September Policy Update

2024 Public Policy Priorities Survey!

Before reading on, have you taken our survey? If not, now is your chance to be a part of our voice for change! We appreciate your input. 🫶🏾


Housing Protections for DV Survivors

From left to right: Alex Allen, Rep. Marsha Judkins, Gabe Archuleta, Paul Smith, Liz Marie Santiago-Otero Not pictured: Erin Jemison and many other advocates who championed this bill

Part of the team responsible for championing a bill that made serious improvements to Utah's DV Lease Termination Statute presented at the Annual Utah Housing Matters Conference in Midway, Utah.

Survivors of domestic violence now have greater protections if they need to flee their home and break their lease in order to access safety for their family. Read our blog to find out more about the details of the law and why and how dv and housing advocates and rental operators came together on this consensus bill.


Source of Income Discrimination - Not in Utah?

In August at the Crossroads Urban Center Poverty Summit, Gabriella Archuleta, VP of Race and Gender Equity and Director of Public Policy, moderated a panel discussion on source of income discrimination, the protections we have for it in state statute for the past 30 years, and the need to maintain those protections.

Source of income discrimination in housing happens when a landlord refuses to rent to a person based on their source of income including housing vouchers or subsidies, child support, or alimony, which disproportionately impacts seniors and people of color.


Hispanic Heritage Month

Image credit: Julio Javier Morales, featured at

Hispanic Heritage Month kicked off on Sept. 15 and runs through Oct.15. This year’s theme is “Latinos: Driving Prosperity, Power and Progress in America.”

Prosperity, power and progress includes accessing safe and high quality child care and early education for the well-being of children and so that parents can participate in the workforce and pursue their educational and career goals.

Thanks to compounding, deeply embedded structural racism and gender discrimination, the child care cliff disproportionately harms Latino workers and families and communities of color. We are facing the loss of 3.2 million child care spots and 70,000 child care programs if Congress doesn’t offset these devastating impacts. It’s time to pass the #ChildcareStabilizationAct and ensure our communities can avert this crisis.

Take Action on Child Care! Contact Congress

In response to the looming child care cliff that we are likely to face come Sept. 30, members of Congress have now introduced the Child Care Stabilization Act (HR 5433/S.2777). This legislation is designed to prevent this crisis by allocating $16 billion in mandatory funding every year for the next five to continue the Child Care Stabilization Grant Program. 

Take Action Now! Contact Congress!

  • None of Utah's Congressional leaders have signed-on as co-sponsors of the bills. Call the Capitol Switchboard – (202) 224-3121 – and ask to be connected to your member. 
  • Leave a message with the office urging their support.
  • Sample message: My name is [x]and I’m your constituent, living in [city, state]. I work with YWCA [LA] and as part of one of the largest networks of child care providers in the nation, I’m deeply concerned about the 70k child care programs that will be forced to close and the 3.2 million childcare slots that will be lost if the upcoming cliff on Sep. 30 isn’t averted. Please co-sponsor the Child Care Stabilization Act [HR.5433 or S.2777] to ensure that this crisis is averted. Thank you. 

  • YWCA USA CEO, Margaret Mitchell, is quoted in lead co-sponsor, Rep. Rosa Delauro’s, press release here

Will You Be at the Stroller Rally?

There's a child care crisis and YWCA Utah is partnering with several organizations to push for change. Join us at the first ever Stroller Rally in Utah on Oct. 11th at 10 AM at the Utah State Capitol!

On Monday, Oct. 9, from 6-8 p.m. join us to prep for the rally! We will meet at YWCA Utah (322 E 300 S, SLC) for fun, food, creating exciting signs, and a presentation from the National Parent Union. If this is your first time or 100th time at a rally, you'll want to come and get ready! 

For more information please contact Brigette Weier at


The next interim session takes place on October 10-11, 2023 and legislators will be back at the Utah State Capitol after holding September's Interim Session in St. George. Interim Schedule.


Follow YWCA Utah @ywcautah and Gabriella Archuleta, our VP of Race and Gender Equity and Director of Public Policy, @_Gabe_Archuleta for policy updates during the legislative session and throughout the year.

YWCA Utah | | Business Line: 801-537-8604 | Crisis Line: 801-537-8600 | TTY 711
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