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A Message from Your Senior Warden

Since it's been so recently that I last provided updates on Vestry and committee business, I will forego those subjects and instead focus on the budget and Stewardship campaign. Many folks feel uncomfortable talking about money in the church. You can't put a price tag on the love of God and we shouldn't feel like we're buying a ticket to our seat on Sunday. For this reason, Stewardship can be distressing. Myself? I am a businesswoman by education and a manager by nature. Just tell me what's needed, why I should do it, and who I should go to with questions. 

Stewardship drives usually focus on the joy we experience by attending worship and contributing to the health of the congregation. If that method speaks to you, I'll tell you that our family gives because we feel it's only right to give to the church where we receive. My family receives spiritual formation, forgiveness through the sacraments, meaningful worship, encouragement from our clergy, and blessings as we depart from the church and into the world. We enjoy birthday cards, youth field trips, choir involvement, coffee and pastries, and worship conducted in a clean sanctuary comfortably heated and cooled with a working HVAC unit. But why did we choose St. Gregory's in the first place? Some of the reasons why we chose and continue to love St. Gregory's include:

* We practice the truth that all are welcome in our community

* We have greeters that really truly make us feel welcome when we walk in the door

* We have such a wealth of members who can lead and participate in adult spiritual formation

* We have a labyrinth that gets placed out for Lent and All Saints (and I have been a sucker for labyrinths for years!)

* Our children's ministry remembered our children during the worst of Covid distancing. Our son Grayson appreciated the weekly mailings from our children's ministry so much that he kept them.

* We pass the peace like nobody's business

That's for my beautiful beloved right-brained family in the congregation. But for my left-brained brethren, I'll phrase it without fanfare. Our congregation doesn't pledge enough to cover the budget. We are able to make ends meet as a congregation only because we cut the budget every year to match the giving. We have angels amongst us who lift up our finances when things are looking rocky, and you are so very appreciated! However, the Vestry is not privy to confidential giving information, so if an angel moves away or passes away we won't know it. With this in mind, forecasting a budget deficit is problematic. Furthermore, we are very cautious about approving much needed cost of living adjustments for our church staff because we don't know if we will be able to afford it. 

The bottom line is: payroll expenses, administrative expenses and diocesan pledges are all pretty much fixed expenses--they don't adjust from the month to month according to giving. These three categories combined are estimated to take a full 82% of the 2024 budget. This may sound distressing at first glance. If we don't pledge enough to cover the budgeted expenses, then it's programs and outreach -- the discretionary expenses -- that have to be cut. But here is the upside: if we receive extra pledges, then the slack funds are more likely to be available for additional giving and programming. But we have to be smart. We can't budget money that we are uncertain of receiving. 

Happily, God loves us all, left-brained and right, marys and marthas, angels and mortals! Please feel free to reach out to myself, the Chair of Stewardship Alice Mohor, the Vestry liaison to Stewardship, Anna Hiers, with any questions you may have.

With love,

LeeAnne Krause

Senior Warden 

Phenomenal Beloveds,

Thank you so much for a wonderful birthday celebration! The cross received from the vestry on behalf of the church is gorgeous and it will be hanging in my office shortly. The cake was divine. I made the mistake of taking it home and only received one more piece period. Lol. Thank you for various folks in the congregation who gave well wishes, cards, and gifts. The outpouring of love was so warm and delightful. You, Saint Gregory the Great, as church family, are the best gift any rector could ever have. 

Thank you!!

So much love,

Mo. Nikki+

Who doesn't love a picnic - especially an ant-free picnic? Mark your calendars for October 15 and we'll picnic in the parish hall right after the 10:30 service. We'll welcome newcomers and not-so-newcomers (there was this pandemic thing...), we'll celebrate the school year being in full swing, we'll sing praise to autumnal weather, but mostly we'll eat, and talk, and greet, and meet, and do we really need an excuse for that? Bring a side dish or a dessert if you'd like, and the Parish Life Committee will provide the mains and drinks. See you there!

