Social Club New Year’s Lunch,

Gaji and Bingo

On Saturday, January 20, the Tonari Gumi Social Club started this year’s activity with “New Year’s lunch, gaji and bingo”. It snowed a few days before the event and, unfortunately, the snow did not melt as we wished. We were concerned about holding the event. The snow on the sidewalk was cleared, but there were still piles of snow on the edge of the roads. When the guests started arriving by car, the conditions were slippery and dangerous. Mr. Henry Wakabayashi, one of the guests, offered to shovel the snow and clear the way from the edge of the road to the sidewalk helped by Mr. Akira Teramoto, another guest’s family member. Thanks to their quick action, all guests were able to get to TG from their cars safely. Despite the harsh conditions, thirty-seven seniors gathered at the event.

We invited Ms. Sen Sakamoto, who excels at Japanese cooking sessions and is involved with the Japanese Canadian Heritage Cooking Class, to plan the menu and cook lunch with several seniors. They made heartwarming dishes (tonjiru and onigiri) and anmitsu for dessert. With Sen’s lead and Derek’s assistance, senior volunteers cut many kinds of vegetables and pork into pieces and cooked them in a big pot. They also made over eighty onigiri wrapped with seaweed. The tonjiru and onigiri were delicious and guests were eager to have seconds. By the end, the giant pot was almost empty.

After lunch, one of the Japanese Canadian survivors, Ms. Lurana Tasaka, introduced “gaji” (hanafuda), a popular card game among Japanese Canadians. Many of the guests had played gaji before but had not played it for a long time. The final and main event of the day was a bingo game. Lurana prepared over thirty prizes, including one grand prize which was won by Mrs. Barbara Tanaka. Mrs. Tanaka is one of the committee members of TG Social Club and has been dedicated to planning events from the beginning of the social club program. There are many fans of her homemade baked goods, which she always brings to meetings and events, so everyone was happy for her.

Clearly, these events are not possible without the dedication of our volunteers, who respond time and again when we need them. For that we are truly grateful. Thank you again to all of our volunteers, especially those who arrived early to lend their assistance. 

隣組ソーシャルクラブ 新年会ランチ、ガジ&ビンゴ





24th Nikkei Community New Year’s Celebration

A lovely New Year’s celebration dinner was recently hosted at the Nikkei Cultural Centre jointly with the Greater Vancouver JCCA, the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre and the Nikkei Seniors Health Care and Housing Society. It was exciting to see everyone in their finery, with the many kimono-clad ladies adding a special note of tradition and elegance. Shinnenkai are a wonderful way to welcome the new year with our colleagues and friends and to connect with those from other Nikkei community organizations.

To this end, there was ample time to socialize both before and after the dinner and dessert, which was mochi manju supplied by Tonari Gumi. There was also a trivia game that members of TG participated in. We were the only table to answer all twelve (rather difficult) Japan-related questions correctly thanks to our members having vast knowledge on a variety of topics such as Japanese dance, Japanese hockey players, geography and other little-known facts. This victory was a good team effort and definitely grabbed some attention!

Here’s to good health and all the best in 2024!

Shinnen omedetou gozaimasu!

第24回 日系コミュニティ合同新年会




🎹 Sing Along with the Piano! Please Join Us! 🎤

Hello Tonari Gumi Members,

Great news! Our "Singing Along with the Piano" class is back. Here's why you should join:

🌈 Joyful Experience: Rediscover the joy of singing together.

🤝 Community Connection: Meet fellow music enthusiasts and share your passion.

🎵 All Levels Welcome: Whether you're a beginner or a pro, our classes cater to everyone.

The next class is on Monday, February 12th from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. Returning or new, we'd love to have you! Contact Mayumi ( for more details. Let's enjoy music together!

