Northwood School Laker

November 15, 2024

Building Security

To maximize building security, we are asking that all visitors to the school enter through the main office (on the Route 4 side of the building) when school is in session (between 8:35 and 3:15). There are signs posted on the building as a reminder. We appreciate your cooperation as we continually work to refine safety measures.

Attitude of Gratitude

As defined in the online Cambridge Dictionary, gratitude is “a strong feeling of appreciation to someone or something for what the person has done to help you.”  But have you ever stopped to consider, or notice, the ways in which you are on the receiving end of advantages and resources that others, even within our own county, do not have access to? Consider the following things for a moment: being able to open a cabinet and have choices for dinner; turning on the faucet and having clean running water; having multiple options for a home vehicle; having even one vehicle; having the option to attend a local school; cable/internet and streaming options for both your phone and home viewership; electricity; electricity rate options; being able to read; having an entire grocery store aisle full of your choices of chips(!). The list goes on and on. In order to have those choices, someone had to provide and make those options available. Someone had to grow the crops to be picked then processed, packaged then shipped and stocked. Someone had to mine/acquire the natural resources, drive/transfer, refine and then make available/usable the energy we use for daily life. Someone had to have an idea, develop it into a curriculum, make it available to educators while educators refined these ideas into topics to differentiate and teach to a classroom full of eager young learners. Learners who will then blend those ideas into new technologies for the future.

Gratitude isn’t all about saying thank you. It’s about the action(s) behind what makes the feeling of appreciation so special. 

As we enter into the season of thanks and giving, it is my hope that you, as the reader, consider the mindset of gratitude by paying closer attention to how and why actions make you feel appreciated and then pass this feeling along.

Students and staff of Northwood School are participating in a food/non-food item drive to support our local pantry. Non-perishable items are always on the most-wanted list. Non-food items include: toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, shampoo and conditioner, dish and laundry soap, toothpaste/toothbrushes, and deodorant. Donations will be taken until November 20. We thank you in advance for your support.

How are you and your family going to show your appreciation and thanks to someone this season?

Enjoy the weekend!

~ Ms. Gilliam

Exciting news! The 8th grade class is selling our exclusive Laker Monster Pride Croc Jibbitz to help support their upcoming class trip. Order forms were sent home and are also available in the office. Thank you for your support!

~ Northwood School Class of 2025

Holiday Giving Tree

The PTO will be sponsoring a Giving Tree for the holidays this year.  If you would like to participate, please email me with the child’s (children’s) age, a few items that they would like, and your contact information.  Please feel free to include younger/older students who may not attend Northwood School.  I will contact you the week before vacation and let you know when you can pick up the items.  Please have all requests emailed to me by Friday, November 22nd.  Feel free to call me if you have any questions.  

Thank you,

Lynda MacDonald

K - 4 School Counselor


School & Community Information

iPlatform for the General Public

Free Webinar

Wednesday, December 4

6:00 - 7:00 p.m.


iPlatform has been updated with state assessment and school environment data for the 2023-24 school year. Discover the latest version of NHED's iPlatform to review accountability data and gain insights into its meaning. Explore trends within schools, and find comparable schools across districts with similar demographics. Delve into these school profiles to uncover opportunities for collaboration and sharing best practices statewide.

Intended audience: All are welcome, especially parents/guardians!

Register Here! 

The Children’s Museum of New Hampshire is hosting Exploring Our Way free sensory friendly

playtimes designed for children with autism spectrum or sensory processing disorders. These sessions are set for 1-3 p.m. on Oct. 6, Nov. 5 and Dec. 1.

Guest Teachers Needed

If you are interested in being a guest teacher (also known as a substitute teacher), please apply at this link. The pay is $100 a day and you get to work with wonderful kids and great staff! Please contact Ms. Cannella or Ms. Young with questions.

Important Dates

November 20 - School Board meeting, 6:30

November 21 - PTO meeting, 6:00

November 27 - Early Release @ 12:30

November 28 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break, no school

December 6 - Teacher Workshop Day, no school

Please check the Athletics Calendar for information on games and meets.  
