
First Monday Memo

November 6th, 2023


EyesOpenIowa's Youth Advisory Council

In an ever-changing world, youth serving organizations continually adapt to cater to the needs and concerns of their target audience. EyesOpenIowa is pleased to announce its 2023/2024 Youth Advisory Council. This exciting initiative aims to amplify the voices of youth aged 13-24, promote open dialogues, and enhance our ability to tackle the evolving challenges in sex education among the youth in Iowa.

The Importance of a Youth Advisory Council

The inception of a Youth Advisory Council amplifies our commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and a recognition of the potential of younger generations. By creating a dedicated platform for youth to actively participate in decision-making processes, we aim to offer a well-rounded approach to sex education.

Empowering Youth Voices

The establishment of this council is not just symbolic but a tangible dedication to empower youth voices. It signifies that young people are not just affected by issues related to sex education but also possess unique insights and perspectives that can enhance the strategies and solutions we offer.

Advantages of a Youth Advisory Council:

  1. Diverse Representation: The council is composed of individuals with wide range of experiences and viewpoints.
  2. Youth-Centric Approach: With the active involvement of young people in decision-making, our organization can tailor its initiatives to be more relevant and engaging for its primary audience.
  3. Fresh Perspectives: Young council members bring innovative ideas and fresh approaches that can help in finding effective solutions to age-old challenges in sex education.
  4. Cultivating Leaders: Participation in the council provides invaluable leadership experience to its members, enabling them to become advocates for sex education in their communities.

Collaborative Decision-Making

One of the central functions of the Youth Advisory Council is to be actively involved in the decision-making processes of our program. Our new program: SHARE (Sexual Health for Adolescents Rooted in Equity) aims to provide youth in Iowa comprehensive, inclusive, and affirming sex education to youth holding marginalized identities. The council members will have the opportunity to provide insights, advice, and feedback on program development, campaign strategies, and educational materials. This collaborative approach ensures that our resources and initiatives align with the perspectives and needs of our target demographic, increasing their effectiveness and impact.

Moreover, the council will actively promote volunteerism among young members, encouraging them to give back to their communities by actively participating in sex education programs and initiatives. This fosters a sense of responsibility and engagement among the youth, preparing them to be future leaders and advocates in the realm of sex education.

The establishment of a Youth Advisory Council for Sex Education is a significant stride in our organization's commitment to empower young voices and address the pressing challenges in sex education among the youth. By actively involving young individuals, we aim to create a more inclusive, responsive, and effective approach. Together, we will work to create a brighter, more informed future for the next generation while nurturing the leaders of tomorrow.

In the coming months we look forward to introducing you to our esteemed council members.

Creating a Feelings Jar: A Simple Exercise for Self-Compassion

The world is an incredibly challenging place for many of us right now. While it has never been easy to be human, social media and constant reports on all things good and bad has made living in modern times much more complicated.

This complexity has many of use asking: what is one to do in the face of a news cycle – or life – that brings a never-ending stream of hardships and heartbreak?

Many of us have developed self-care tools: taking breaks from social media, exercising, getting lost in a good TV show when we need to, etc.

But often, despite our best intentions, feelings persist.

One of my favorite tools to manage this phenomenon is a Feelings Jar.

The beauty of a Feelings Jar is that it can be used by anyone – adults or kids.

Here’s how it works:

1.    Think of a challenging situation that has happened in your life and fairly present for you every day – could be a tough dynamic at work, something happening in the larger world, a loss, etc.

2.    Now take a piece of paper and cut it into squares.

3.    On each square, write an emotion you have about the situation you’ve identified.

4.    When you’ve written down every emotion you can think of, go through each and write down (under each emotion or on the opposite side of the paper) 1-3 things that you can do to help yourself when you are feeling that particular emotion.

5.    When you are finished, place the squares of paper in a jar (or other container).

6.    Keep this jar handy. When you are lost in a swirl of emotions, pull the squares of paper out and ask yourself, “What feeling(s) is most present for me regarding this challenge today?”

7.    Figure out what you need on that day to honor that feeling(s).

For example, let’s say you have recently gone through a breakup. Most of us have experienced this and know that there are a whole host of feelings that can come with the end of a relationship. Some of these feelings can even be contradictory.

You might feel angry, sad, abandoned, anxious, relieved, confused, peaceful, lonely, distant, or any number of other emotions depending on the day/hour/minute.

Creating a Feelings Jar can help when these emotions become too much and you need to find a way to manage or understand what you are feeling.

Just the act of taking a moment to identify our whole range of feelings can be useful. It can give us a more complete picture of just how many things – and what – we might be feeling about a situation.

When you wake up feeling overwhelmed with emotion and unsure what you need, you can grab your Feelings Jar and take a moment to look through the squares of paper.

