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As soon as you take your first step into the Spartanburg Soup Kitchen, the Bible verse on the front wall immediately catches your eye. It reads, “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat” (Matthew 25:35). I think God had a plan for me, even before I acknowledged it myself. That calling was to serve and not to be served. I have served on the Soup Kitchen Board for the past six years. For the past five years, I have volunteered each Tuesday to help prepare and serve meals to approximately 200 poor and homeless individuals in our community. The Soup Kitchen has been in operation since 1981, originally at Second Presbyterian Church, and currently in its own building at 136 South Forest Avenue. They provide a mid-day meal (11:30am-12:45pm) seven days a week, 365 days a year. Our mission statement is to share the love of God, and give our clients food for their bodies, kindness for their souls, and hope for the future.

The Soup Kitchen is an inter-denominational, inter-faith ministry, made out of partnership with various individuals and organizations across the Upstate. I feel God’s love and presence each time I enter the Soup Kitchen, and I believe that when we serve those in need, we are doing God’s will. If you know of individuals or family in need of food, please invite them to the Soup Kitchen any day of the week. Several empowerment programs are also available.


Dear God, put your ever-loving arms around our less fortunate neighbors in our community; protect them, support them, and give them hope. Please also touch the hearts of the leaders of the world, in order to bring peace through the teachings of Jesus to “love thy neighbor as thyself” (Matthew 22:39).

Tommy Stokes has been a member of First Presbyterian Church since 1975. He is currently retired, after spending 49 years as a teachers’ principal and district level administrator for Spartanburg County District 7. He has previously served as a Deacon and will once again be serving as an Elder in 2024.