🎹 ピアノと一緒に歌う会にご参加ください!🎤



🌈楽しい経験: 一緒に歌う楽しさを再発見しましょう。

🤝 コミュニティのつながり: 音楽を愛する仲間と出会い、情熱を分かち合いましょう。

🎵全レベル歓迎: 初心者でもプロでも、どなたでも参加できます。

次回は2月12日(月)午後1時から2時半まで。リピーターの方も、初めての方も大歓迎です!詳しくはスタッフMayumi ( まで。


TG Café and Lunch

On Friday, January 19, 2024, the “TG Café and Lunch” service provided by our kitchen volunteers and led by our Board members reopened. This service is sure to spread fun and joy to all who attend every Friday. People from different generations, groups, and regions, are welcome to come and have a good time.


隣組理事メンバーが率いる、キッチンボランティアチームによる「隣組カフェ・ランチ」が1月19日金曜日からスタートしました。毎週金曜日に行われるこのランチは チームに新しい風と共に、楽しいひと時が広がることでしょう。



No blizzard will stop these dedicated players.

Welcome to the Mahjong Club

This club is operated by dedicated Tonari Gumi volunteers every Wednesday from 10 am to 2 pm and attracts many seniors every time. From start to finish, the participants are very serious and remain focused on the game, however, once the match is decided there are smiles and laughter all around.

The casual and friendly atmosphere combined with the joy of playing mahjong also helps create strong connections among the participants of the club. Please feel free to join us for enjoyable games of mahjong and the opportunity to make new friends.



このクラブは、毎週水曜日の午前10時から午後2時まで、熱心なシニア隣組ボランティアによって運営され 毎期多くの参加者が集まります。

参加者の皆さんは終始ゲームに集中し、真剣な面持ちですが 一旦勝負がつくと楽しげな笑いと雰囲気に包まれます。




January TG Birthday Party

The first Tonari Gumi Birthday party of the year was held on Friday, January 26, 2024. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful tea set as well as the cupcakes and snacks made by our volunteers. Our customary games and birthday surprise were well received and brought our members and volunteers closer together.

We hope that this wonderful group of people supporting each other can continue to keep growing in the future too.







Fun with Genki Gumi in Coquitlam!

Although the weather was cold and rainy, nine brave souls arrived at the Coquitlam Centre Public Library for some exercise mixed with simple dance moves that quickly warmed everyone up. Led by a Registered Massage Therapist who is also a professional dancer, it was inevitable that the Radio Taiso movements would morph into a basic dance sequence… 🎶 five, six, seven, eight, and go! It was impressive to watch everyone’s progression from somewhat uncoordinated to eventual proficiency! The instructor’s assistant, who is a physiotherapist and also a dance instructor, demonstrated how the movements could safely be done from a seated position. 

This was followed by a fun session tossing around soft little beanbags called “ote-dama” to build hand strength and coordination skills. A well-deserved tea and cookie break gave everyone a chance to socialize, after which participants were challenged by a ‘spot the difference’ brain training game.

More fun activities are planned for February and March. Hope to see you there!

• Location: Coquitlam Centre Public Library, 1169 Pinetree Way, Room 127

• When: Friday, February 23rd and March 15th 10am-12 noon (other dates to be announced)

• To register, contact: Mika at 604-687-2172 or

• Free Parking: Enter the parkade off of Pinetree Way. Follow the signs to the second level. Bypass the first parking area (which is for the Henderson Place Mall) and continue onto an overpass that takes you into the library parking lot. There is an elevator that will take you to the Ground Level.

隣組 元気組プログラム、コキットラム


肌寒い雨模様のなか、コキットラムセンター図書館で開催された元気組に、9名の活発なシニアが参加。寒かった体も、簡単なダンスとエクササイズを組み合わせた動きで、瞬く間に温まりました。 マッサージセラピストでありプロのダンサーでもあるインストラクダ―の指導のもと、ラジオ体操の動きを徐々にダンスに変えていく動きにチャレンジ。「 🎶 5、6、7、8、ハイはじめ!」の合図に、最初のうちは、なかなか合わなかった動作も、最後にはピッタリ合うようになり、みなさん素晴らしい動きで気持ちよく運動を満喫。また、理学療法士でありダンスもしているインストラクターのアシスタントは、座ったままで安全にできる運動方法の実演も披露。