Using the same example, inside of a breakup, this might help you identify one day that what you are feeling most is abandoned and anxious.

Having identified these feelings, turn to the self-care steps you previously identified. Examples would include calling a friend/not being alone (when feeling abandoned) or going for a run or listening to music (when feeling anxious).

It’s important to note that the self-care will be different for everyone – one person might want to be alone to breathe when feeling anxious and another might need to call a friend and just talk. There is no right or wrong. There is only you.

Using a Feelings Jar can help remind us that it is normal to experience many emotions about a situation, and that it is okay to need different things on different days. It also allows us to extend deep compassion and understanding to ourselves in any given moment.

Parents and caregivers can use this exercise with kids to help teach them about emotions and self-regulation, as well as self-compassion.

The world’s challenges are unlikely to end anytime soon. While we may not be in control of this, we can learn to ask ourselves more often what we need inside of these challenges. And when we can hold ourselves and our feelings in a compassionate way, I believe that gets us all a little closer to peace.

Gail Cowan, MSW, is EOI’s Director of Development. A former therapist, she also runs her own coaching business. Find her at www.gailcowan.com or gail@eyesopeniowa.org.

📣 Exciting

Announcement! 📣

A transformative workshop for teens and their trusted adults.



January 20, 2024


10:00 AM – 4:00 PM CT



4000 Westown Parkway, West Des Moines, Iowa


High school-age youth (13-19 years) & their parents, guardians, or other trusted adults (18 years or older)


Temporarily available free of cost with use of code FAMILY (valued at $250 per person!)

Register Here

Unlock a World of Connection: Secure Your Spot at LiFT!

An Empowering Workshop for Teens & Their Trusted Adults

What is LiFT?

Dive into LiFT: The Linking Families and Teens Program, a meticulously crafted six-hour journey of connection, communication, and empowerment for teens, developed by the experts at Planned Parenthood.

Who Are Trusted Adults?

A trusted adult is a stable, supportive figure in a youth’s life, aged 18 or older. Whether a parent, guardian, or another reliable adult presence, your commitment is invaluable. Young people may have up to two trusted adults accompany them. Alternatively, one trusted adult may attend with up to three young people.

Fun, Engaging, Comfortable: The LiFT Experience

Our team of professional trainers is ready to guide you through an interactive, enjoyable, and completely comfortable learning experience. There will be plenty of laughter, learning, and genuine connection!


To show our appreciation, each youth and adult participant will receive a swag bag including a $10 Amazon gift card, a phone bank, cool stickers, and more!

Stay Energized: Snacks & Lunch On Us!

Enjoy a variety of delicious snacks and a catered lunch, ensuring you stay energized throughout this transformative experience.

Powered by EyesOpenIowa and the SHARE Grant

Right now, LiFT is available to you at no cost, thanks to the SHARE grant. With EyesOpenIowa’s 25+ years as national leaders in adolescent sexual health, you’re in expert hands.

Inclusive & Empowering Education for All

Our program is trauma-informed, LGBTQIA+ inclusive, medically accurate, and caters to diverse learners, aligning with the National Sex Ed Standards.

Transform Your Saturday: Strengthen Bonds & Create Memories

A six-hour commitment on a Saturday is significant, but the rewards are immense. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to strengthen connections and create empowering memories with the young people in your life.

Claim Your Spot: Join the Movement!

This is more than just a workshop; it’s a chance to lift each other up and create lasting memories. Are you ready for an unforgettable day?

Registration closes Saturday, Jan 13, 2023

Questions? Contact Val at val@eyesopeniowa.org or 515-276-6788

Take Action for Adolescents - A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being

Overview of Take Action for Adolescents

Take Action for Adolescents ‒ A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being (“Take Action for Adolescents” or “the Call to Action”) aims to ensure that all adolescents in the United States have the safety, support, and resources they need to thrive, be healthy, and have equitable opportunity to realize their full potential.

What is the Call to Action? 

Many adolescents in the U.S. face challenges in obtaining the health care and services they need to thrive, be healthy, and realize their full potential. 

Take Action for Adolescents is a call to action for adults—including policy makers, health care and human service providers and organizations, youth-serving professionals and organizations, researchers, parents, legal representatives, and caregivers—to work collaboratively for change that benefits young people. It details initial action steps that can be customized to help achieve each of the goals. The Call to Action and accompanying Take Action Toolkit include examples of federal programs and resources that support adolescent health and well-being.

Read Full Article

Upcoming 2023 Trainings!

Come join us for engaging in-person and virtual content designed to help educators teach sensitive topics to young people. 

Draw the Line/Respect the Line Curriculum: Training of Educators (TOE)

Wednesday, January 31, 2024, 12:30-3:30PM CT

Location: Virtual (Join us from the comfort of your home or office!)

