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The Healthy Nudge

October 2023

Welcome to The Healthy Nudge. Each month, we'll get you up to speed on the latest developments in policy-relevant health behavioral economics research at CHIBE. See our 5 top stories below.

new CHIBE website

1) CHIBE unveils new website

We are excited to share with you our newly designed CHIBE website:! Thank you to faculty, staff, and our advisory boards for their input on the website. Also, take a look at the modified CHIBE logo, which now includes the Penn shield.

chibe annual report 2023

2) The CHIBE Annual Report is here!

CHIBE has also published its newly designed 2023 annual report, which can be found here. Take a look at our director's letter, impact stories, research highlights, awards, top stories, and more.

food on forks

3) Social, clinical, and policy implications of ultra-processed food addiction

A BMJ paper led by Ashley N Gearhardt, PhD, with CHIBE Associate Director Christina Roberto, PhD, et al.

The authors of this paper argue that thinking of ultra-processed foods high in carbohydrates and fats as addictive substances can contribute to efforts to improve health. The paper offers policy approaches to tackle ultra-processed food addiction, such as implementing ultra-processed food and beverage taxes, mandatory or voluntary front-of-pack or shelf labeling systems, mandatory or voluntary reformulation of the food supply, or a suite of policies targeting these types of foods. Read more here.

4) The new science on making healthy habits stick

A Wall Street Journal article featuring CHIBE-affiliated faculty Katy Milkman, PhD

"Any healthy choice seems doable for a day. Building consistent good habits around exercise, sleep and nutrition in the long term is harder. Recent research is uncovering how long it takes to cement different kinds of habits—and gives fresh insight into how to make them stick. Simple health habits like handwashing, for instance, take a couple of weeks to develop, while more complicated ones like going to the gym take four to seven months, according to a recent study. 'You can’t mindlessly go to the gym the way you mindlessly shampoo your hair,' says Katy Milkman." Read more here.

kevin volpp at nudge unit symposium

5) Report from the 2023 Penn Medicine Nudges in Health Care Symposium

Take a look at LDI's coverage of the Penn Medicine Nudge Unit's symposium, which includes speech excerpts from CHIBE Associate Director and Nudge Unit Director M. Kit Delgado, MD, MS, who spoke about the latest research from the nudge unit, as well as CHIBE Director Kevin Volpp, MD, PhD, who spoke about how nudge research is at a crossroads. Read more here.

(Photo/story credit: Hoag Levins, LDI)

Thanks to everyone who joined us at the CHIBE/PAIR Roybal Retreat! Stay tuned for more coverage of the event.

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Erica Dixon and Kevin Mahoney

Congratulations to CHIBE affiliates Erica Dixon, PhD, and Kevin B. Mahoney, MBA, on being named Metro Philadelphia Health Care Power Players in 2023.

Dr. Dixon is Project Director of Accelerate Health Equity, a city-wide initiative addressing health equity and racism and advancing the health of Black Philadelphians. When asked what her favorite thing is about working in health care, she said in the article, "The ability to make change and have a real impact on people’s health — all of the work we do is aimed at making Philly healthier and more equitable, whether through direct patient impact, supporting organizations in expanding their work, or helping shape the future of health care in Philly. We want to make an impact at a system level, but the work we do at an individual level is also very important to me."

Mr. Mahoney is CEO of the University of Pennsylvania Health System. When asked his favorite thing is about working in health care, he said in the article: "Helping others is at the heart of a career in health care. At our academic medical center, we see the results of our work realized each day — from a revelation in the laboratory to a patient being discharged or an employee making an impact on our institution’s mission. It’s an honor to work in a field that extends hope and support and makes a difference in the lives of others."


Kimberly Narain, MD, MPH, PhD, will join CHIBE and LDI on October 26 at noon EST for a research seminar on physician and pharmacist collaboration to reduce racial/ethnic disparities in diabetes. Dr. Narain is an Assistant Professor In-Residence of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. Location: Colonial Penn Center Auditorium, 3641 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Please note: In-person attendance at this event is preferred. Virtual access will be provided to registrants who are unable to be on campus. Register here.

Margaret McConnell, PhD, will join CHIBE and Health Policy for a research seminar on November 9 at noon EST to talk about the impact of home visiting for improving maternal and child health outcomes for low-income first-time parents. Dr. McConnell is an Associate Professor of Global Health Economics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. This event is hybrid. Attendees may attend virtually or join us at 1104 Blockley Hall, 423 Guardian Drive, Philadelphia. Zoom link here.

CHIBE Scientific Director Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA, will be speaking about behavioral economics and its policy impact and future directions on November 16 at noon EST. Dr. Buttenheim served as a co-chair of NASEM’s consensus report on behavioral economics and policy impact and will be discussing highlights from the committee's recent report. This event is hybrid. In person: Steinberg-Dietrich Hall, Room 1203, 3620 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Register here. This event is co-sponsored with the Population Science Research Programs at Abramson Cancer Center, the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, and the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy.

Further Education

December 5, 2023 – February 5, 2024*

Behavioral Economics and Decision Making (HCIN6020a and 6020b -001)

Kevin G. Volpp, MD, PhD


Behavioral economics offers a framework for understanding how people make decisions, and how people’s decisions are predictably irrational in ways that can help us improve their behaviors. In this course, learn how deliberate decisions about choice architecture and incentive design can help us improve workplace health incentives, physician practices, and patient health behaviors.


Penn staff, faculty, and graduate or professional students with approval from their program, as well as individuals with health care or relevant work experience are invited to take this 6-week long, online graduate course. Each week follows a pattern of asynchronous learning through brief videos, readings, written discussions with classmates, and real-world projects and assignments, plus a 1-hour synchronous class. Penn employees may use tuition benefits toward this course. This course is part of the Master of Health Care Innovation (MHCI) curriculum. A 4-course certificate is also available.


*Note: This is a multi-term course that spans from the fall term to the spring term. Students must take BOTH parts of the course. Students will earn 0.5 cu in each term for a 1 cu total for the course. Student will earn 1 letter grade for the entire multi-term course.


To register or for more information, contact Caitlin O'Neill at:

Learn more at:

More from CHIBE

The Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics (CHIBE) at the University of Pennsylvania conducts behavioral economics research aimed at reducing the disease burden from major public health problems.

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