-- Tam Valley News --
About your Parks, Recreation, Refuse & Sanitation Services
February 16, 2024
A Lovely Week

We wrapped up Murder Mystery last weekend and what a great show it was! We had winners each night after stumping the audience all of the first weekend. Thank you to all who came out to enjoy the show and support community theater!

Our Bingo Bunch had a sweet Valentine's celebration on Wednesday. A huge thank you to Jack Schwartz for his leadership of this group. We love offering a place to gather each week and have a fun bingo game, lunch and community.

The TCSD office is closed on Monday, February 19th for President’s Day. There will be no changes to your regular refuse collection days. Enjoy the long weekend and mark your calendars for our upcoming events!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Annual Board Retreat
The Board conducted its annual strategic planning and goal/priority setting retreat on February 10th from 9:00am to 2:00 pm. In addition to discussing goals/priorities, the Board discussed future events, policies, programs, projects, and improvements and/or enhancements to existing services.

The Board will consider the proposed Goals and Priorities for 2024 at its February 14th meeting.

Special thanks to Fernwood Cemetery for allowing us to use their facilities for the Board retreat.
TCSD Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, February 14th at 7pm
Tam Valley Community Center

At its February 14th meeting, the Board took the following actions
  • Approved the Parks & Recreation Commission (PARC) Goals and Priorities for 2024 and provided direction to PARC on the key issues to focus on for the year
  • Received mid-year budget report and other financial reports
  • Awarded bid for the Corporation Yard Shop Improvements (restroom & shower improvements) and approved contingency reserve of $35,000 for unforeseen field conditions
  • Adopted TCSD goals and priorities for 2024
  • Discussed Solid Waste daily operations and service levels
  • Ratified agreement with Maggoira & Ghilotti in a not-to-exceed amount of $32,528 to repair the Bell Lane Pump Station by-pass pipe system and approved a project contingency of $5,000.
  • Approved the revisions to the Commemorative and Memorial Bench/Furnishing Policy.

Tam Valley Community Center Projects

The contractor has started work on the remodel of the restrooms in the Community Center. We will be working our events schedule around construction so bear with us but it will be worth it in the end - new bathrooms coming soon!
The rain slowed things down but the contractor is still working on the fence replacement project around the Community Center parking lot. It's coming together!
Caltrans Manzanita Sea Level Rise Project Meeting
Thursday, February 29th at 6pm 

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to enhance access and mobility by addressing recurring flooding and sea-level rise impacts that affect State Route 1 (SR-1), US-101 and the Manzanita Park and Ride lot.
The environmental stage is scheduled for the winter of 2024 once funding is secured, and Caltrans is scheduled to circulate the Draft Environmental Document (DED) externally in the summer of 2027.

This public meeting will be an opportunity for Caltrans to listen to our communities and discuss what is known about current local flooding and projected impacts of sea level rise. Community members will be able to share what we value in the natural and built environments that Caltrans will need to take into consideration as they develop the possible long-term designs and alternatives. 

Please use the link below to join the Webinar:
Save the Dates!

Spaghetti Bingo
March 22nd
Tam Valley Community Center

Yes! We heard the overwhelming requests to bring this back and make it a regular thing. Here is our spring date - more info to come including advanced tickets on Eventbrite coming soon. Spread the word, especially to your friends and neighbors with young kids who maybe haven't been because of the extended break over the pandemic.

Earth Day
April 20th
Tam Valley Community Center

We are switching things up this year and bringing Earth Day to the Community Center. Stay tuned for all the details but it's going to be fun for the whole family and you will learn something that you can do all year long to help our community and our environment!
Debris Day
May 4th
Tam Valley Community Center Yard

Household Hazardous Waste Day
May 18th
Tam Valley Community Center Yard

Sand and Sandbags Available
Small Lot Near the Community Center - 203 Marin Avenue

TCSD added to the sand pile. We are happy to offer an easy, local pick up spot to help you protect your property during this stormy season!

Bring a shovel down and fill up what you need, keeping in mind to leave some for your neighbors.
It is an honor to bring you the news of Tam Valley each week. If you have any questions or comments on the content of this newsletter, please contact me at

Camille Esposito
Events and Communication Coordinator
Follow along as we share information about
future events and happenings in our community!