"We grow through 
pain in recovery and 
often find that such a cri-
sis is a gift, an opportun-
ity to experience growth
by living clean." (The
Basic Text, p. 103)


"These legacies of suffering and of recovery are easily passed among [us], one to the other. This is our gift from God, and it is bestowed upon others like us all around the globe."  (12 & 12, p. 151)

"The most pre-
cious gift we can offer
others is our presence
When mindfulness em-
braces those we love,
they will bloom 
like flowers."

- Thich Nhat Hanh (1926 - ) Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk

*HP - Higher Power - is any power greater than oneself. Like Nature, the Cosmos, or even the legal system.
Zonr Suggestions:
Find a quiet place while you put aside all pre-judgments and open yourself up to the Universal Truths below that unite spiritual traditions from around the world . You may want replace alcohol & drugs with your own struggles with smoking, food, sex, money, rage, work, or even love, in order to make each SFZ a closer, personal fit.

*For you and your HP (Higher Power)

To receive your own SFZs each day.