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September news & updates

September 11th, 2023

Due to several issues, we are postponing our September Quarterly Convening. We will keep you posted as we explore alternative options. Thank you for understanding!


News You Can Use

Norwalk was recently featured on a national NBC news story about early childhood funding. Kudos to Growing Seeds for using its voice to raise awareness of this issue!

CEO Corner

Jennifer D. Barahona, LCSW

Greetings on this solemn anniversary of September 11th. It is always a day of reflection and remembrance, and this year, I find myself remembering the unity we had as a country in the weeks and months after the attacks. The willingness to help people who were suffering. The new connections that were born out of tragedy. Of course, it wasn’t perfect. We must also not forget how our Muslim friends were maligned in the aftermath. I continue to hope that we learn from history, both the good and the bad. That we remember our humanity, not just during times of crisis and turmoil, but in our day-to-day lives. With the start of a new school year, we encourage everyone to find some new ways to connect and help – whether helping a new parent navigate their first PTA meeting, mentoring a child through the Norwalk Mentor Program, becoming a reading buddy through the Norwalk Foundation for Education, or whatever speaks to your heart.

We will miss seeing everyone this month as we will not be holding our regular quarterly convening in September due to a number of circumstances. The team, with a robust group from the community, heads to San Francisco next week for the annual StriveTogether convening. It’s always the year's highlight for us to be together and learn from colleagues nationwide. We are thrilled that our early childhood work and community advocate model is being showcased at the convening!

We look forward to reporting back next month and introducing you to our new Director of Initiatives, who will start on October 2nd.


Data Haven has released the 2023 Town Equity Reports for all CT towns. Please click the image above to read or download Norwalk's profile.

CT Data Collaborative is holding in-person workshops in September!

  • September 14 - Intro to Data: Build Your Data Literacy, and on 
  • September 21 - Visualize What Matters: Create Impactful Data Visualizations. Both will be held at The Children’s Center of Hamden. 

You can sign up and learn about the other events occurring in the fall on their events page.

Ray Leslie represented Norwalk ACTS at Alteryx’s Solving It Forward event in Irvine, CA, where summer interns collaborated to address real-world data analytics challenges and objectives!

In addition, we want to recognize Ray for his recent promotion to Senior Data Analyst with Norwalk ACTS! Since joining us three years ago, Ray has added incredible value to our data work. We also send our best wishes and congratulations to Ray and his soon-to-be wife, Ellie, who will be married at the end of September!



Photos from the Norwalk Community Health Center Family Fun Fair and Norwalk's Night Out!


Are you interested in supporting Norwalk parents and learning about the developmental domains of children five years or younger?  Please refer to the attached graphic about a part-time paid opportunity to work with Norwalk early childhood education providers and at community events to share resources with caregivers about the developmental growth of their children.

Early Childhood Family Meet Ups are starting again on September 14th at 9 a.m. at the NPS Family Center. Parents of infants and children up to six years of age are welcome to join the group and learn more about Early Childhood Education in Norwalk. Children are also welcome to attend. Programs with services for young children will present information at each monthly Meet Up. Please see the flyer for monthly meeting dates, guest presenters, and topics.

Job Opportunity: ASQ Community Liason

The ASQ Community Liaison is a local professional in Norwalk working under the Norwalk Early Childhood Development Initiative in partnership with Norwalk ACTS. The goal of the Initiative is to improve coordination of services across early childhood professionals and agencies and empower families by implementing a community-wide system for screening, tracking, and promoting young children’s development, using a standard tool, the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3). The Community Liaison will actively engage with Norwalk’s early childhood providers and parents to promote the importance of developmental screening and the use of the ASQ.

Learn More!
Calling all parents of children 0-5! Do you know that SPARKLER is a FREE mobile app for Connecticut families, helping parents support children’s development from birth through 5?


Norwalk ACTS | [www.norwalkacts.org]
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