その後は、握力と瞬発的な運動能力を鍛える目的の、楽しい「お手玉投げ」の時間へと続きます。 休憩時間では、お茶とクッキーや参加者同士でのおしゃべりを楽しみ、最後は「まちがい探しゲーム」で脳トレにチャレンジしていました。


• 場所: コキットラムセンター図書館、1169 Pinetree Way、Room127

• 日時: 2月23日(金曜日)、3月15日(金曜日)午前10時から正午まで(他の日程は後日発表)

• 登録方法: Mikaまでお問い合わせください。604-687-2172または、

• 無料駐車場: 図書館の駐車場をご利用ください。地上階に降りるエレベータが近くにあります。(アクセス方法は、Pinetree Wayから駐車場に入り、サインに従って2階に進みます。最初のHenderson Place Mall用の駐車エリアを通過して、図書館の駐車場までお進みください。)

Information on Tonari Gumi during Heavy Snow

Whenever there is snow, Tonari Gumi may close early and programs may be cancelled unexpectedly.

During harsh weather conditions, please call us before you visit.

Phone: 604-687-2172




電話 604-687-2172

Announcing the launch of Support Our Seniors and Caregivers

(SOS Caregivers) Project!

In November 2023, Tonari Gumi launched the Support Our Seniors and Caregivers Project, which we call the “SOS Caregivers Project.” Sponsored by Petro Canada, this project aims to provide and enhance support and services Japanese and Japanese Canadians providing care for seniors in Canada. Caregiving in Japanese communities is diverse, including caregiving at home, at facilities and remotely. At the same time, it is complex due to cultural and language barriers.

To support our family caregivers, the first phase of this project starting February (see below for more details) will provide additional support groups for Japanese and English-speaking caregivers. In the second phase of this project, we will seek to more deeply understand their needs with the help of experienced researchers. This qualitative research will listen to the caregivers and explore their caregiving experiences. Based on the research results, we will build an integrated family caregiver program. Through this project, we hope to support and help current and future family caregivers in Japanese communities in Canada.

Support Our Seniors and Caregivers 

(SOS Caregivers)Project が発足!

昨年11月Petro Canadaからの助成金により、隣組にてSupport Our Seniors and Caregivers Project, 別名

「SOS Caregivers」が発足しました! このプロジェクトはカナダ日系社会の高齢化にともない、現在高齢者の介護をする家族ケアギバー(知人なども含む)へのサポートをカナダ日系社会を対象に提供し、強化することを目的としています。日系社会における介護は在宅、施設及び遠隔など多様化するとともに、文化及び言語の違いにより複雑化しています。こうした介護を担う家族ケアギバーを支援するため、このプロジェクトの第一段階として現行の家族ケアギバー・サポート・グループを拡大し、日本語及び英語のグループを下記の通り2月より追加することになりました。さらに、プロジェクトの第二段階として、家族ケア―ギバーのニーズをより深く理解し、充実したケアギバー・プログラムを構築するため、リサーチを行うことになりました。経験のあるリサーチャーのもと、家族ケア―ギバーの経験や声を直接聞くことにより、かれらのニーズを的確に把握し、家族ケアギバーのためのプログラム作りをしたいと思っています。このプロジェクトを通し、隣組が現在そして将来の家族ケアギバーの助けになることを願っています。

Tonari Gumi Family Caregiver Support Group (Japanese/English)

Tonari Gumi has been offering a family caregiver support group by zoom. Our support group provides caregivers with a safe place to share their experiences and emotions and to discuss practical tips and information on caregiving. Starting in February in 2024, we will have additional support groups in Japanese and in English. All support groups are facilitated by clinical social workers.

Participants: Currently providing care to family members (at home or remotely, or to those who live at care facilities)

Facilitators: Clinical Social Workers


Dementia Japanese Support: 1st and 3rd Fridays from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm        


Japanese Support: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

English Speaking Japanese Canadian: 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Session type: by zoom

Contact for info/registration: Tel:778.888.6914 (Nao) / Email:

*If the dates and times above do not suit your schedule, please let us know your convenient dates/times. We will use request records to consider different dates/times.




