Streams of Awareness


October 8, 2023


Do you ever just start your morning off by saying: “Good morning, Lord…. You know what this day has in store, and I ask that you guide me through it.” I try to do that each day and this past weekend was one of those days that had a kink…I was sure God was in on this.  (like he is on everything.)   

It was really raining and I was running neighborhood errands. Without warning my car dashboard began flashing TIRE MALFACTION in big print.   And as I was driving, the display continued to flash in red alerts and sure enough the tire pressure in one of my tires immediately was losing pressure.  In a matter of just a few short minutes the pressure went from 40 down to 20 to 14 and you know the rest.  

My husband was out and about, the rains were hurling down and I was about halfway, 3 miles either to my house or to the shell station. I said,   God, I need some guidance here.  Decided to go for it even though I had been warned to never drive on a flat tire; it could damage the rim.  So slowly …I made my way to the Shell station.  I kept saying just one more mile… the sound was becoming louder. Finally, pressure hit “0” and I just had a little way to go. 

All this to say, when you have a blow out it is not always a loud pop, it can happen when you happen upon and an unseen pothole in a drenching rain.  By the time I got there, the tire was shattered and in ruins as you can imagine. Had no idea that that is what happens to a tire.  Ohhh but the rim was good. (The guys at the Vaccaro Shell are not only my friends but on this day they were God’s angels.)

And where am I going with this.  First of all, it is comforting to start your day out with a tiny whisper to God.  It is a vocal reminder to each of us that nothing that happens today is not without God’s oversight or his willingness and love to get you through it.  Second. We hit potholes in our life each day.  Most are manageable, hardly a need for concern, but some can be truly overwhelming with a big pop and can blow out your emotions, unseat your security and present circumstances that are unfamiliar. Those are the ones that rattle your heart and bring an uncertainty to your daily life.  If we do not prayerfully address them and recruit God’s help, they will roll into a tattered mess. 


When those circumstance come upon us, we have to remember, as we pray, that God will roll us slowly into his station of peace as we faithfully seek his guidance.  For God says Rest in Me (RIM) for he is our strength when things go flat.  God will not let us falter and we must be on the lookout for his grace and his truth as we carry on though the situation at hand. 

When we find ourselves suddenly driven into tattered situations, be it relationships, health, financial, loss, grief, defeats, loneliness,  job riffs, etc.,  it is God who will be our defender and will steady our wheels and replace that which is unbalanced with the peace and security of his love.  

But it is on us to seek God’s will, and do what is right even when others are doing wrong, trust him no matter how dreary the circumstances may be, and truly count on his protection, comfort, healing.our  When the rains come down, we are sometimes blurred by what is to come and how to overcome the uncertainties.  God has promised that when you REST IN ME, your (RIM) status stay firm and frame you even when your tires of rolling emotions and uncertainity go flat.  Blessings to you this day!!!

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!


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