Streams of Awareness


December 18, 2023

Week of Christmas

It is now Christmas week and most of our plans have been made,

We have crossed chores off our lists but how much have we prayed.

I wrote this poem a while back, and each year it comes to mind,

About the true emphasis of Christmas that is sometimes left behind.

May we hold a loving appreciation for blessings God sends us each new day

And be ever grateful for the debt of sacr that we can never repay.   

May God cover our families and friends with His protection and love,

As we remember that our greatest gifts are sent from above. 

God send through your son the love and comfort that we seek,

And may you especially bless those lost or grieving, hurting and weak. 

May your grace and mercies fall upon us in spite of our self-centered ways,

May you forgive us of our blunders, as they are often ablaze.

May we always be mindful of Jesus, God’s son from the most high,

And during this Christmas season may our prayers continue to fly.

For who, but you God, would be so sacrificial and kind,

That you would give up your son to save us; heart soul and mind. 

Jesus was only a baby conceived by the power of God to behold,

He was the only man of exceptional purity who had a heart of gold. 

May Christ guard us from worldly distractions as they continually abound,

And keep us focused on His everlasting love so we are able stand our ground.

For Christ has showed us how to love and showed us how to give,

and he taught us through his parables His Christian way to live.

Unto God we bring special honor during this Christmas time of year,

And Thank you for the angels you sent through starlight, on a midnight clear.

Blessings were the shepherds as they traveled to see the new born baby boy,

They carried with them a message of peace and a triumpthant story of joy.


God, may you counsel us and guide us through stories repeated still today,

And may you call us to yourself and nudge us to respond in a loving way. 

God, may your perfect counsel and wisdom be our true guide

as we invite you to join us and stand closely by our side.

May we strive to be faithful to our magnificent God

For his power is incalculable, he can rule with a mere nod.

Christ came from Heaven, went back to Heaven and will come again,

There lies the hope of this advent season and our joy within.

We love our Christmas holidays, they fill us with delight,

And how we love to celebrate Jesus’ birth on that Holy Christmas night!

We fill our homes with laughter and joyful holiday fare,

we go to church and worship God in confidence he is there.

For His Holy Spirt abides within the hearts who trust the Lord,

He consecrates his promises through our Holy connected cord.

The gifts we give are temporal, they have no lasting worth,

For God’s gift of eternal life surpasses all things found on Earth

Just as God has forgiven us, he calls us to forgive others as well,

For when we act upon his call, His peace in our hearts will swell.

That peace is like a river that flows gently through our veins,

But we must call on Christ to guide us and give to him our reigns.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and love beyond your scope

and may you feel the love of Jesus and carry with you Hope.

For hope is the light that God shines his faithfulness through,

To reflect on promises fulfilled and the miraculous things he can do.

For Hope is something you cannot hold in your hand but only can carry with you in your heart. Carry it boldly and confidently and know God

will always be present in your life, to love you, guide you and pour out his mercy upon you. 

Happy Birthday Jesus...and Thank You for the sacrifices you have

made by coming to this earth and showing us how to live in abundance of your love and grace. And thank you that we live in a country where we can freely worship you name and praise your mighty works. Amen

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!

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