New Bus Routes Effective 1/16/24
Dear Families,
We are pleased to announce that the bus company has been able to hire another bus driver which will allow us to eliminate the double runs.
The addition of a fifth bus will affect the timing of most of the routes and may result in a change of route for your student(s). Please note that the White route has been eliminated; students who currently ride the white route will be absorbed by the other routes, primarily Yellow.
The new routes are linked above and will also be posted to our website. Please review them carefully. The new routes will begin on January 16 in order to allow families to adjust schedules if needed. If the new routes affect your child(ren)’s default dismissal plan, please make sure to update Pick Up Patrol.
For parents who drop off in the mornings: Since we will no longer have any buses arriving to school prior to the official start of the day at 8:05, we will eventually no longer offer early parent drop off between 7:45 and 8:05. To ensure that families have adequate time to make other arrangements, we will continue to offer the early drop off time until February vacation. After February vacation, 8:05 will be the earliest time that students can be dropped off at school. Before-school care is offered through Champions and information about how to enroll can be found here.
If you have any questions about the new routes, please contact Amanda Roy at
Also, just a reminder that school will be closed on January 23, 2024 due to the use of the school facility for voting.
Have a wonderful weekend!