Thrive Together Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Autumn Newsletter

Edition 5 - Autumn 2023

Thrive Together EYFS Celebration Conference

Register your attendance now!

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Guidance: Emergency planning and response for education, childcare, and children’s social care settings

The Department for Education had published guidance to support settings in planning against security related risks and incidents. All education, childcare, and children’s social care settings should have emergency plans in place. Your plan should explain how you would respond if you needed to take any temporary actions in the event of an emergency. The aim of an emergency plan is to help you and your staff plan for and respond effectively to an emergency.

  • Your emergency plans should be generic enough to cover a range of potential incidents including those happening during, and outside, normal working hours including weekends and holidays.
  • Education settings should have a competent person or persons to lead in health and safety, and security including online or cyber security attacks. This may or may not be the same person and this role will sit alongside the designated safeguarding lead.
Read the full guidance here

Easy Peasy App

The Easy Peasy app provides parenting tips, activities, personalised for families with children 0-5 years. The EasyPeasy app brings together the best ideas, advice, and inspiration from a global community of parents, experts, and your favourite early years brands. Easy Peasy philosophy is evidence-based and simple. Early child development is fuelled by real-world interactions between you and your child. The EasyPeasy app is designed to help you create the playful, positive connections that will help your child grow and thrive, with everyday materials that you’ll already have access to at home.

For more information visit Easy Peasy - EasyPeasy | Give your child the best start in life (

Spotlight on Leadership

In an email storm of professional development opportunities, how do

we as leaders calm the sea’s and get on board the right boats that will help take our settings towards our improvement destinations?

Asma, Manager of Abu Bakr Day Nursery, explains the factors she considers when selecting professional development opportunities for her team. We asked her 5 key questions for consideration.

Read the full blog post here

Setting News, Updates & Resources


Music At Home: Free CPD Resource

To access your free musical ideas to use at home resource, please click the link below.

If you would like to have a copy of the music resource video, please email Due to copyright, we are unable to share online or on social media.

Musical Ideas to use at Home PDF Resource


Best start in life part 2: the 3 prime areas of learning

Best Start In Life Part 2: The 3 Prime Areas Of Learning

This report is part of our series of subject-based curriculum research reviews. Its purpose is to support early years practitioners in raising the quality of early years education. 

Read the full review here


Spotlight: Blossoms on the Common Day Nursery

Blossoms on the Common Day Nursery located in Pelsall, Walsall have just been awarded Outstanding by Ofsted in all areas!

This was their first Ofsted inspection since they re-registered last October.

Ofsted stated

“ The Manager and staff provide children with an abundance of exciting, purposefully planned learning experiences that captivate their interests and promote a love of learning.”

“Staff consistently implement the excellent communication and language curriculum throughout the nursery”.

“Parents are thrilled with the service provided by the staff.”

“The special educational needs coordinator leads staff to provide excellent teaching for children with special educational needs and / or disabilities”.

“ We are so proud to gain an outstanding at our nursery. We go above and beyond for all of our children and to be recognised for this is just amazing. My staff work hard everyday and I wouldn’t be where I am today without them, they are a credit to me. Thank you .”


This winter you can protect your child and others from flu by making sure they get their flu vaccine. The nasal spray vaccine is free for children aged 2-3 years, those in primary and in secondary schools up to year 11.

The vaccine is also free for children and young people who have a medical condition from the age of six months. Flu can be a very nasty illness in children, causing a range of symptoms including fever, dry cough, sore throat, aching joints, and extreme tiredness.

The virus also spreads easily and children can pass it on to others. The flu vaccination for children is needle-free for those aged 2-17 years. The nasal spray is given as a single squirt up each nostril; it’s quick, painless and more effective in children than an injectable vaccine. You should have received a letter of text message invite.

If you haven't, contact your GP to make an appointment.

Programme Offer: Talk With Tales for Children (TWiTCH)

TWiTCH, a professional development programme to promote high quality adult-child interactions in early years settings.

Talk with Tales for Children (TWiTCH) trains practitioners on how to use story time as a daily opportunity for complex language interactions between children and adults. It also supports the use of teacher/child talk through language games to develop children’s thinking and reasoning skills and the language to express complicated thoughts and ideas.

To express your interest in this programme, please click here

October Half Term Activities

There are lots of family-friendly activities at the places we care for this October half term. From following a wildlife trail to discovering historical stories or getting creative with natural materials, find activities and events near you that'll suit the whole family.

Woodland Activities for Children and Families

Build dens. Spot wildlife. Make natural art. We've got plenty of ideas to help families enjoy woods and the great outdoors all year round.

Changes to the Statutory Framework for EYFS

The following duty has now been changed:

You will see that it still covers the same duty around floor space, staff ratio’s, staff qualifications, first aid/ children protection and food hygiene requirements, etc, as well as duty around delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) teaching and learning requirements. The changes include extending the staff ratio’s for 2 year olds from 1 to 4 to 1 to 5. The other change that impacts all schools, is that when eating, children must be in sight and sound of the staff in ratio. This means that someone must be able to see the children when they are eating and also be within the distance of hearing them too. In the EYFS context it means that someone is sitting with or within close proximity. Schools may also want to review snack times and lunch times to ensure children are able to eat as safely as possible.

