September 2023 Newsletter

In This Issue

TCNA Co-Presidents' Updates

Neighborhood Committees

  • Public Safety Updates: Crime Report & Vaccination Information
  • Calvert Liaison Committee Updates
  • Greens Committee: Spotted Lanternflies
  • Membership Committee
  • Streets Committee: Abandoned Cars Removed
  • Communications: Website - History of the Inner Core of Tuscany-Canterbury

Neighborhood News

  • Linkwood Road Flood
  • Neighborhood-wide Yard Sale: Still Time to Sign Up
  • BGE Gas Regulators: PSC Rules for Homeowners
  • Ridgemede Condo Repairs
  • New Little Library: Ridgemede Road
  • Pauli Murray Statue in Bishop's Park: Update
  • Neighborhood Demographic: Education Trends Compared to Other Neighborhoods
  • Bulk Trash: Neighborhood Dumpster, September 30
  • Stoneyford Road Water Main Updates

Neighbors in the Spotlight

  • Neighbor, John Waters: Star on Walk of Fame

Johns Hopkins University

  • JHU has a Student/Community Liaison
  • Homewood Field Schedule

Restaurants In Tuscany-Canterbury

  • Complete update for all restaurants
  • Maureen LaPorta, new TCNA restaurant liaison and TCNA board member

Home & Condo: Sale Prices and Active Listing

  • Sales (Current and Under Contract)
  • Active Listings (including number of days on market and asking price)

Save the Dates

  • Neighborhood Dumpster: September 30
  • Neighborhood-wide Yard Sale: October 14
  • TCNA General Meeting: November 15

Other Events

  • Bingo Night, One World Cafe, September 27 6:30 Bingo is free. (Not a TCNA sponsored event but sounds like fun)

  • Additional events included at the end of the newsletter

Tuscany-Canterbury is a beautiful neighborhood. Neighbors and owners take great care of their homes, condos and buildings. TCNA supports various efforts to keep our neighborhood a beautiful treasure in Baltimore.

TCNA is stronger with you as a member! We’d ❤️ to have you join us or renew your dues. 

Join or Renew TCNA Membership

Membership Committee

Pat Hawthorne, Chair

Membership Report for September, 2023


Many thanks to all of you who have renewed your membership since July 1. 

We are pleased to announce that we have already exceeded our budget for July and August! We are also pleased to announce that we have four new household members since July! Your dues help to fund our monthly newsletter, maintain the web site, take loving care of our public gardens and green spaces, maintain the Stony Run Trail and Linkwood park, and cover costs for neighborhood meetings and events. 

If you are not a member, or have let your membership lapse, please consider becoming a member or renewing TODAY!

TCNA Neighborhood July Updates

Pat Hawthorne and Mike Travieso, Co-Presidents

Dear Neighbors,


Welcome to Autumn in Tuscany-Canterbury, a beautiful time of year in a beautiful community when the days are still warm but you can feel a bit of a chill in the air. It is also the time of year when the weather can be turbulent as evidenced by the two recent hurricanes, Idalia and Lee, that hit the east coast. We also experienced an unusual storm here on September 12 when heavy rains caused our placid Stony Run to breach its banks distributing logs, tree limbs and debris in its path. Hardest hit were the footpath to the Linkwood Apartments and the fence and dell on the TLCC property. Several cars parked on Linkwood Road were also damaged. Check out the photographs of the storm’s damage on the TCNA web site [add link]. And many thanks to the crew from city Recreation and Parks who helped clean up the damage.


Here are a few updates from the TCNA Board:


BGE Gas Regulators: The Board sent a letter to the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) in support of the efforts of Baltimore city neighborhoods and residents to stop Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. from installing external gas pressure regulators on homes and threatening to shut off gas service. 

A hearing was held on August 15 at the PSC following which the PSC ruled in favor of city residents by preventing BGE from installing external regulators without homeowner consent and from cutting off gas service or threatening to discontinue service because a customer declines an exterior regulator. This is a real win for Baltimore communities!

