranged tubs of bulbs and lights in the living room, put down a mat to protect the floor and gleefully went outside to get the tree. Oops! The water in the bucket was frozen solid – we had to drag the whole thing into the garage and leave it there all night to thaw.

Good grief Charlie Brown! The next day, once we finally got it screwed into the stand and stood back, it started leeeeeeeaaaning and was going to fall over. The trunk was so skinny that the screws couldn't go in far enough to stabilize it. Okay, out with this stand and we'll get the OTHER stand. Wouldn't you know it, the same thing happened with that one too. Once again, as soon as we took our hands off, it started to leeeeeaaaannnnnn.....
Dadgummit! Dire circumstances call for drastic measures. Out came the floral wire, screw eye hooks and the cordless drill. Drilling into the doorway lentil and the TV stand, weaving thin green wire around the trunk and through the hooks and pulling tightly, we finally got it secured and straight. It ain't going anywhere! LOL. A cumbersome process that took days to complete, but the results are worth it. It's so pretty with at least 9 strands of lights on it.
Festive Taos Holiday Photos
It has been so busy lately that we haven't had much time to think about newsletter stories, so this one will be very short. Next month, I'll make up for it. But I did want to include some holiday photos to get us all in the spirit of the season. Enjoy!
Family Christmas (1966) - Me on Right
My Gallery after the First Snowfall
Me & Max Gomez after His Holiday Concert Last Year
My 51 Five-Window Chevy Loves Snow
Dramatic Ice-cycle
Fun Times at Bonfires on Bent Street
Featured New Paintings
To inquire or request a high-resolution photo, contact 575.770.6360 or email edsandovalart@gmail.com. All available original paintings are located HERE.
"My Companion & My Faith" (30x36)
"Winter Reflections" (18x24)
"Pueblo Chile Harvest" (16x20)
"Hello Little One" (16x20)
"Into the Woods" (18x24)
2024 Calendars Are Here
We've been sending out calendars all over the U.S. as fast as we can, but there are still plenty left. Normally, they're shipped within 1-2 days of ordering, so if you want yours before the new year, there's still time.

This year, the paper is upgraded (more like card stock), but they're still the same price as last year: $49 ($39 for the calendar plus $10 for USPS priority shipping w/ insurance & tracking).


  • To use any credit card – email edsandovalart@gmail.com and I'll email you an online invoice.

  • Send check to Ed Sandoval Gallery, 119 Quesnel St., Taos, NM 87571

  • Use Paypal in our website's online store HERE.

NM Residents: add $4.25 tax per calendar.
Cheers to the Season
Always festive to have hot, delicious drinks when gathering with family and friends, and here's one of our favorites. It comes from the Vickery family cookbook, and it's best when spiked with brandy – the Christmas spirit! So get out your good punch bowl and let the wassail and coversations flow.
Happy Holidays to One and All!
Would you like to be a featured collector?
If so, please send your personal story and photo(s) to edsandovalart@gmail.com.
Ed Sandoval Gallery
 119 Quesnel Street, Taos, NM 87571
www.edsandovalgallery.com | (575) 770-6360 | edsandovalart@gmail.com