Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Newsletter 1 July 2022 - 2 Tammuz 5782
Truth Floats Like Oil Over Water 
✡︎ Shalom and Good Shabbos, Friends ✡︎

In post Roe America, it's very apparent that we need to continue bringing much needed pro-life education into Jewish culture. Our zealous, outspoken sisters and brothers have been systematically motivated to decimate posterity and HaShem's will in the world. The lies they now believe to be true have been carefully constructed to hide the truth but the truth is being revealed and will become more clear will as we keep sharing it. To keep moving forward effectively, we are looking for part time paid or volunteer help to work remotely sorting through and answering emails and sending out opinion piece submission request emails to editors and publishers. Please contact me if you can help!

It's impossible to comprehend the immense loss of life following the disastrous decisions of Roe and Doe. Justice Alito's brief corrects the mistakes made in 1973 and puts the Court and the Nation back on a life saving path. I learned much from reading the brief and want to share it with you. Scroll down past the syllabus to get to the brief.

Today's newsletter features the video of our inaugural webinar from Jerusalem's Root and Branch Association with Rabbi David Novak. You will appreciate and enjoy Rabbi Novak's solid defense of innocent life in the womb.

Much of Jewish and mainstream media has doubled down on Jewish authored pro-abortion opinions and editorials. We share two infamous ones full of lies and distortions written recently by fake rabbis. No need to despair, though, because we have the pleasure of sharing two honest,Torah based, principled pieces. One is penned by Mr. Jay D, Homnick, Senior Fellow, London Center for Policy Research, and one is authored by our friend Rabbi Yehuda Levin and published in LifeSiteNews.

We published three terrific blogs this week - two letters to Rabbi Silver of Congregation L'Dor Va-Dor in Florida, and Alice Lemos' pro-life remarks at the Central Queens Republican Club.

Our friend from PreBorn Americans Untied calls for Nuremberg style trials to find justice for the 63 million victims who lost their lives due to the 1973 Roe and Doe decisions.

We complete this newsletter with a follow up story from the Washington DC late term abortion clinic. This time, Live Action goes undercover as a potential customer asking for specifics about late term abortion strategies to deal with a born alive infant. It's a nasty business that needs prosecuted by man and God.

Reminder that our Monthly Mishpacha convenes this Sunday, July 3rd at 11 am ET. Scroll down to register.
Hope to see you there!

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen. 
Rabbi David Novak, JPLF Vice President, was our guest on our inaugural webinar from Jerusalem's Root and Branch Association hosted by Lowell Joseph Gallin. Rabbi Novak's solid defense of innocent life in the womb from Halachic, biblical, and philosophic perspectives covered all the bases. He reminded us that if someone insists that a baby in the womb is part of the mother, Jewish law prohibits killing that baby because of the prohibition against self harm in Judaism found in Leviticus 19:28, "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD."

The Root & Branch Association was founded by Lowell Joseph Gallin, a modern hero who promotes cooperation between the State of Israel and other nations, and between the Children of Israel and the Children of Noah (Gentiles), in the Land of Israel and abroad, to build a better world based on faith in the God of Israel and observance of His Covenants and laws, as commanded by the God of Israel in the Bible and Jewish Tradition. We are honored to be part of his vision.

R&B Monthly Seminar: "'Abortion' (Moloch Mass Murder Child Human Sacrifice Global Industry)" (Episode #1 -- Tuesday, June 28th, 2022/Sivan 29, 5782). Chair: Mrs. Cecily Routman. Guest: Rabbi David Novak