New Board Member and Restaurant Liaison: We are happy to announce that Maureen LaPorta (Ridgemede Road) has been appointed to serve on the Board to fill a vacant position and has agreed to be our restaurant liaison. Look for Maureen’s report in this issue of the newsletter.

Calvert School Request to Rent Athletic FacilityThe TCNA and Calvert have drawn up a fourth Amendment to the Covenants that spells out the terms that the TCNA Board approved allowing Calvert to rent out its squash courts to local independent middle/high schools during squash season. Once the amendment is signed, we will put a link to it on our web site.

Convenants with Calvert School: The original Agreement of Restrictive Covenants between TCNA and Calvert School executed on June 21, 2001 will terminate in June, 2026. The Board would like to begin the process of forming a working group which will review the original covenants and subsequent amendments and make recommendations for terms that should be included in a new document. If you would like to serve on the working group, please contact us at: Copies of the original covenants and subsequent amendments can be found at CLICK HERE .


The next TCNA meeting will be a combined Board and General meeting on Wednesday, November 15, time and location TBD. We hope to have a special presentation of interest to the community. Stay tuned!!


Pat Hawthorne and Mike Travieso


Tuscany-Canterbury Public Safety Updates

Paul Gallo, Chair of TCNA Public Safety Committee

Nearly every time that TCNA has a larceny, it is the result of a thief going through an unlocked car between late night and early morning.

It happened again last week. A neighbor wrote:

"Around 5 am this morning, some car break-in guy broke into a neighbor's' car and showed up on their Ring camera.. Then the guy went up the alley checking car doors."

Please lock you car and don't leave anything visible. Keep the neighborhood safe for everyone.

Your fall Guide to Covid, RSV, and Flu Vaccines

In this Q&A, Johns Hopkins,Andy Pekosz, PhD, a professor in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, shares all the details about the updated vaccine, including what makes it different from previous COVID vaccines, who should get it, and whether it’s safe to get it alongside vaccines for other fall viruses like flu and RSV.

CLICK HERE Questions and Answers

Free COVID-10 Test Kits Starting September 25

The Department of Health and Human Services says orders can be placed at starting Sept. 25, and that no-cost tests will be delivered for free by the United States Postal Service.


The tests are designed to detect COVID variants currently circulating, and are intended for use by the end of the year. But they will include instructions on how to verify extended expiration dates.



Neighborhood Yard Sale. Martha Turner, Coordinator

Different board members & neighbors will chair specific events throughout the year.

Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Yard Sales

Multiple Locations

October 14

Rain Dates: October 15 or October 21

A group of interested neighbors have been planning the Tuscany-Canterbury yard sale. Locations for the yard sales are:

  • Canterbury Alley (between Canterbury and Cloverhill Roads)
  • Berkeley Condo Parking Lot (102 39th Street)
  • Hamlyn Condo Parking Lot (103 W 39th Street)
  • 300 block Ridgemede Road TENTATIVE

The committee will take care of publicity and posting signs. If you want to help or if you are interested in setting up a table at one of these sites, please let the committee know in advance.

Click Here to Contact Martha Turner about the Yard Sale

Streets Committee

Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair

CLICK HERE to contact Streets Committee or Visit TCNA Website for information about all the Streets On-Going Projects

A hearty THANK YOU to Councilwoman Odette Ramos and neighbors who reported abandoned and illegally parked cars in Residential Parking Permit zones, and then pressured the Baltimore City Police to take action. Over the past several weeks, many tickets have been issued, cars were towed, and a few parking spaces have opened up on our neighborhood streets as a result.

And now that we can see the curbs again...'s time for our annual reminder that we all need to do our part to keep curbs and drains free of debris. Recent heavy rainfall has washed sticks, leaves, soil, and sand from our beautifully landscaped yards and green spaces into the streets. Clogged storm drains can cause water to pond on our streets and flood basements in the houses and buildings at low points.

September 23, Special thanks to Ann Hastings and Ashley Dagenais who cleared the clogged storm drains on Linkwood near the little pedestrian bridge, and on University Parkway, early in the morning in the tropical wind and rain.

