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IPUL's E-News for March 8, 2024

Here are the highlights of our upcoming events and recent activity online. Not everything is included due to timeliness.

If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off. 

IPUL On The Road This Week

Idaho Parents Unlimited was on the road this week - first at Tools for Life in Idaho Falls:

sarah and melissa at tools for life at our booth and other images from tools

Then we remained in Idaho Falls for the first of our regional workshops that we are doing across the state - you can click that link to visit our website and register for the one coming soon to your area!

a slide showing IEP information
images of our booth at the tour

We will be back in the office again starting next Monday!

K.W. vs Armstrong Lawsuit Update

For Idaho families who have adult children or whose youth are close to adulthood with developmental disabilities, this information is important regarding the KW vs. Armstrong lawsuit and the assessment tool. There are links to upcoming meetings - three choices of dates/times - for more information and to provide feedback:

use your voice in cut out letters

Over the past month, the K.W. lawyers have been meeting with Idaho Medicaid to discuss what will happen. That means that now is a critical time for your feedback.

The K.W. lawyers will hold three online meetings to give detailed updates and get your feedback. These meetings are just for people who get Medicaid DD services in Idaho, and their primary advocate. The meetings will not be recorded. All three meetings will cover the same update – you only need to attend one of them:

Afternoon meeting

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

1:30 pm MT / 12:30 pm PT

Register for the afternoon meeting

Evening meeting

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

6:30 pm MT / 5:30 pm PT

Register for the evening meeting

Morning meeting

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

10:00 am MT / 9:00 am PT

Register for the morning meeting

Boise Area: Save The Date!

settlers park from the air

Mark your calendars! August 24th. Believe it or not, we're going to celebrate the TWENTIETH anniversary of the Adventure Island Playground, Idaho's First Universally Accessible Playground which was spearheaded by IPUL 's executive director, Angela Lindig and an amazing team of committed volunteers. here will be a resource fair as well.

Where did 20 years go?? Details about how to get involved coming soon! Adventure Island is located within Meridian's Settlers Park at Meridian and Ustick Roads

March's Self Guided Module -

Leveling Up: Transition to Adulthood

flyer with text in white on blue on the left black and green on white on the right

Self-Guided Modules

Leveling Up: Transition to Adulthood

Life is full of transitions, and one of the more remarkable ones occurs when we get ready to leave high school and go out in the world as young adults. When the student has a disability, it’s especially helpful to plan ahead for that transition.

Many educators and providers recommend that planning for the transition to adult life begin as early as age 12 to 16 years. Whether your youth is in middle school or has already graduated high school, this training has information for all!

The modules will cover:

Education Transition

Healthcare Transition

Money Matters

Person-Centered Thinking

Registration Required!

Register here:

“Connect the Dots” Office Hours via Zoom

Wednesday, Mar 20, 2024, 12:30 PM Mountain Time

Contact Idaho Parents Unlimited!

The best method to reach us for assistance is through our website: . You can also shoot us a question using the abbreviated version of that form at the bottom of every page on our website, although we may need to get more information from you.

We monitor our intake phone line (208-342-5884) during the workday, and will try to respond to any request there within 24 hours. We use an automated intake phone system, so you will be leaving a message. (Please be sure the number you are leaving us can accept text or voice messages.)

For questions that are not about something in our scope of work, you can still leave a phone message as above, send the question to the form on our website, or shoot us an email at

We keep our website updated with new events and maintain a presence on Facebook, and Instagram

IPUL's programs are funded in part through grants and contracts with the following:
logos for F2F Family Voices and Ideas that Work

Programs and services offered by Idaho Parents Unlimited are supported in part by the U.S. Department of Education (H328M200033) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) Affordable Care Act Family to Family Health Information Center (H84MC12896), opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions of either department, endorsement is not assumed