IDAA Recovery News and Updates | |
Not a member? Join Today!
If you are not a member of IDAA you are missing out on a number of services that are only available to IDAA Members through the IDAA Member Portal, including a searchable database of over 215 IDAA and Caduceus recovery meetings.
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IDAA Conference 2024
July 10-14 - Baltimore:
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IDAA Recovery Story
IDAA 20's – Emily P.
Hi, I’m Emily, a grateful member of the IDAA Ala-20s group. I grew up in Alexandria, Louisiana with one older sister, Madeline. My father was the alcoholic in the home. In the first two weeks of 6th grade, my parents separated, and my dad went to rehab for the first time. Up to that point, I was largely unaware of my dad’s addiction. My mom and sister did their best to shield me from the realities of my dad’s active addiction. As my dad continued to struggle with addiction through my middle school years, I shed a lot of tears and struggled to find my voice to share my experience. As is usual for pre-teens and teens, Madeline and I weren’t too keen on the idea of anything therapy-related. We didn’t want to go to therapy, or to family day, or Ala-teen, and CERTAINLY not a freakin’ AA convention. After much pestering and promises of a trip to a cool city, Madeline and I agreed to (or were made to) attend IDAA in Portland, Oregon in 2008. We expected to grin and bear it and make it through a meeting and be back in our hotel room by 8 p.m. That first night, after meeting the other teens, we returned to our room, I think around 1 a.m. Madeline and I quickly learned how special this place is, and Dad quickly learned that we needed our own hotel room.
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Shine Light on Hope
How You Can Spread Hope:
Make a Donation: Your financial support allows IDAA to continue its vital mission. Visit (Click Here) to contribute and make a lasting impact on the lives of healthcare professionals in recovery.
Spread the Message: Share our campaign on social media and with your network. Links to our accounts can be found below for easy sharing!
Attend or Support the Conference: Consider attending or supporting the annual IDAA conference, where healthcare professionals come together for education, spiritual support, and fellowship. Register Here
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NEW Website!
We are excited to announce our new website launching in early 2024! Be on the lookout for more updates as we work to better meet the needs of our members. Questions? Email
Interested in supporting this effort? Donations made to the general fund will help offset the costs of this project!
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IDAA Ambassador
Become an ambassador for change with the IDAA Ambassador Program! If you're a member passionate about spreading the message of hope and recovery, this program invites you to represent IDAA within your network. Equip yourself with informative materials designed to make a meaningful impact. Join hands with us in reaching out to those in need, fostering a community of support and understanding. Ready to be a beacon of hope? Learn more about the IDAA Ambassador Program by reaching out to Together, let's make a difference!
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2024 Western Doctors in Recovery
A Supportive Environment For
Doctorate-Level Health Professionals In Recovery
10th Annual Meeting
February 22-25, 2024 at Hyatt Regency La Jolla, California
Men’s and Women’s Retreat
February 21, 1:30 to 5:30 PM & February 22, 8:30-12 Noon
Please join us for a Recovery Conference in beautiful La Jolla, California. An opportunity to be with professionals and significant others during AA, Al-Anon and CME meetings and presentations.
Along with Pre-Conference Retreats.
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The First 60 Years
Did you know that the Baltimore Conference, taking place from July 10th to July 13th, signifies the 75th Anniversary of IDAA? In celebration of this milestone, we are pleased to announce the reprinting of the book "IDAA: The First Sixty Years 1949-2009" by Gordi Hyde, MD, C. Arthur Pearson II, MD, Luke Reed, MD, Dick McKinley, MD, and Dale Syfert, MD.
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What is IDAA?
IDAA is a nonprofit organization committed to empowering healthcare professionals and their families in their journey to recovery from substance abuse and addictive behaviors. We connect individuals struggling or in recovery from addiction and loved ones to supportive communities, both online and in person. Here, they can find inspiration, strength, and hope as they hear personal stories of recovery from addiction as told by fellow healthcare professionals. To further our mission, we gather annually for a conference, delving into the educational depths of addiction as a disease and providing invaluable spiritual support to one another.
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Mission Statement: The mission of IDAA is to carry the message of recovery to healthcare professionals and their families.
Vision Statement: IDAA envisions recovery for all healthcare professionals and their families impacted by addictive disorders.
IDAA Inclusivity Statement: IDAA envisions Recovery for all health care professionals and their families impacted by addictive disorders. We celebrate Diversity and are committed to Equity and Inclusion of people from all Racial, Ethnic, Cultural, Sexual/Gender and Spiritual identities. Many Recovery Pathways in addition to AA are represented at the IDAA Annual Meeting, Regional Meetings, and on our virtual and email meetings.
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