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October 13 - October 22, 2023

Lessons for this Sunday

The 20th Sunday after Pentecost

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Laurie Montgomery shares Minta Nixon's completed boxing strip.

Kathleen Chandler has completed her piece and is working on another.


I would like to invite us to walk alongside each other to rediscover how The Way of Love is God’s purpose for us all. The Way of Love is a way of life—living intentionally for excellence. The set of seven practices to Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest is an intentional commitment to follow Jesus. Rachel, a Certified Peer Educator, from Weber State University shares “being intentional means making deliberate choices to reflect what is most important to us. Becoming intentional can help us maintain a positive mindset, reach goals, experience more clarity, and be more present. It can also increase our focus and commitment and bring more purpose and meaning to our lives.”

In the next seven weeks we will discover that to turn in any direction is a deliberate choice towards a goal whether personal or communal. We will learn how meaningful and essential it is to navigate our lives by staying close to Scripture. Praying daily keeps us attuned to the Spirit of the Lord allowing us to recognize his voice. The Holy Trinity is communal and reminds us that corporate worship is essential to the Body of Christ through relationship building. As we learn of each other, we can become better stewards of our time, talent, and treasure to bless others and also receive blessings. To go in peace to love and serve the Lord is a threefold action that is never done alone because the power of the Holy Spirit is always with us. To rest is not a weakness or a “cop out” but is an intentional act that was good enough for God to do on the seventh day after the creation of the world—it should also be good for us.

Through proven positive outcomes around the world, Episcopalians have found these practices grounding and life changing. Let us walk together to rediscover, reimagine, and reignite the power of Love within our families, community, relationships, and our neighbors.




Sunday Worship Schedule

8 AM Rite I
11 AM Rite II
11 AM Facebook Live
11 AM YouTube Live
5:30 PM - Celtic Evening Prayer with Communion
6:30 PM - Compline + Sit and Wait (Chapel)

All of our Sunday worship services are in-person.

Continental Breakfast

Sunday, 9:00 AM

This Sunday we will have a continental breakfast with cereal, milk, juice, and fruit.

Please Note we will NOT have biscuits or cooked breakfast this Sunday.

The Nursery will be open Sunday, Oct. 15

9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

We are pleased to announce that the Saint Paul’s nursery is open for children 6 months to 4 years of age. The nursery will be available this Sunday morning beginning at 9:30 A M.

St. Nicholas Choir (age 5 - grade 2)

Canterbury Choir (grades 3-9)

Sundays, 9:25 - 10:00 AM

The Canterbury Choir (children in grades 3-9) and the St. Nicholas Choir (age 5 through grade 2) will meet this week as scheduled.

If you or any family or friends are interested in the choir program, please email Director of Music, Keith Shafer or call (706) 724-2485 ext. 215.

The Way of Love

Begins, Sunday October 15

9:30 AM, The Berlin Room

Our next series in the Sunday Forum will begin Sunday, October 15. The Reverend Deacon Kimberly Dunn leads The Way of Love.

The Way of Love is a way of life. More than a program or curriculum, it is an intentional commitment to a set of practices. It’s a commitment to follow Jesus: Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest. We will learn what this commitment and way of life looks like through loving others as Jesus exemplified and God commands. For more information, contact the Rev. Deacon Kimberly Dunn.

Godly Play (grades pk4-8)

Sunday, 10-10:45 AM

St. Francis' Room, CMC

Sara Dimsdale and Kim Butler will lead our younger children in the Saint Francis Room (Godly Play Room). If your child is in the Saint Nicholas choir, they will transition from choir to formation

Spark Upper Elementary (grades 3-5)

Sunday, 10-10:45 AM

St. Patrick's Room, CMC

Joni Vanover will lead our older children. They will meet in the Saint Patrick Room (large classroom across from the office). If your child is in the Canterbury choir, they will transition from choir to the formation class. 

Middle School Formation grades 6-8

Sunday, 10-10:45 AM

St. Benedict's Room, CMC

Michelle Hawkins will lead our middle school. They will meet in the Saint Benedict Room.

Confirmation Classes begin

Sunday, October 15, 12:30 PM

If you’ve been baptized but not confirmed, or were confirmed elsewhere and now consider the Episcopal Church your home, join us to take the next step of Confirmation or Reception. Confirmation classes are also a wonderful opportunity if you have questions and just want to know more. Signal your interest by emailing Fr. Eric. Classes begin Sunday, October 15, 2023, 12:30 PM.  