Cost: $175

Embark on a comprehensive exploration of the highly acclaimed Draw the Line/Respect the Line sexual health education curriculum. This engaging session offers participants a deep dive into the theoretical foundations and research behind the program. Discover best practices for seamless implementation and gain valuable insights on adapting lessons to meet specific needs. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and expertise in this popular curriculum.

*This training counts for 3 hrs towards CSHE initial and re-certification.

Registration closes at 5pm CT on January 30th, 2024.

FLASH Curriculum: Training of Educators (TOE)

Wednesday, February 14, 2024,12:30-3:30PM CT

Location: Virtual (Join us from the comfort of your home or office!)

Cost: $175

Discover the power of effective teaching with the FLASH curriculum in this engaging and interactive training session. Gain insights into the theoretical foundations, research, and best practices for navigating sensitive topics. With hands-on practice, participants will build confidence in facilitating FLASH discussions. Secure your seat today to make a lasting impact on your students' sexual health education journey.

*This training counts for 3 hrs towards CSHE initial and re-certification.

Registration closes at 5pm CT on January 30.

To register for any or all listed trainings, please click here.

What is CSHE?

Certified Sexual Health Educator

  • Provide current and future sexual health educators with the top-notch education and support necessary for exceptional learner outcomes.

  • Offer educators a credentialed program aligned with the Professional Learning Standards for Sex Education.

  • Provide professional development opportunities for employers and employees alike.

How to Get Certified

Whether you work in healthcare, education, social work, or prevention services, a Certified Sexual Health Educator credential from EyesOpenIowa can give you the skills and confidence to facilitate meaningful adolescent sexual health education.

Sit back, relax, & tune in for a live broadcast of our monthly Lunch-N-Learn. Lunch-n-Learns are bite-sized chunks of relevant education for those working within the sex ed field.

Lunch-N-Learns are free of charge! Listen and watch 'podcast style' live, or view the recordings on Eyes Open Academy, our on-demand training platform. Please register to receive the zoom link.

Tuesday, November 7th, 2023, 12:00 - 12:30 pm (CST)

November Lunch-N-Learn: Empowering Decision Making for Adolescents

Tuesday, December 5th, 2023, 12:00 - 12:30 pm (CST)

Equipping Adolescents with Consent Education

Check Out: EyesOpenAcademy

As a digital content library, Eyes Open Academy offers a diverse selection of self-paced modular content that caters to your specific needs. From videos and printables to interactive quizzes and more, our engaging resources ensure an immersive learning experience.

Discover a wide range of topics within our ever-growing library of content. It's worth noting that many Eyes Open Academy trainings contribute to certification or recertification within our esteemed Certified Sexual Health Educator (CSHE) program.

Embrace the flexibility and convenience of our on-demand platform, where knowledge is just a click away. Whether you're looking to expand your expertise or advance your career, Eyes Open Academy provides the tools you need to succeed.

Explore our collection of both free and fee-based training, and embark on a journey of professional growth through Eyes Open Academy.

EyesOpenIowa Sex Ed Shop:

Introducing our bold and innovative store front dedicated to sex education merchandise!

Step into a realm where knowledge meets empowerment, as our vibrant displays and thoughtfully curated products invite you to explore the world of sex education. With our sex education merch, we aim to revolutionize the way society approaches this essential topic, championing knowledge, consent, inclusivity, and healthy relationships for all.

Buy Stickers

"Sex Education is more than 2 pads and a travel-size deodorant"

Buy Tote Bag
Buy Shirts

Shirt Sizes range from:

3X to Small





How does my donation make an impact?

Donating to a cause you care about creates a meaningful impact.

By supporting EyesOpenIowa, you provide vital resources for their work, making a difference in lives. Your contributions bring joy, satisfaction, and a sense of pride, proving that individuals can positively impact others. Your donations inspire and encourage others to get involved, fostering collective efforts to address important challenges.

Support our work and ensure accurate and comprehensive sex education for Iowa's young people by becoming a monthly donor. Join us in making a difference!

Donate Here

What We're Reading

Some GOP-led States are Chipping Away at Sex Education in K-12 Schools (AP)

Which Banned Books Have Been Removed from Iowa Schools? Our Updated Database Lists Them (DSM Register)

Today's Confidence Crisis Has Tween and Teen Girls Struggling with Mental Health (Parents)

There is No Such Thing as a Child Being 'Too Young' For Sex Education (Vogue)

90% Of Americans Feel Unprepared By Sex Education, New Survey Shows (Forbes)

Don't forget to check out all the great resources on our website!

Educator resources

Healthcare Professionals

Parents & Caregivers


Young Parents

CHECK OUT - our TikTok channel EyesOpenEducate. Where we post weekly videos not just for teens, but also parents and educators!

Don't forget about our:



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