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Dedicated to the preservation, study, and teaching of shamanic knowledge

for the welfare of the Planet and its inhabitants.

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Hello Susan,

Another amazing and challenging year is coming to a close. While our world is in a time of great change, through it all your steadfast support and participation has been a source of hope and inspiration. (View our holiday thank you message.)

May you find renewed strength, hope, and joy in the silence and beauty of this season. May peace and compassion flourish in the New Year.

In gratitude,

Susan Mokelke



The administrative office will be closed starting Friday, December 22, 2023 and will reopen Tuesday, January 2, 2024, so that we may enjoy the holidays with our families. Visit for info during that time. Email will be checked on a limited basis.


  • We accomplished the immense task of moving our office and the Shamanic Knowledge Conservatory to its new home in Pacifica, California. And, we discovered a hidden gem: a previously unknown typed manuscript, dated 1979, of The Way of the Shaman (first published in 1980).
  • We are engaged in a massive digitalization of important recordings, 1000+ items by Michael and many others from older media (cassettes, CDs, DVDs)—preserving this knowledge in digital format so it will be available to future generations.
  • Once again available: Two-day in-person workshops in the US and Canada and the advanced residential Three Year and Two Week programs, and Harner Shamanic Counseling. 
  • Alongside Michael’s classic in-person trainings, the FSS now has a fully-experiential online Shamanic Healing Training Program and a Knowledge & Power Series.
  • We are exploring additional ways to reach more people about the essential value of shamanic wisdom and practice to our world through social media (Facebook and Instagram).
  • We participated in a major online shamanic conference. Susan Mokelke was interviewed by Shamans Directory for the worldwide shamanic “Gathering at the Cosmic Fire.” The gathering reached thousands of people across the globe. View Susan's interview, broadcast November 30.





The Foundation for Shamanic Studies integrated series of workshops and advanced shamanic training programs are widely recognized as unparalleled in the world. Originated, researched and developed over nearly 50 years by anthropologist Michael Harner—the pioneer of contemporary shamanism—the Foundation's training offers students the opportunity to learn and practice authentic, powerful, and effective shamanic healing methods to high ethical standards. Certificate of Completion for the Shamanic Healing series. WORKSHOPS INDEX

Healing Images


The Foundation has a complete fully experiential Online Shamanic Healing Training Program, covering the primary shamanic healing methods, ethical considerations, and practice. A Certificate of Completion is available, acknowledging the significant effort invested in the training.

There is also a Knowledge & Power series, which provides opportunities to gain wisdom from the spirits to apply to personal and real world problems facing our communities and world. Index of FSS online offerings.

Shamanism Chronicles


This client had heard of shamanic healing from my god-daughter, who had some very positive results from a healing session that included extraction healing, power animal retrieval and soul retrieval.

I met the client through a phone call, and she told me of some issues that were causing difficulties in her life, and we set a time to have a healing session. I mentioned about an exchange of energies for payment, and when she offered a ceramic bowl she had made in exchange for my working with her, I agreed.

She came with my god-daughter as witness on a Sunday morning. She gave the bowl to me, and it was beautiful. She carved on the bottom of it her artist symbol, which was a simple little house, a square with an inverted “V” as a roof.

When it was time, I began the session by rattling and singing an icaro (spirit song) my spirits have given me, and when I was in a shamanic state of consciousness, I journeyed to find out what would be most beneficial for my client at this time. I was instructed to do an extraction, and then a soul retrieval.

I used a recording of shamanic drumming, and I connected with my power animal. My power animal takes on a human form like an old Indian shaman when we do extractions. I merge with my power animal then return to my client and begin finding and extracting intrusions that do not belong in her body. When we are finished with the extraction, my guardian spirit returns to animal form, and I am guided to two soul portions that are ready to come home to her. I bring them back safely and blow them into my client’s heart and crown, then finish off using my rattle.

I welcome home my client and tell her the story of what happened, then share some information I received. Everything resonated with her at a deep level. It was emotional and beautiful.

When our ceremony was finished, I was looking on the ground where we worked, and saw a small object and picked it up. It was a small square little house that was exactly like the symbol she drew on her ceramic works! Now, I had never seen this little house before, and my client didn’t bring it, and my god-daughter didn’t either. This amazing “micromiracle,” the manifestation from the spirit world of my the little house, my client’s symbol, blew our minds! What I realized was the spirits materialized it to show my client that the hidden world of spirit does exist, and to trust that mysteries and miracles are real. There was a lot of gratitude in the room that day.

When I spoke to the client later, I received a very positive report on her life after the extraction and soul retrieval, and that she honors the soul portions and the little miracle house that was returned to her. I am amazed and grateful.

Don Ensslin, CSC, FSS Three Year graduate



Dedicated to the study, preservation, and teaching of shamanic knowledge for the welfare of the Planet and its inhabitants.


Your membership provides you with benefits that support your interest in shamanism and helps fund the Living Treasures program. Your membership donation is essential to expanding our work bringing shamanic training and the wisdom of the spirits to our world.

Distributed by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Editor: Susan Mokelke
Assistant Editors: Narrye Caldwell & Robbie Staufer
Editorial Assistant: Noelle Burch

Copyright ©2000-2023 The Foundation for Shamanic Studies,

a non-profit public 501(c)(3) charitable and educational organization. | [email protected]
