Wesley Update

January 28th, 2024

Pastor's Corner

One of the most frustrating things as a pastor is spending so much time and energy studying scripture and writing a sermon, spending so much time perfectly crafting the stories I tell and the words I emphasize... only for a student to say, completely off the cuff, something more profound and inspiring than everything I had written.

This week during our Lunch and Worship service, I preached to students about how vital community is in our lives. How it's impossible to go through life alone and you shouldn't have to walk through life by yourself. Then, as is the norm at our worship service, I turned the conversation over to the students, I asked them, "why is community important to you?"

I listened as students shared stories about how it's been a struggle to make real friends, stories about how they found and then lost their community, stories of feeling alone on a campus of 17,000 people. The conversation ebbed and flowed around these struggles until I followed up with a simple question, "Why is Wesley a community you keep coming back to?"

No one said a word as they sat and thought for a moment, until one student broke the silence and said, "I walked in the doors of Wesley and knew right away I could be myself."

That's it right there, that's the goal, that's the mission, that's why Lamar Wesley exists. To make a place where any person can come through our doors and know that they are loved. That any person who encounters us can feel the love of God radiating off us. To make this campus a reflection of the Kingdom of God by loving students as best we can.

Students walk in our building at all stages of their faith journey and it's our job to let them know, without a shadow of a doubt, that they are loved. Not just by me, but by God.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Kyle Tremblay

Students take a much-deserved break after volunteering to feed

unhoused folks at FUMC Beaumont's Kairos Kitchen

Ministry Updates

Cardinal Food Pantry Update

The beginning of the semester is always a busy time, word of mouth gets around amongst students, and this semester is no different! On Monday, I picked up our monthly order and within hours, we had over a hundred people come through our pantry! The total count for last week alone was 170 students!

For the month of January we served 346 Students, 97 of which were new students!

Our remaining stock is decent for the moment but if you are able to help through a monetary donation or delivering food yourself, it would be much appreciated! The most requested items right now are Cooking Oil, Rice, and Fruit.

Donate Now!

It takes a village to get all 2000 pounds of food unloaded and organized!

We had about 5 more carts of food after this one!

Lunch and Worship

Thank you to Dr. Marilyn Guidry, Assistant Director of the Center for Resiliency at Lamar and member of First UMC Orange, for providing our meal this week! If you or your church is interested in providing a meal, please give us a call or email!

In addition to talking about community, we spent worship this week making resolutions for how to make our communities better! One student wanted to give back to the community more, specifically to older folks who are living in assisted living facilities or are homebound. The student came up with the idea of writing letters to these folks for Valentine's Day! If you have a loved one that would like to receive a card, please reach out and we'll add them to our list!

Two students hanging out at the Wesley in-between class. We strive to make the Wesley a place where people want to come and simply hang out!

Consider Becoming a Monthly Donor

Our mission is to serve the students of Lamar and help them see God at work in their lives.

Your gifts help make this mission possible.

By becoming a monthly donor of as little as $10/month, you can provide 3 scholarships that send students to UM ARMY.

Donate Today

Getting ready to serve a warm meal on a cold night at Kairos Kitchen

Lamar Wesley Foundation

Phone: (409) 728-7473

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