As the days get shorter and the sun sets earlier, please be careful and stay safe whether you're walking, biking, or driving.

Greens Committee

Eric Elton & Patrick Mutch, Committee Co-Chairs

Committee Members: Alison Moliterno, Bonnie Boland, Pat Hawthorne, Mary Loker (Does not include all the volunteers who help throughout the year)

Think spotted lanternflies are bad now?

Wait until they swarm this fall.

Kill any spotted lanternflies that you see.

More about Lanternflies

Fattened by a summer of sipping sap, the offspring of an invasive insect baby boom native to eastern Asia are unfolding their bright red inner wings and looking for love. 

Expect to see spotted lanternflies, dizzy with hunger and lust, careening through the air from mid-September through late October.

Destroy the homes of the lanternflies: Tree of Heaven

More about Tree of  Heaven

Calvert Liaison Committee

Amy Mutch, Chair

Committee Members: Ferd Latrobe (Canterbury Road), Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford), Arna Margolis (Tuscany/Lombardy), Nick Kouwenhoven (Tuscany Road)

September 2023 Calvert School Updates

An agreement to allow Calvert to rent out its squash courts was approved by the TCNA board. The squash season is November 1 through February 29, 2024. This agreement and is a one year trial.


They’re back! The familiar sound of children returning to school has filled our neighborhood this month.  We have had minor reports of slowdowns in carpool lines and that is an accomplishment in the first two weeks when Calvert is given a grace period. The placement of a sandwich board by Calvert requesting drivers to not block Stoneyford Road was appreciated. 


The new classroom addition in the rear of the lower school is progressing and is almost under roof with framing near completion. A recent Sunday morning BGE truck appeared at 6:30am to do transformer work. Calvert apologized for the major nuisance but had no control of the timing.

Sidewalk repairs on Stoneyford Road continue to be an agenda item but current backlog in Baltimore City DOT can take years to address. The streetlight that is out at Tuscany Road has been reported multiple times to 311. As days grow shorter this issue becomes more urgent and impacts safety . Andrew Holmgren along with residents will push for the repairs.   


A committee will be formed to plan for an extension of the Restrictive Covenants. This will involve the boards of Calvert School and TCNA. Both sides desire to begin the process as soon as possible. The current covenants expire in 2026.

I wish everyone a wonderful fall season and loved seeing the Calvert kids in purple and orange as Baltimore sports bring out the best in everyone!  


Calendar Events for Calvert School

All dates are also shown on the TCNA web page - Calvert & JHU events

Communications Committee

Linda Eberhart, Newsletter Coordinator.

Julie Watson, Webmaster,

John Robinson, photographer

Committee: Ann Finkbeiner, Lois Schenck, and TCNA board members contribute articles, photos, and other support for newsletter and website.

TCNA Website History Feature

"The Inner Core, Canterbury Road"

The second part of the "Inner Core" includes the multi-family apartments and condo buildings on Canterbury Road. They include not only some of the oldest buildings in the neighborhood but also the newest condo building. All of them blend together and feel part of Tuscany-Canterbury.

The Ambassador

The Dundee

3801 Canterbury Road, Residences at the Colonnade (1988)

3811 Canterbury Road, The Ambassador(1928)

3800 Canterbury Road, The Lincoln 

3904 Canterbury Road, The Dundee (1921)

In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury

Questions, Comments, Messages

Linkwood Road Flood: September 12, 2023

Flooding occurred through the Stony Run area. One source from the City Parks department said that the water in the Stony Run rose from a four high mark to twelve feet within a short time.

The Stony Run rose high enough to go above Overhill Road overpass, and the small pedestrian bridge by Ridgemede Road, and covered some cars on Linkwood to the window level. Cars were pushed against each other.

The water did not reach the height of the bridge at Stoneyford Road. That bridge was built above the flood plain level.


Thanks to all the neighbors who sent photos.

This sink hole with a depth of 5 feet happened during the flood. It's located in the west side of Stony Run just south of Linkwood Road along the trail.