Students in grades 9-12 who have not been Confirmed are encouraged to contact the clergy to let them know of your interest.

"Taking A Walk"

Guided Labyrinth Walk

Sunday, October 15, 4 PM, The Berlin Room

Please join us Sunday afternoon at 4 PM, for a guided labyrinth walk. The labyrinth is a single path that has been used as a walking meditation and path for prayer since ancient times. No experience walking a labyrinth is required. There will be a brief introduction to walking a labyrinth and a time for reflection prior to the walk. Please bring socks. Belinda Peebles will lead us; The Daughters of the King sponsor this event. For more information, contact Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau.

EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)

Grades 6-12

Sunday, 5-7 PM, Youth Room and Tyler Hall

EYC will meet at Saint Paul's for games and dinner. Friends are always welcome.

Friends always welcome! Contact Alison Nesbit or The Rev. Deacon Kimberly Dunn .

Celtic Service

Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion

with Prayers for Healing

Sundays, 5:30 PM

Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion is a candle-lit service that emphasizes the contemplative side of worship, features some of Augusta’s best Celtic musicians, and offers prayers for healing for those attending, for others, and for the world. Come as you are and enter into a place of rest, prayer, and reflection.

Kathleen Chandler and Keith Shafer are our musicians this week.

Sit and Wait

Sit and Wait Meditation Group

Sundays, 6:30 PM, Chapel 

Sit and Wait has moved to Sunday night with a new format beginning on September 3, 2023. This service will follow the Celtic Service at 6:30 PM. The format will follow An Order for Compline from the Book of Common Prayer (page 127-135). The focus of the service will be the appointed Rule of Benedict for the Day. At the end of Compline, a twenty-minute sit will follow, and everyone will leave in silence.

Please email Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau or contact by phone at (706) 910-9331 for further information.

EVENTS NEXT WEEK | October 9 - 15

Tuesday's Music Live

October 17, 12 Noon, Nave

Tuesday’s Music Live 35th season continues Tuesday, October 17, at 12 noon, with a free concert by Bloom Funkhouser Jazz Duo. More information by calling the Box Office, (706) 722-3463 or

ZOOM Book Study

Tuesdays, 7:30 PM, Beginning October 3

Grateful: The Subversive Practice of Giving Thanks led by Barbara Coleman.

“Every day there are reasons not to be grateful. Terrible, distressing, painful, and awful things happen all the time. Yet gratitude is a defiance, of sorts, the defiance of kindness in the face of anger, of connection in the face of division, and of hope in the face of fear. Gratefulness does not acquiesce to evil–it resists evil.”

Books are available in the Narthex on Sunday and in the parish office during the week. $20 donation. Sign up on the website, so that we can forward class schedules and updates. 


Senior Lunch at Saint Paul's

October 18, 12 Noon, Tyler Hall

New at Saint Paul's: Our 2nd monthly lunch for seniors. Just a relaxing social time. Come join us on Wednesday, October 18 at 12 Noon in Tyler Hall. Lunch is provided but donations welcome.  Please sign up in the Narthex on Sunday mornings or on our website using the link below.

Sign up for Senior Lunch

Compline - ZOOM

Wednesdays, 8 - 8:15 PM Social time follows worship

Meeting ID: 595 177 454
Dial-In: (646) 876-9923

Password: Email the Parish Office to request.

Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together.

Following the prayers, those who gather through Zoom have an opportunity for a mid-week visit.

Mid-Week Eucharist

Thursdays, 11:30 AM

A mid-week Eucharist in the Chapel begins at 11:30 AM. Lunch in the Berlin Room follows at 12 noon with a weekly Bible study (more information below.) Join us as your schedule allows: Come for Eucharist and lunch, lunch and Bible study, or stay for all three. (So that we may honor mid-day schedules, lunch is scheduled for 15 minutes and will continue through the Bible study conversations.)

Lectio at Lunch

Thursdays, 12 Noon, Tyler Hall 

Join us for a delicious and engaging Bible study!

