POT LUCK ASSIGNMENTS: For the pot luck supper starting at 5:30pm, please bring a dish for all to share. We segment the parts of the meal alphabetically by last name in an attempt to provide a balanced meal.

A-H   Entree

I–R   Salad or side dish 

S–Z  Dessert or wine/beverages

If you need childcare in order to attend, please let us know. We will arrange to have a sitter at the Senior Center during the meeting. 


For a "non-primary", we had a pretty good turnout. Below is a chart showing the election results in our 17 towns. There was a smattering of votes for Kennedy, Vermon Supreme, and Ceasefire, but I have chosen to leave them out so the results are easier to read. WMUR had the complete list in an easy-to-find document.

The Campton vote for Biden may not be final, but I suspect the final number will be close to 233.

In seven of our towns (colored beige), Haley got more votes than Trump. Any who spent time at the polls knows that many of those votes are from Independents, and a good portion of them would generally vote for the Democrat, but they were voting against Trump.

Thank you to everyone who helped in this campaign! We did well.

GET TO KNOW THE GRAFTON COUNTY DEMOCRATS: The Grafton County Democrats publish a regular newsletter on legislative issues impacting our area. Sign up for their most recent newsletterYou can also follow GCD on Facebook.


DONATE TODAY to Plymouth Area Democrats' Act Blue account. Or send a check to the post office address below. Consider a monthly donation of any amount comfortable for you. We will need to rent an office next year, and with rents going ever higher, it will be an extensive expense. In addition, we will be helping each of our candidates with campaign expenses. Thank you for your generosity.

Plymouth Area Democrats

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