Sink hole was filled in by Baltimore City Parks and Rec on September 22.

Morning after the flood, September 13

Same Bridge , September 21

Thanks to volunteers and Baltimore City who immediately started to remove the debris for the hundreds of neighbors who use the bridge each day.

Up and down the Stony Run corridor, basements were flooded and roads, alleys and paths that had been briefly turned into swollen rivers were left with potholes, sinkholes, sandy residue, logs and other debris. Read about the damage at Wyndhurst Station where businesses were destroyed and in other parts of the city with serious damage.

Baltimore Brew Article

Ridgemede Condo Repairs

After many years of exposure to weather and the subsequent wearing down of the balconies’ infrastructure, the Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condominium Association had to refurbish the balconies and surrounding brickwork.

This involved the total removal of all the rusted iron railings - which in some places were completely detached from the brickwork which, in turn, was in serious disrepair. In addition, the defective weatherproof balcony flooring surface for all the balconies had to be entirely scraped off and prepped for a new application of weatherproofing. With brick tuck-pointing and power washing the balconies now completed the end of the project is within sight.

Within the next two weeks new and stronger railings will be installed after the new weatherproofed balcony flooring has cured. Some external painting of the ceilings of each balcony will also be done. If the weather continues to hold out, the project is expected to be entirely finished by the second week in October.


The PSC says BGE cannot require gas regulators outside homes.

BGE Gas Regulators Updates:

September 5, 2023

The Public Service Commission (PSC) decided that residents could choose whether the regulators, which maintain a set pressure in a gas system, can be located outside or inside their homes. The months-long campaign by homeowners and neighborhood associations to stop BGE's controversial practice of installing gas regulators on the facades of city homes has been resolved in residents' favor.


Another New Little Free Library

302 Ridgemede Road

Tuscany-Canterbury now has three little libraries. . The newest one just appeared at 302 Ridgemede Road.

The other ones are on Stony Run Lane near the Tuscany Lombardy co-op. There is also one at the Linkwood playground north of Overhill Road.

Share your books. Enjoy

Pauli Murray Statute in Bishop's Park: Updates

After TCNA approved the Pauli Murray Statue for Bishop's Park in November 2021, the State Episcopal Pauli Murray Committee has been working with the City Planning Department to develop a process to proceed with these projects. They were told to contact Mayor Brandon Scott. Bishop Sutton sent a letter to him explaining the proposal for the Pauli Murray Statue, and they are waiting for his response. The process is taking longer than they anticipated, but they plan to continue to pursue the project.


Pauli Murray: Baltimore native, first Black woman to become an Episcopal priest in US, to be featured on quarter in 2024


Baltimore Sun Article

The 2019 analysis reveals that Tuscany-Canterbury has the highest number of residents and highest percentage with advanced degrees in Baltimore City.


Dumpster Available for Neighborhood Use

September 30

Canterbury at Tuscany

Start time usually arrives in the morning and is there for for 4 hours. This is the last neighborhood dumpster for the Tuscany-Canterbury until the Spring of 2024.

Special thanks to Sam Park, TCNA board member who arranges with Baltimore City for the neighborhood dumpsters to come to Tuscany-Canterbury.

Baltimore City Recycling Program

Reminders what not to include in your recycling

Late in August the trash truck picking up re-cycling broke down just as it entered the alley between Cloverhill and Canterbury.

It took four hours for a special tow truck (huge) to arrive and to back all the way up the alley from 39th Street to the dead truck. The tow truck left with the trash truck about 8:30 PM.

The City sent another recycling truck and picked up the recycling in the neighborhood. Thank you DPW.

Baltimore Sun article about recycling program

Updates: Water Main Issue on Stoneyford Road at Linkwood

Status of Long-Term Solution

September 2023

The issue of 4 water main breaks in 4 months, March to June 2023, has been sent to the City's engineering department for long term recommendations.

Then the recommendations must go to the Board of Estimates for approval before any long term work is done on the water line.