Every Thursday in Tyler Hall you’ll find a lunch combo that can’t be beat! We offer a tasty meal with a generous helping of fellowship, plus a lively discussion arising from the Gospel of Mark. Our text is N.T. Wright’s Mark for Everyone which takes this Gospel in small bites, reflecting on each week’s reading with relevant and important insights. We finish promptly at 1:00 PM and invite you to join us as your schedule allows. You may bring your own lunch or share in the meal provided. Donations accepted.

Master's Table Soup Kitchen

Saturday, October 21

8:15 AM prep and 10:15 AM serving

702 Fenwick Street, Augusta

The Master’s Table Soup Kitchen at 702 Fenwick Street will be staffed by Saint Paul’s Church volunteers on Saturday, October 21, 8:15 AM for prep and 10:15 AM for serving. This will be a good opportunity to get to know other parishioners while preparing and assisting in cooking and serving hot meals for guests in the community that are food insecure. If you wish to serve, please RSVP on our website (a direct link is available in the Weekly Postings). Contact Al or Laraine Yarbrough for more information.

Sign up to Serve

Walk with the Spirits

Saturday and Sunday, October 21, 2-5 PM

This weekend, keep an eye out for some of Saint Paul's parishioners leading the Walk with the Spirits: Catherine Robertson, Bill Ford, and Mark Albertin. You're invited to join the Historic Augusta, Inc.’s popular Walk with the Spirits held in Saint Paul’s Churchyard, on Saturday, October 21 and Sunday, October 22 from 2-5 PM. The Creation Care Committee will be providing refreshments for the event.

The event features the “spirits” of some of Augusta’s notable residents. The guided tour will also include the history of the cemetery. Tours begin every 20 minutes and will last approximately 45 minutes. Cost is $20 for adults, $10 for students (k-12). Reservations are required and may be made by visiting


Dates for your Calendar

October 16 - Vestry Meeting

October 26 - Caregivers' Support Group

October 29 - Mission Group Interest Group

October 31 - Tuesday's' Music Live

November 1 - MMM...

November 4 - Flower Guild Workshop

November 5 - Evensong & Reception

November 14 - TML

November 15 - Senior Lunch

November 18 - Manna Pantry

November 18 - Walk for Water

Trunk or Treat for Hornsby Elementary

Saturday, October 28

Saint Paul’s will provide a trunk or treat event at Hornsby Saturday, October 28. Trunk or Treats give kids a safe, fun way to celebrate Halloween–especially in neighborhoods where trick or treating door to door may be difficult. We need more “trunks” on site and can take donations of more candy. Email Fr. Eric for details and to sign up.

Personal Hygiene Drive for Hornsby

October 1-31

As part of our support for our partner neighborhood school, we are gathering personal hygiene items for the children at Hornsby Elementary during the month of October.

Items requested include laundry detergent, baby wipes/cleansing clothes, spray deodorant, travel-size deodorant, tampons, feminine pads, travel-size lotion, individual packaged toothbrushes, toothpaste, hand towels, and wash cloths. Baskets are located in the Narthex and Tyler Hall.

Contact Barbara Coleman for more information.

Fall Floral Arranging Presentation

Saturday, November 4, 9:30 AM, Tyler Hall

Margaret Brown Flowers presents a free

🍁🌻 Fall Floral Arranging Presentation🌻🍁


All women and men of the Church are invited. Margaret will teach us how to make beautiful fall floral arrangements for our home using grocery store flowers. You will leave with a “how to” list. No experience required. Refreshments served. Come join the fun.

Please register. Sponsored by the Flower Guild. For more information contact Pam Uros.

Baptism Offered

Sunday, November 5

The Prayer Book notes Holy Baptism is especially appropriate on four dates: at the Easter Vigil, on the Day of Pentecost, on All Saints' Day or All Saints' Sunday, and on the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord.

We will celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism at the feast of All Saints', November 5. All who wish to be baptized are invited to contact Fr. Eric.

All Saints' and All Souls' Prayer List

On All Saints’ Sunday, November 5, we remember especially those in our parish family and in our families who have died in the past year. Please email the parish office or telephone at (706) 724-2485 by Sunday, October 29, if you would like to place someone special on the list.


Saint Paul's Faithfulness

as of 10/112023

Offerings Pledged this Week $13,942.31

Pledged Offerings Received this Week $7,044.90

Total Operating Expenses to Date $743,082.25

Total Operating Income Received to Date $829,424.25

Make a Gift


Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.
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