February 22 - 13 Adar 1
Was dedicated by the
RKYHS Boys Hockey Team
in honor of
Ari Katz
Tzvi Kurlander
Jacob Levy
for their incredible devotion in coaching the
Kushner Cobras this season
February 22 - 13 Adar 1
Was dedicated by the
RKYHS Boys Hockey Team
in honor of
Ari Katz
Tzvi Kurlander
Jacob Levy
for their incredible devotion in coaching the Kushner Cobras this season
February 21 - 12 Adar 1
Was dedicated by
Naomi and Neal Auman
in memory of
George Auman
grandfather of Effie Auman (RKYHS '15)
February 20 - 7 Adar 1
Was dedicated by
Sarah and Michael Diamond
in memory of
Bella Studnitzer z"l
beloved mother of Sarah Diamond
and grandmother of Abigail (JKHA '19/RKYHS '23), Lea (JKHA '19/RKYHS '23)
and Sophie (10th Grade) Diamond
in commemoration of her Yahrtzeit.
Click Here to Donate
We Invite You to Dedicate Our Children's Torah Learning at JKHA/RKYHS
If you are interested in sponsoring a Day of Learning, contact Aly Greenstein: agreenstein@jkha.org or (862) 437-8001