Stewardship-In-gathering for our giving estimates and ministry interests will be Sunday, October 29. Please pick up a giving card and a ministry form in the narthex. You may also call (706) 546-7553 or email the church office to have both mailed to you.  


we ask for help

for program needs

before our worship

service proceeds

for ministries

of every sort

that need a bit

of work support

with the harvest

this time of year

stewardship turns

to needs austere

giving to fund

all that we do

an estimate

from each of you

alice mohor

NEEDED: Two (2) responsible teenagers, or kind adults, to provide dependable, safe, secure, and nurturing care to the children while at our Church, ages 0-5 years in a clean environment. 


  • Safeguarding God’s Children certification program
  • background check
  • current with CPR & First Aid

WHEN: 9am - 12pm each Sunday. The pay is $14 an hour. We could also have volunteers rotating if they take the training and pass the background check. 


  • Responsible for providing age-appropriate care which includes: feeding, changing diapers, escorting to the bathroom, maintaining a safe environment, holding, or sitting with and cheerfully interacting with children through games, stories, play and prayer. 
  • Be polite, friendly, and courteous to all children, parents, and volunteers.

Trunk-or-Treat and Halloweenie Roast

Sunday, October 29, 5:00-7:30

Make plans to join the St. Gregory’s family for a fun Halloween fellowship. The evening will consist of:


  • Gathering in the Parish Hall for supper. The church will provide hot dogs, chips, buns, and condiments, as well as tea, lemonade and supplies for s’mores. Please bring a side such as slaw, potato salad, baked beans. There will be a fire outside for roasting marshmallows and making s’mores.


       Carved/Painted Pumpkins

  • There will be a couple tables designated in the parish hall for our display of carved or painted pumpkins.  Everyone is invited to prepare a pumpkin at home and bring it for all of us to enjoy. Be as creative as you wish!

        Pumpkin Carols

  • We will join in our second annual “Singing of the Pumpkin Carols” around the dinner tables.


  • After supper, we will have Trunk-or-Treating for kids. There will be time to get your trunk/car ready before we realize our young goblins.  Trunk-or-Treating will take place in the larger parking lot (nearest the parish hall).  If you plan on decorating your trunk, park on that side.  If you are not preparing a trunk, please park in the lot nearest the children’s playground.

        In Event of Rain

  • If the forecast calls for rain, we will move the trunk-or-treating indoors as we did last year, and participants will decorate a room in one of the church buildings.  Any such changes will be announced during morning worship on the 29th.

In Preparation:

  • All Gregorians are encouraged to bring your Halloween treats of choice to distribute from your own car trunk in the parking lot. If you don’t have a trunk, we will give you an assigned space to hand out your goodies.  Remember: we are a peanut-free parish.
  • Carve or paint your own pumpkin to bring for the pumpkin display.
  • Plan on bringing your side dish.
  • Invite your friends and neighbors.

Every Fall, St. Gregory’s sponsors a parish-wide clothes drive to support our neighbor, Barnett Shoals Elementary School. This year, we are seeking donations, in the following prioritized order, to replenish the school’s clothes closet:

  •  boys’ pants/sweatpants/shorts -all sizes, youth XS-XL
  •  girls’ pants/shorts/leggings -all sizes, youth XS-XL
  •  boys’ and girls’ underwear -all sizes, XS- XL
  •  boys’ and girls’ shirts -all sizes, XS-XL (can include t-shirts in multi-packs, not necessarily gendered)

Boys’ and girls’ pants may include new and gently-used, clean items.

Donations will be collected from Sunday, October 1 through Friday, November 3, in the boxes located in the lobby of the Parish Hall. If you have any questions, please contact Gail Eilers, or Jane Sheridan. Thank you, in advance, for your support.

Sunday, November 5, we will celebrate the Holy Eucharist and Feast of All Saints at both services.