Here are the latest food safety guidelines to help you with that.

It is also worth mentioning that the DFE stepped up its messages about sleeping last year. They recommend that schools and settings follow this advice from the Lullaby Trust. Although it looks like it is for much younger children, the principles apply to older age children, especially checking the children every 10 minutes to ensure they are breathing well, are cool enough and safe.

Register for Webinar Wednesdays!

Here at Thrive Together Stronger Practice Hub, West Midlands we are going to be hosting a series of webinars, which include topics such as ShREC, Effective PD, Communication and Language, PSED, and Literacy.

If your setting is interested in joining one or all of these webinars, then please either scan the QR codes or follow the links below to register your attendance!

Professional Development - A Leader’s Recipe for choosing Effective PD Part I

By Andrina Flinders

18th October 9.30-10.30am

Register your attendance:

Professional Development - A Leader’s Recipe for choosing Effective PD Part II

By Andrina Flinders

25th October 9.30-10.30am

Register your attendance:

Communication and Language - Effective approaches and practices to support Communication and Language in the Early Years Part I

By Victoria Day

15th November 1.30-2.30pm

Reigster your attendance:

Communication and Language - Effective approaches and practices to support Communication and Language in the Early Years Part II

By Victoria Day

29th November 1.30-2.30pm

Register your attendance:

PSED - Effective Approaches and Practices

By Andrina Flinders

13th December 6.30-7.30pm

Register your attendance:

Literacy - Effective Approaches and Practices to support Literacy in the Early Years Part I

By Victoria Day

17th January 2024 1.30-2.30pm

Register your attendance:

Literacy - Effective Approaches and Practices to support Literacy in the Early Years Part II

By Victoria Day

31st January 2024 1.30-2.30pm

Register your attendance:

National Professional Qualification in Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL): is it for you?

The NPQEYL is a new continuing professional development (CPD) course which launched in October 2022 as part of the £180m Early Years Education Recovery Programme. If you’ve never heard of it or wondered what it’s like, let’s meet three PVI leaders who took the leap into studying the NPQEYL and find out more about their experience so far.

Read the full blog post here

For further information on the NPQEYL programme, click here

Measles / MMR vaccination Guidance

Over 102,000 children starting primary school in England are at risk of catching measles 

With millions of children across the country going back to school this week, NHS England is urging parents to check that their children are up to date with their MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccinations in the wake of measles cases rising across the country. Childhood vaccination rates have fallen over the past ten years and this week statistics show that over 102,000 children aged four and five years old starting in reception are not protected against catching measles, mumps and rubella. Measles is highly infectious and if left unvaccinated nine out of ten children in a classroom can catch the disease if just one child is infectious. If you are unsure if you or your child are up to date, check your child's red book or GP records and make an appointment to catch up any missed doses. For more information on the NHS vaccination schedule, please visit. 

What's On Offer

Early Years Professional Development Programme (EYPDP)

The course covers the important areas of learning of C and L, PSED and Maths. It is an 8 month online learning programme to enhance skills and knowledge in children aged 2-4’s learning. It is delivered through eLearning, online facilitated webinars, videos, articles and recommended reading and trainer/ peer support. This course is OCN endorsed and participants will receive certification.

To find out more and register your interest please go to the website:

Early Years Online Child Development Training

This free, online training, developed by experts, provides an

overview of child development and gives practical advice for supporting children in your setting. It gives practitioner opportunities to reflect and reinforce upon their learning. It also links to other resources. Each module covers an important area of child development. The training is free for childminders and nurseries and again practitioners can gain certificates of completion.

To access this training please go to:

National Professional Qualification for Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL)

The NPQEYL has been developed to increase knowledge of leadership in early years settings, strengthen staff approaches to teaching and learning, and support children whose development has been impacted by the pandemic. Participants will gain skills and confidence so they can deliver high-quality education and care to support children’s development, become a better organisational leader and develop staff so they can reach their full potential. The course is free, flexible and designed by sector experts to help professionals across the sector to develop their career. We are designing with our local, Manor Teaching School Hub, a bespoke programme starting in September/October 23 for settings and childminders with 6:30pm twilights and Saturday conferences. Please note this is an 18 month National Professional Qualification for Leaders in EYFS.

To find out more and enrol please go to:

Expert and Mentors Programme

This programme focuses on supporting EY practitioners and leaders to address the impact of the pandemic on the youngest children. The programme is available nationally, across England, until July 2024. Eligible early years practitioners, leaders and whole settings will be offered bespoke support to be delivered both face-to-face and virtually. The offer to settings will include leadership support, coaching for leaders, mentoring for practitioners and whole settings support, depending on needs. 

To find out more please go to: 

Early Years Level 3 SENCO Award (PVI Nurseries and Childminders only)

The Level 3 Early Years SENCO qualification is for a level 3 practitioner in a private, voluntary or independent setting. It is also appropriate for Ofsted-registered childminders and Ofsted-registered childminder agencies. This is an important role to ensure the best possible educational outcomes are achieved for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

You can apply by following the link:,The%20Level%203%20Early%20Years%20SENCO%20qualification%20is%20delivered%20over,group%20discussion%20and%20group%20training.

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