Once the water line is permanently repaired, then the Stoneyford Road will be fixed.

TCNA and Councilwoman Ramos will continue to monitor this problem that affects 250 households.


If you have no water or low water, pressure call 311 immediately. Let TCNA know the confirmation number so we can also follow-up on the problem.

New Deer Sightings in Tuscany-Canterbury

Canterbury Road

September 2023

Bird feeder now repurposed

as deer feeder.

If you have pictures and would like to share, please send them to

Alonso’s owner is opening his third spot near Roland Park.

The former Evergreen Cafe on Coldspring Lane is set to become an Indian restaurant. The liquor board approved a new license for the location on September 7. But not everyone is happy with the change.

The earlier cafe, known primarily as a coffee shop and lunch destination, shut down last year after almost two decades in business. The owner told the Board of Liquor License Commissioners for Baltimore City at a hearing Thursday that he intends to use the space in the Roland Park area to open a restaurant specializing in vegan and vegetarian South Indian food with an upscale atmosphere. 

Read more about the issue: CLICK HERE

Neighbors in the Spotlight

Tuscany Canterbury has great neighbors.

Let us know about a neighbor that should be featured.

John Waters

Baltimore filmmaker and Tuscany-Canterbury resident, John Waters, gets star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

Text Link

More information in Baltimore Sun article

Student/Community Liaison

During he 2023-2024 school year Johns Hopkins has a Student/Community Liaison. He will assist and support students as they transition from on-campus living to off-campus living. He will also respond to address/abate community concerns on the weekends and educate students on being a good neighbor.

For disturbances:

  • Call 410-516-4600 to report the issue. On Fridays and Saturdays, the Student/Community Liaison will be dispatched between the hours of 8pm and 4am. Outside of these hours, a JHU Public Safety Officer will be dispatched. Please note, caller can remain anonymous.

  • In either instance, someone will arrive to the scene to meet with the student(s). The issue will be addressed with a warning and documented.

  • If more than 20 minutes has passed and the issue remains, call again, and report the incident as a SECOND CALL.

  • A Public Safety Officer or the Student/Community Liaison will report back to the scene and the disturbance will be shut down and documented a second time to be followed up with by our Conduct Office. 

If for any reason the situation has not been abated after 2 calls, please email the Director of Off-Campus Housing at

For Trash or Yard Maintenance Issues:

  • Please call 410-516-7961 or email to report the issue.
  • Issues will be addressed within 24 – 48 hours.

The Off-Campus Housing Team strongly encourages students and neighbors to get to know each other proactively. The team will often try to find ways to facilitate and connect students with community members. Students and community members interacting organically influences positive student actions and behaviors. If ever there is an event or activity the office can help with, please do not hesitate to reach out to them.


In and around


Maureen LaPorta, New TCNA Board Member and new TCNA restaurant liaison.

My husband, Tony, and our daughter, Nicolle, moved to the Tuscany Canterbury Neighborhood on Ridgemede Road in December of 1989. We loved the neighborhood because of the strong sense of community, interesting architecture, neighborhood park, neighborhood restaurants, and neighborhood gardens and all within walking distance. We have continued to enjoy the neighbors and neighborhood for the 33 years we have lived here. We are the family that has been in the houses on Ridgemede Road second longest. Although neighbors have come and gone, we plan to continue to enjoy all the neighborhood has to offer.

Maureen was approved to join the board at the September 2023 board meeting and has agreed to be the TCNA restaurant liaison.

One World Cafe is a vegan and vegetarian restaurant owned by sisters Cindy and Sue. They have been in place at One World cafe for 22 years and the majority of the staff has been there for more than 20 years! Quite an accomplishment. Most of their food items are made in-house and gluten-free options are also available. One World has both indoor and outdoor dining options and offers a full-service bar. Breakfast is served until 3 pm each day. The restaurant is closed on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday through Friday hours are 10am to 8pm, Saturday hours are 9am to 8pm and Sunday hours are 9am to 4pm.

The first Bingo night at One World in years is coming soon and will be on September 27 at 6pm. Bingo is free! 