You are invited to walk St. Gregory’s Labyrinth in the parish hall Monday, October 30 through Saturday November 4 in honor and remembrance of All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day. The labyrinth offers you the opportunity to “put feet on your prayers.” Experience a walking meditation that connects your mind, body and spirit. 

The next Brown Bag Lecture will be held at St. Gregory’s on Sunday, Nov. 5 in the Parish Hall right after the 10:30AM service. Please join us for Alys Willman’s presentation on Athens Reparations Action, a project committed to repairing harm from urban renewal and other racist policies incurred by the former Linnentown community.

HELP! The Buildings and Grounds Committee will begin cleaning out the fenced-in area next to the Christian Education Building soon so that the HVAC equipment can be reached for maintenance.

If you, your committee or any church function with which you are involved has items stored in that area, please see that they are removed immediately!

Anything left there when work begins (hopefully by the end of October) will be hauled away. If you need help or have questions, please contact Mark Reinberger or Gail Eilers. Thanks.

Community Christmas of Oglethorpe County is gearing up for their annual toy and clothing drive! But in addition to and prior to that, they are in need of funds in November to help qualifying families pay their bills in December so hopefully they have a bit left over for Christmas! Thanks to neighbors like you, in 2022 they provided Christmas gifts and assistance plus emergency funds throughout the year totaling $93,552 to 412 children from 175 Oglethorpe County families. The amount of aid needed was up 16% from 2021, and the number served increased by 94 children. Financial donations can be made online at their website,, dropped off at The Commercial Bank in Crawford, or mailed to 143 Bowen Farm Road, Crawford, GA 30630. There are many more details on the webpage.

The Athens Area Emergency Food Bank needs paper bags, canned tuna, canned tomatoes, and cooked cereals (i.e. grits, oatmeal)! Please help us fill the Little Red Wagon!

Adult Sunday School

Adult Discussion Group: (Parish Hall) The Adult Spiritual Formation Sunday morning Bible Study group meets at 9:15AM and is currently on a journey through The Gospel of John. Please join us! 

Lectionary Class: (Library) The lectionary class meets in the Library at 9:15AM. We study the assigned readings for each Sunday. Please contact Les House at 478-733-2939 or via email if you have any questions. 

Instructions for Live Streaming

  • Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:

  • If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before the service begins) keep refreshing it.  

  • When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it. 

Welcome to worship!

Meeting Opportunities

Parish community offerings via Zoom or in person:

* Fall Community Yoga The fourth class of every month will be chair yoga. ALL are welcome! The class is free, but I am again accepting donations that will go toward purchasing more class props, and a carpet sweeper. Please bring your own yoga mat. 

   Schedule: September 4th – November 27th, MONDAY nights at 5:30 

Contact Anna Hiers for information, or if you would like to have the Zoom link. Feel free to share this information with your friends.

* Holy Eucharist and Healing Service Please join us on Wednesday evenings at 6PM in the sanctuary for eucharist and prayers for healing.

* Blindspot Group Our 20s and 30s group meets on the last Thursday of each month at 6:30PM for dinner and a small group study (usually off-site of the church). We also meet at least once a month for game nights, dinner and drinks, movie nights, and more. Newcomers are always welcome! Contact Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837 for more information.

Hebrew Reading meets via Zoom on Wednesdays from 1-3PM. If you're interested, email Joel Hunt for more info!

Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!

* St. Gregory's Book Club meets the first Friday of the month in the library @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future.  Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.

*Threads of Prayer meets on the 1st Tuesdays of the month @1PM! We'll meet outside if the weather is good and inside the Christian Ed building if the weather is bad. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!

*Men's Group: 9AM on Saturdays. 1st & 3rd Saturdays at St. Gregory's library and 2nd & 4th & 5th Saturdays at the Somerville's house ! Email Peter Rice

* group(s) meeting in person

Acolyte Sign-Up

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St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church |
706.546.7553 |