Amanda Littleton
District Manager
Cheshire County Conservation District
11 Industrial Park Dr. Walpole, NH 03608
(401) 578-1608

Jeffrey P. Smith Farm Camp Scholarship

Now Accepting Applications for 2024

Send your child to a local farm camp this summer!

Walpole, NH (January 20, 2024) – Does your child have interest in farms or gardening? Promote their curiosity and send them to a local farm camp this summer!

The Jeffrey P. Smith Farm Scholarship connects young people with agriculture and the natural world around them. This scholarship aims to inspire the next generation of local farmers and food supporters by giving regional children the opportunity to experience sustainable farming first-hand and watch their efforts bear fruit.


Scholarship-eligible programs include select farm camps and after school programs at Stonewall Farm, Orchard Hill, Kroka Expeditions, U-Mass Farm Academies, and memberships to NOFA-NH. Scholarships cover the full program cost unless otherwise noted.


The Cheshire County Conservation District is now accepting applications and donations to the Jeffrey P. Smith Farm Camp Scholarship. Applications are due by March 31, 2024.


To learn more about participating programs, view application material, or donate to the scholarship fund, visit our website at


Interested applicants may also request a paper copy of the application by contacting the Cheshire County Conservation District at 603-756-2988 ext.4 or




During his lifetime, Jeff Smith was an enthusiastic supporter of sustainability and local agriculture. He firmly believed in the connection of all living things and stressed the importance of working in harmony with the systems of the universe.

Seeing himself as a “steward” instead of an “owner” of the land, he felt the earth was entrusted to us for safekeeping during our lifetimes, to be passed along intact to future generations. With an eager and vibrant sense of life, his every activity was geared towards improving the lives of others and the environment through giving freely of his time and efforts.

To keep that vision alive, the Jeffrey P. Smith Farm Scholarship Program was created in August 2009. The program’s purpose is to send children to an area farm camp to discover the inherent rewards that come from cultivating with one’s hands and heart.


The Cheshire County Conservation District promotes the conservation and responsible use of our natural and agricultural resources for the people of Cheshire County by providing technical, financial, and educational assistance. Our goal is to encourage the stewardship of healthy soils, productive ecologically sound farms, diverse wildlife, productive sustainable forests, healthy watersheds, and clean water to ensure those resources are available for future generations. Established in 1945, the Conservation District operates out of Walpole NH where we work alongside the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and other conservation partners. 

For more information, contact the Conservation District at 603-756-2988 ext.4.


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