Alizee offers classic American cuisine with a gourmet touch. They have a team of seasoned professionals led by Chef Francisco Lopez leading the group with experience coming from many other city restaurants.
Happy Hour is 4-6 PM, Sunday through Thursday, with 50% off all alcoholic drinks.
There will be specialty nights with lower prices on specialty items of the night. One of their specialties and their most ordered entree is braised short ribs. It is definitely worth trying. There will be more information forthcoming.
Coming in the fall, there will be cooking classes offered. Contact Ricardo to sign up (410-963-8577). There will be more changes coming up.
The Ambassador offers traditional and authentic Indian dishes. Gopal Bishwakarma, owns and manages the Ambassador Restaurant.
All dishes are made from scratch daily including the naan bread. The Ambassador is closed on Monday. They offer a buffet from 11AM - 2:30PM Tuesday through Thursday for $15.00. Friday through Saturday there is an extended buffet which is $18.95. Sunday the extended buffet is $27.95 and includes unlimited mimosas.
The restaurant is also open from 5PM to 10PM Tuesday through Sunday. If you don’t choose the buffet, the extensive menu is always available as well as, vegan and vegetarian options. Chicken tikka masala is their most popular dish. Ambassador has catering and carryout available.
Free parking is next to the building between the Ambassador and the Colonnade. There are 6 - 8 spaces. There is also evening valet parking.
They have indoor and outdoor seating and a beautiful garden near the outdoor patio with two small waterfalls and a variety of plantings and paths.

Cypriana’s owners, Maria Kaimakis and Vassos Yiannouris, are passionate about the quality and authenticity of the food they serve at their Mediterranean cuisine restaurant.

Outdoor dining is available on the lovely balcony in the rear of the building. All items on the menu are handmade, dressings are made from scratch with no preservatives or sugar, and the hummus is handcrafted. They use only the best of olive oil from Crete.

Cypriana offers small plates and entrees serving diners, private parties, and catering. Vassos has spent 33 years challenged to do things right, authentically, and while putting the customer first. Free parking is available across the street from Cypriana on 39th Street. Open Tuesday through Sunday 5pm until 9 or 10pm with no lunch service.

Cypriana is set to open a second location, a 5,595 square foot space in the mix use community of Maple Lawn in Howard County.

The new cafe in the neighborhood, Kanom, insists on food quality. All items are made from scratch daily. The four owners are Nicki, Jeff, Ann, and Mickey. Mickey is the chef. The cafe is open every day except Tuesday from 7AM until 5PM with both indoor and outdoor seating.

They are serving coffee, espresso, Thai iced tea and coffee, sodas, boxed sandwiches and salad, cake, pastry, croissants (butter, chocolate, almond, ham and cheese). Salads and hot made in-house sandwiches are coming soon. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, they have additional special croissants for example tiramisu and cookies and cream.

Mickey, the chef, graduated from Culinary School for food and bakery in Thailand. He has worked in pastry shops including in Boston. This is his first ownership in business. Every day Mickey prepares his products at the work table behind a glass divider in the cafe. They encourage everyone to come to see the “show”.

Jeff is also a chef and business owner who has worked in hotels, cruise ships, and restaurants. Jeff is also an owner of two restaurants that will be opening soon, one in Fells Point and one in Towson, serving Thai food. 

They are very excited to be in Tuscany Canterbury and look forward to meeting the neighbors.

  • Kanom Instagram if neighbors would like to follow them.
  • Web address
  • Contact: 443-708-8108.

September 20, 2023

The Baltimore Banner Review

Who doesn't love a new bakery? I was happy to hear of the arrival of Kanom Cafe to 3811 Canterbury Rd., just by the Ambassador Dining Room.

The only hard part during a recent visit was deciding what to order. I went with the cube-shaped monkey bread — filled with decadent dark chocolate — and freshly made blueberry cheesecake. The best thing we ate this week.