All of Mr. Gallin's excellent programming is archived
My Religion Makes Me Pro-abortion
Many of us working to protect access to abortion are doing so because of our faith, not in spite of it.
NCJW's Danya Ruttenberg loves the sound of her voice but denies the cries of unborn children.
At 90, a rabbi revisits the work he did as part of underground clergy abortion network
A lifetime of helping women destroy their children doesn't bode well for his afterlife. Time is running out for repentance, a merciful gift from HaShem available to every one of us should we seek forgiveness.
Pro-abortion Reform Jews are ignoring the Scriptures: Orthodox Jewish scholar
Jay D Homnick at the London Center for Public Research hits a bullseye! Thank you Mr. Homnick!
Rabbi calls Anti-Defamation League ‘blasphemous,’ ‘dishonest’ for saying abortion is a ‘Jewish value’
Rabbi Yehuda Levin Hits a Home Run!
Op-Ed: We Must Have Nuremberg-Style Trials for the 63 Million American Dead
From our friends at PreBorn Americans United
Undercover Footage Allegedly Exposes Gruesome Details Of D.C. Abortion Clinic Practices
"Special Healing Event: 
How you can heal from abortion loss." 
Our next healing event is scheduled for Sunday July 24, 2022 from 1 pm to 5 pm ET in our private zoom room. We are adding Hebrew captioning for our Hebrew speaking attendees.
Our last session was positive and peaceful, so we're looking forward to another life changing opportunity to meet and participate in a post-abortion group encounter and discussion. Tikvat Rachel offers a unique Teshuvah based healing approach for Jewish women who suffer with regret after abortion. Attendees can meet and speak with one another afterward in a private chat room.

To register, please contact [email protected] or phone 347-566-7898.
"Weeping is lodged in one side of my heart, and joy is lodged in the other" The Zohar
Monthly Mishpacha
Our July Monthly Mishpacha will be July 3rd at 11 am ET. We will show a short video and then enjoy private conversation and connection. CT Senate candidate Leora Levy may drop in unless she is busy with Independence Day campaigning.

At last month's meeting, I announced that I would set up a private video/chat room so that members can share ideas in between meetings by posting messages for other members or by video chatting together, The room is now enabled on Discord. To participate, download the Discord app onto your mobile or desktop device at

To maintain safety and privacy, our Discord channel is private and unable to find unless you have an invite link.
We will share the invite link at the meeting on May 1st. If you want to join us on Discord but can't get to the meeting, please email me and I will give you the invite link and help you access the room.

I've set up the registration for our Monthly Mishpacha so that you can register once and that registration will work on subsequent Sundays. Also, to maintain safety and confidentiality, I will receive an email confirmation of each registration so I know who to expect. If you want to invite someone, please send them the registration link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Please register in advance at:

We're very much looking forward to seeing you in July!
Worship Corner
Rabbi Menashe Bovit is the rabbi at Bellerose Jewish Center in Queens NY, an online/brick and mortar synagogue composed of spiritual seekers who worship in an Ashkenazi 'Conservadox' style. Rabbi Bovit teaches with humor combined with love of Chassidism and Torah. He conducts online Shabbat services and Torah classes.
You can view his Shabbat sermons at
Contact Rabbi Bovit at [email protected].
Rabbi Shlomo Nachman is the rabbi of Beit Emunah, a Sephardic online community of spiritual seeking Jews and Noahides. He offers a wide range of Shabbat and holiday services, and Torah studies. Rabbi Nachman is known for his patience, sensitivity, scholarship, and dedication to traditional Jewish teachings. Rabbi Nachman is available to speak at your event!
You can access Rabbi Nachman's online services and classes at
Contact Rabbi Nachman at [email protected]
Gevalt! She IS Alive Before She's Born!
"We must always take sides.
Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
Eli Wiesel

Get the Facts!
Judaism: The Original Pro-Life Religion Book
View & Download from our library here,

Our amazing flyer book has our monthly educational flyers in one place. Share them with your family, friends, and shul associates.
View and Download from our library here.

Our amazing meme book has our eye catching graphics all in one place. Share them with your family, friends, and shul associates.
View and Download from our library here.

Do you know an abortion minded Jewish woman? Tell her about our Jewish couples waiting to adopt!
Jewish Adoption Services

Jewish Pregnancy Care Services

Jewish Support After Abortion

Worship online with our Pro-Life Rabbis
Rabbi Nachman at Beit Emunah

Rabbi Menashe Bovit on Rumble [email protected]
Check out our archived newsletters at 
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Contact Us

Cecily Routman [email protected]
Rabbi David Novak [email protected]
Rabbi Shlomo Nachman [email protected]
Rabbi Menashe Bovit [email protected]

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292 Sewickley PA 15143