Things To Know...

  • Parent/Teacher Conference Sign-Ups
  • Discounted SHSAT Study Program with Tutorverse
  • Discount Auction Tickets and Donations
  • HA!-ruch Comedy Night - Save the Date!!
  • #LetsGoNiners! ;)


Parent/Teacher Conferences

P/T conferences will be held on February 1st and 2nd.

You must sign up for specific time slots.

For all info including times and specific links, please refer to Principal Macri's latest BLAST.


SHSAT Study Program with Tutorverse

ATTN: 7th Grade Parents!

The MS104 Administration and PTA are happy to have teamed up with The Tutorverse to offer this prep course to our students at a significant discount for our families.

The program will begin on April 3rd.

Early Bird pricing is available through next Wednesday, January 31st.

Final enrollment closes on February 29th.

For more information, please contact The Tutorverse at

There will also be free prep classes offered by Manhattan Youth beginning in the Spring. Please reach out to Mike Jones at for more information.

In addition, the city has what is called the DREAM program, which offers tutoring, though there are a number of restrictions. To learn more about the DREAM program, click HERE.


Discount Tickets for Annual Auction!

This Tuesday, January 30th will be the final day to buy discounted tickets for this year's MS104 Annual Gala. The special price is just $55, which will go up to $100 after the 30th.


And please purchase as many Sponsor a Staff Member tickets as you can manage. Because we're having the event off-campus this year, the venue will be charging us for everyone who attends, so it's more important than ever that we step up as a community and give our hard-working teachers and staff the opportunity to attend the event without expense.

Help us help our teachers!!

Also, don't forget that we need your help to collect special items and unique experiences that we can sell at the auction.

We've made it easy for you by supplying an official solicitation letter and donation form. Just CLICK HERE to print it out and get started.

Please contact with any questions.


HA!-ruch Comedy Night!

Save The Date

Thursday, February 15th

(In our auditorium/high-end comedy club)

This ain't your grandfather's school event! Unless your grandfather went to an extremely progressive school.

It's going to be a great night, made even greater-er because you can bring your own alcohol. Just please don't bring glass if you can avoid it, and for goodness sake, drink responsibly. You don't want other parents staring bullets at you the next morning at drop-off.

This year's very special headliner is ROY WOOD JR. from The Daily Show, The Late Show, The Tonight Show, and multiple other shows!

Also featuring our hilarious supporting cast - Eddie Brill, Casey Balsham, and Erin Jackson.

Tickets will go on sale February 1st

All are welcome. So, please encourage your friends and family to join us as well. You know... assuming they're the kind of people who enjoying having the time of their lives!

With Gratitude,

The MS104 PTA

Contact Us:

For school related inquiries, please email

For PTA related inquiries, please email