Hopkins Market has a tentative opening date in the beginning of October. There will be an open house, details to be determined.
For the first year, Hopkins Market will determine by the customers' needs and the level of service to maximize customer’s experience. Hopkins Market will provide fresh deli sushi daily, a coffee bar, light fare like tuna salad, pizza, and groceries, wine, liquor, beer, and more.
They will offer delivery for some products according to guidelines. There will also be a sitting area in the Market. A goal of Hopkins Market is to provide essentials for residents so no one needs to drive daily. There will be more information as they get closer to the opening.

Read more about all the local restaurants in Tuscany-Canterbury in the new TNCA restaurant web page.

Sale Prices of Homes & Condos

in Tuscany Canterbury

This month more information has been included in this section instead of just sold and settled properties.

Let TCNA know if you like this additional information and if there is anything else that you would like to be included in this section.

Thanks to TCNA member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.

Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   

Source:  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:

Events In and Around


If you have an event that you would like included in the newsletter, send information to the month before the event.

Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off:


October 6 & 7 9am-5pm

Northwest Citizen Convenience Center

2840 Sisson Street, 21211

This is an opportunity for Baltimore City residents to dispose of hazardous household materials such as oil-based paints, pesticides, herbicides, car and household batteries, drain cleaners, pool chemicals, and many other items. Latex paint is NOT hazardous waste. It can be dried up and the cans put out for regular trash collection.

Community Concerts at Second


4200 St. Paul Street

October 1

7:30 pm


Musicians from the Baltimore Symphony perform a program of lush and captivating music, including works by Nadia Boulanger, Erwin Schulhoff, Mozart’s playful String Quartet No. 16, and an arrangement of Claude Debussy’s Prelude to an Afternoon of a Faun for flute, viola, & harp.

Upcoming Concerts For More Information

OCT 15, 2023 | 3:30PM


OCT 29, 2023 | 7:30PM


NOV 12, 2023 | 3:30PM



Community Day Celebrates Making Her Mark

Sunday, October 1, 11-5

Celebrate the opening of Making Her Mark: A History of Women Artists in Europe, 1400-1800. Community Day is an event for the entire family!

The afternoon includes free access to Making Her Mark with tours led by the exhibition’s co-curator.

Experience the art of lacemaking with Elena Kanagy-Loux supported by the Chesapeake Region Lace Guild and shop for handmade items created by The Minimalist Chic Boutique and Drama MaMa Bookshop.

Sip premium loose-leaf teas during a Cuples Tea House pop-up tasting experience and sample delicious mini trifles and cupcakes made by Midnite Confections.

Visitors will also have time to meet local and women-run arts and maker organizations, including A Workshop of Our Own, The Baltimore Jewelry Center, and Baltimore Clayworks.

View the full schedule of events 

The Legacy of Mrs. Henrietta Lacks

October 7 at 10:00 am (Check-in starts at 9 am)


This year, Johns Hopkins celebrates the 13th Anniversary of the Henrietta Lacks Memorial Lecture 

For more information, visit


Use the link below to register (both in-person and virtually).


Fall is beautiful in Tuscany-Canterbury

Special thanks to John Robinson who takes most of our neighborhood photos.

Send your pictures to share to

TCNA Officers and Board Members

  • Co-President: Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • Co-President: Mike Travieso (Tuscany-Lombardy, Stony Run Lane)
  • Past President Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road), Events Committee
  • Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
  • Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
  • Secretary: Sam Park (Tuscany Court)

Board Members:

  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road), Gardens Committee
  • Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road), Events, 100th Celebration
  • Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road), Communication Coordinator
  • Eric Elton (Cloverhill Road), Greens Committee, Co-chair
  • Paul Gallo  (Tuscany Court), Public Safety Liaison
  • Nancy Lee LaMotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Rd), Residential Permit Parking Coordinator. Membership Committee
  • Maureen LaPorta (Ridgemede Rd), Neigihborh Restaurant Liaision
  • Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road), Events, 100th Celebration
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
  • Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road), Calvert Liaison Committee Chair
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road), Streets Committee Chair
  • Julie Watson (Canterbury Road), Web Master