対象: 現在、家族や知人をケア・介護している方(同居または遠隔あるいは施設に い るご家族を介護しているケアギバーも含む)

ファシリテーター: BC州認定クリニカル・ソーシャルワーカー





アクセス: Zoomズーム(お申込み後に詳細をメールします)

お問合せ・お申込み: 電話 778.888.6914(なお)/



Community Service Update

Snow removal volunteer services

With the recent winter weather, many were faced with the hard work of snow removal.

Do you know that the local municipalities offer a volunteer-based sidewalk snow removal program called “Snow Angels”? The registered volunteers will assist those in their neighborhood who may not be able to clear the sidewalk on their own.

To find your local program providers, please go to Snow Angels Canada: Enter your postal code and register to request the service. You will be matched with local volunteers.

For the City of Vancouver, call 311 or go to the website below, which enables you to you register and request service and also to apply as a volunteer.  

Snow Angels




地元のプログラム提供先を見つけるにはSnow Angels Canadaというウエブサイト( )にアクセスし登録、サービスをリクエストします。


Snow Angels

Life Seminar Information Feb 2024:

Japanese presenters only, via Zoom.

For details, please visit the TG website’s updates page.

February Life Seminar



Life Seminar

Free S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Immigrant Settlement & Integration Program

An Overview of Canada Pension Plan 

(Online English Workshop with Japanese Interpretation)

February 9, 2024 (Friday)

10am - 11:30am


• Introduction to Canada Pension Plan

• Other benefits you can get through CPP

• Required documents

• What you need to know while receiving the benefits

Program Info

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 無料プログラム



2024年2月 9日 (金)








Japanese Canadian Survivors Health & Wellness Fund Society (JCSHWFS)

• join the launch announcement

Feb 01 2024 at 10am-11:30am: 

A link to the live stream that you can share with your community so that The link can also be used after the event to watch the recording.

Launch Announcement


Japanese Canadian Survivors

Health & Wellness Fund


Saturday, February 10, 2024

Information Sessions: 10 AM, 11 AM, 12 PM, 1 PM, and 2 PM

Drop in anytime 10 AM-3 PM for application assistance

Tonari Gumi

101-42 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada V5Y 1M7

Tonari Gumi was interviewed by Vancouver foundation, an organization that supports BC charities.

How Tonari Gumi changed its outreach to the new generation of aging Japanese-Canadians

Mendou kaketakunai. It’s a Japanese word that means “too much of a bother,” and it’s one that the volunteer-run seniors-aid association Tonari Gumi hears far too often.

“There’s a cultural barrier to asking for help,” says Tonari executive director Masako Arima. “They say, ‘I don’t want to be a bother,’ they’d rather disappear than complain… and then it’s way too late.”

But Tonari Gumi is there precisely to help. And a new Vancouver Foundation grant has made that important assistance more impactful than ever before.

Solving the post-war isolation crisis

Tonari Gumi was established in the 1970s to help Japanese older adults in Vancouver who were struggling with isolation.

This became a massive problem in the wake of World War II. People of Japanese descent were sent to internment camps — removed from their neighbourhoods and communities, stripped of their belongings, wealth and status.

When the government finally gave them back their freedom, it wasn’t that simple to just go back to how things were. Vancouver’s former “Japantown” in the Downtown Eastside had transformed and was no longer the home and hub they had known.

Tonari Gumi started off simply and informally with a group of second-generation Japanese-Canadians who began visiting and helping the elders in their community.

They would keep the seniors company, help with errands and provide government service forms. Soon, volunteers began packaging little bento boxes, or lunch boxes, too.

Today, the volunteer-driven organization still offers these essential services to the Japanese-Canadian community: companionship, connection, and, yes, a bento-box lunch for anyone who wants one.

Studying the needs of a changing clientele

While services have generally stayed the same, the nature of clientele that Tonari Gumi serves has started to shift.

“We’re finding a second wave of immigration, the group of Japanese who came in after 1970, are now in those senior years, and as they age, they’re starting to revert more to their primary languages,” says Arima.

Which is where the Systems Change grant from Vancouver Foundation comes in. Tonari Gumi invested in a study that focuses on the challenges of a unique group of older adults: those who are over 55 years old and living in the community, outside of retirement homes and assisted living.

“This was a chance to actually talk to our client base and membership and find out if we’re still meeting needs or if there are other issues going on,” explains board member Makiko Suzuki.

Connected by culture, but spread out geographically

The survey confirmed an issue that the organization had long suspected: they were missing out on many opportunities to connect.

“A lot of our interactions were face to face, helping seniors who came in to learn more. But the pandemic identified that this was a major short-fall,” says Suzuki.

The Japanese-Canadian community has sprawled across the Lower Mainland these past decades. While Tonari Gumi’s downtown Vancouver office was once a convenient hub, that is not the case any longer for Japanese seniors in Burnaby, Coquitlam and beyond — pandemic or no pandemic.

“We’re finding out that we’re a community not by geographic location, but by language and culture,” says Arima. “The analysis proved that we need to do more aggressive outreach to help potential members navigate and feel comfortable.”

Ultimately, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

“When we don’t meet the needs of our most vulnerable, they fall off the radar,” says Suzuki.

Going old-school for outreach

To address this revelation, Tonari Gumi is already hard at work re-establishing satellite centres and building up volunteer rosters in different cities.

The organization has also stopped relying heavily on internet communication and switched to methods that are more familiar to seniors — like a good old newsletter in the mail, or a phone call from a volunteer.

Additionally, Tonari Gumi is updating its contact list and picking up the phone regularly to check in with the community’s most vulnerable, and encouraging members to tell their friends, one-to-one.

You’ll also now find volunteers at more community events across the Lower Mainland, trying to connect face-to-face with older Japanese-Canadian adults at festivals and fairs. It’s also a way to connect with their adult children, who can then pass the word on to their parents about the organization’s services.

And through all this exciting change, 80 bento boxes still go out to happy recipients every week — a little reminder that someone is looking out for them.

“We see it all as rebuilding trust and rebuilding confidence that we’re here to help,” says Arima.





「面倒をかけたくない」。 これは、ボランティア運営の高齢者支援団体である隣組で、頻繁に耳にする言葉です。

「日系高齢者が助けを求めるとき、文化的背景が障壁になっていると感じます」 と隣組事務局長、有馬正子氏は言います。「彼らは、『迷惑をかけたくない』と言う思いから、不満を言わずに耐え忍ぶ… そのため、必要な助けが手遅れなことがあります。」



隣組は、1970年代にバンクーバーに住む孤立している日系高齢者を支援することを目的として、設立されました。 多くの日系人は、第二次世界大戦中に強制収容所に送還され、彼らが暮らしていた地域やコミュニティから離され、富や財産、地位など、多くを奪われました。これは戦後、深刻な問題となりました。カナダ政府が自由を返してくれたものの、以前のような生活を取り戻すには困難を極めました。かつての「ジャパンタウン・日本人街」であったバンクーバー・イーストサイドは変貌し、故郷や暮らしの拠点ではなくなっていました。そのような状況のなか、1974年に浜田淳氏と4人の日系の若者たちが、草の根レベルで協力し、コミュニティのお年寄りを訪ね、助けることから隣組は始まりました。彼らは、お年寄りと一緒に時間過ごし、生活支援をしたり、行政手続きの書類作成や提出などのサポートをしてきました。やがて、ボランティアたちによるお弁当箱作りや配達も始まりました。いまでも、このボランティア主導の組織は、日系コミュニティに寄り添い、つながり、そしてお弁当をお届けする、重要なサービスを提供し続けています。



「1970年以降に日本人の第二次移民の波がありました。 そして彼らは今、高齢者になり、年を重ねるにつれて、ますます母国語に戻りつつあります」 と有馬氏は言います。

ここで、バンクーバーファンデーションからのシステム変革助成金が活躍します。 隣組は、この助成金を活用し、老人ホームや介護施設の外のコミュニティに住む、55歳以上の特定の高齢者グループの課題に焦点を当てた研究・調査を依頼しました。

理事長の鈴木眞貴子氏は、「これは、隣組のクライアントやメンバーからの声を直接を聞くチャンスでもあり、彼らのニーズを満たしているのか、何か他の問題が生じていないかなどを確認する良い機会となりました」 と説明しています。


調査では、隣組が抱いてきた疑問点が明確になり、多くの機会を逃している事が判明しました。 鈴木氏は 「私たちの対応の多くは対面で、施設を訪れる高齢者のお手伝いをしてきました。 しかしパンデミックにより、施設での対応だけでは不十分であることが分かりました」 と語ります。 

また、この数十年間で日系人コミュニティはローワーメインランド (Lower Mainland) 全地域に広がっています。 隣組の施設はバンクーバーの中心地にあり、かつては便利なハブとなっていました。 しかし、パンデミックが無くなったものの、いまやバーナビーやメープルリッジの高齢者にとっては、さほど便利なところではなくなっています。

「我々のコミュニティは、地理的な位置ではなく、言語と文化によって形成されています」 と有馬氏は続けます、「分析結果が示したのは、広がる地域の日系コミュニティへのアウトリーチを積極的に行う必要性です。 地域に暮らす潜在的なメンバーに向け、情報提供をしながら快適に暮らせるお手伝いをすることが必要である、ということです。」 


また、鈴木氏は 「最も弱い者のニーズを満たさないと、彼らは見落とされてしまいます」 と述べています。



組織はまた、パンデミック中に依存していたインターネットコミュニケーションを軽減し、シニアにとって、より馴染みのある方法に切り替えました。 例えば、郵送されるニュースレターや、ボランティアからの電話などです。 また、連絡先リストを常に最新に保つことで、地域の支援を必要としている人々への電話による定期的な安否確認が可能となっています。

これからは、ローワーメインランド各地で開催される色々なコミュニティ・イベントやフェスティバルで、隣組のボランティアたちが日系シニアとつながる活動をしているのを見かけることでしょう。 そして、そこで我々の活動を目にした人たちが隣組と繋がり、親が受けられるサービスがあることを知り、それを彼らの親に伝えることができるのです。


有馬氏は 「我々は信頼を再構築しつつ、これからも、安心した支援をコミュニティに届ける組織であり続けていく、と確信しています」 と締めくくります。

CityNews came to Tonari Gumi!

On January 26, Kate Walker from CityNews came to interview Tonari Gumi. That day, there were Craft Club volunteers, members visiting the TG Café and also this year’s first birthday party, so CityNews was able to film a very lively Tonari Gumi. The interviews included discussions with Lurana Tasaka about her volunteer activities with the Craft Club and the experiences of Tadatsune Aso, who was participating in the birthday celebration.

During lunch break, the interviewer, Kate, enjoyed casual conversation over curry and rice. Finally, the day concluded with an interview with Makiko Suzuki, who served as the Kitchen Volunteer Leader that day, about the management of Tonari Gumi.

The interview was broadcasted on CityNews (Cable Channel 13) at 6:15 pm that evening, lasting approximately 2 minutes. Additionally, you can view the interview online through the following link.



1月26日にCityNewsのケイトさん (Kate Walker) がインタビューの為に隣組を訪れました。その日は金曜日。クラフトクラブのボランティアさんやカフェに参加するメンバーさんらが来館する中、今年最初の誕生会もあり、多くの方々がつどう活気ある隣組となりました。その賑わった雰囲気のなか、クラフトクラブの作業の様子や、お誕生日会を楽しむ参加者さんの様子が撮影されました。また、インタビューでは、田坂ルラナさんのボランティア活動についてのお話しや、お誕生日会に参加されていた麻生忠恒さんの隣組でのお話しなどが聞かれました。インタビュアーのケイトさんは、ランチタイムの休憩中に、参加者のみなさんとカレーライスを食べながら歓談を楽しんでいました。最後は、その日のキッチンボランティアリーダーとして活躍した、理事長の鈴木眞貴子さんへ隣組の運営に関する話を聞き、その日のインタビューと撮影は終了しました。

このインタビューは、その日の夜6:15pmのCityNews (Cable Channel 13)で、約2分余り放映されました。また、下記のリンクより、オンラインでもインタビュー内容を閲覧頂けます。


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