Caltrans Manzanita Sea Level Rise Project Meeting
Thursday, February 29th at 6pm
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to enhance access and mobility by addressing recurring flooding and sea-level rise impacts that affect State Route 1 (SR-1), US-101 and the Manzanita Park and Ride lot.
The environmental stage is scheduled for the winter of 2024 once funding is secured, and Caltrans is scheduled to circulate the Draft Environmental Document (DED) externally in the summer of 2027.
This public meeting will be an opportunity for Caltrans to listen to our communities and discuss what is known about current local flooding and projected impacts of sea level rise. Community members will be able to share what we value in the natural and built environments that Caltrans will need to take into consideration as they develop the possible long-term designs and alternatives.
Please use the link below to join the Webinar: