"Yes, that's right, I was 10 years old and I was a winner. It was the coolest thing ever. My dad surprised me and sent in my “Batik Butterfly”. I wish I had the original so I could see the colors.
When I was in the 5th & 6th grade I would spend time, a lot of time, drawing floor plans of imaginary houses that I wanted to live in someday. These houses had rounded and angular walls. I fully and colorfully furnished each room with couches and chairs…even the bathrooms with toilets and angular shower stalls. Maybe I was channeling Frank Lloyd Wright? Maybe I should have been an architect.
Today I continue to be a “creative” person. I do tile mosaic work and I do collage and just all kinds of stuff. Art and music have been a lifeline for me throughout my life. I cannot communicate enough, the importance of the Arts in people's lives, especially kids. When Arts education is combined with traditional forms, math, English etc, amazing things happen!
I tell you all this because…."