January 2024 • Issue 75 • California Association for Bilingual Education

MLK Teaching Resources

Important Upcoming Dates

January 11 & 18ELDTA Module 4: ELPAC 2.0- High-Leverage Strategies for English Learner Success (Speaking and Listening Domains) 

January 12—Deadline to register for the CABE 2024 Multicultural Traditional Dress Fashion Show

January 16CABE 2024 Early Bird Registration Deadline

January 16Deadline to Register for the HS/MS Mariachi Festival-Competition

January 24—Deadline for FREE registration for Asian Languages Institute at CABE 2024

January 27DLTA Module 5: El desarrollo del español académico para maestros de doble idioma | Academic Spanish Language Development for Dual Language Teachers (Presented in Spanish)

January 2731a Jornada Pedagógica Internacional para la Educación Plurilingüe

More inspiring videos from CABE TV...

As we look forward to CABE 2024 in Anaheim, we also take a look back at "Testimonios" conversations from CABE 2023 in Long Beach. These videos* feature inspiring narratives, in-depth interviews, and remarkable experiences shared by the bilingual education community. We believe that highlighting these stories can foster a deeper connection within our field and inspire one another in our respective journeys. This video series was filmed and produced in collaboration with Summit K12, a CABE 2023 and CABE 2024 sponsor. We hope you enjoy these recently published videos from the CABE TV 2023 playlist on YouTube!

Enid Lee discusses her connections with CABE since 1997 and how to uplift and value African American language in our schools and communities.

Sandra Medrano-Arroyo compares bilingual education today with twenty years ago and shares what we need to consider moving forward.

Dr. Fay Shin elaborates on the value of Korean dual language programs and the importance of student-centered, culturally relevant writing instruction.

Dr. Margarita Machado-Casas shares how reflections prompted by the pandemic highlight concepts of identity, language, and culture, and how we can make our educational spaces more inclusive.

*The opinions shared herein do not necessarily reflect those of CABE or Summit K12.

What's new in Sacramento that impacts education? Find out here...


Legislative Advocate Report

by Jennifer Baker

  • CABE & CalTog Plan 2024 Legislation
  • Revenues Need Great Expectations and Continue to Falter
  • Senator McGuire to Transition to Senate President Pro Tempore
Read Report

CABE is growing and we're still hiring!....

Catch the Early Bird savings before they fly away on January 16th...

Sponsor & Exhibitor Brochure
Visit CABE2024.ORG

Join us for DLTA on Dec. 3 and ELDTA on Jan. 11 & 18...

Congratulations to Anaheim ESD...

Anaheim Elementary School District Earns Golden Bell Award

for Implementing DLI Programs Districtwide!

Congratulations to the Anaheim Elementary School District for two recent recognitions for excellence in implementing DLI programs! 

On December 3, 2023, at the California School Board Association’s annual conference in San Francisco, Dr. Downing and his team received a prestigious recognition, the Golden Bell Award, for implementing the Dual Language Immersion programs at all of their 23 school sites!

CSBA Golden Bell Awards 2023

The Golden Bell Program includes programs and strategies that assist English learners in achieving proficiency in English and other academic subjects, including dual language immersion, developmental/maintenance language programs, and heritage language programs. These include strategies that support all students in achieving proficiency in written and spoken English and other languages so that they graduate from high school bilingual and illiterate.

CABE congratulates AESD, under the strong leadership of Dr. Downing, for serving over 3,686 students in multilingual education in 2023 in the following languages: English, Spanish, Korean, and Mandarin. The AESD DLI program began in 2006 with 26 students. With growing interest from the community and under the direction of the Board of Education, Dr. Downing, along with Magaly Rodriguez (Multilingual Instruction Coordinator), Maria Villegas (Director of Curriculum and Instruction), Dr. Mary Grace (Assistant Superintendent), and the amazing AESD DLI teachers, implement the EL Roadmap Policy by engaging all educational partners to make decisions that improve instructional programs for all students.

In 2023, AESD established a Mandarin program and expanded the Spanish DLI program to preschool, offering three more classes. Today, the AESD Board of Education and Superintendent Dr. Downing continue with a strong vision and a commitment from all stakeholders to implement the EL Roadmap Policy and validate the language assets of students who will continue their multilingual education with their trusted partner district at the Anaheim Union High School District which offers a range of programs for continuing multilingual education.

 AESD is also honored with the 2024 CABE Seal of Excellence Award at Mann Middle School. This award is given to schools that demonstrate a commitment to multilingual education. AESD previously earned the CABE Seal of Excellence Award at the following schools: Price: 2018, Juarez: 2020, Lincoln: 2022, Mann: 2023. CABE congratulates and thanks AESD for its commitment to expanding multilingual education!

The AESD Board of Education and Superintendent, Dr. Downing, have made a commitment to expanding DLI and have allocated time and funding for professional development and resources, including offering more books in Spanish and Korean in their libraries. This investment aligns with the EL Roadmap Policy and provides professional development for teachers, leaders, and instructional assistants.

Congratulations to the AESD School Community!

Meet Angélica Hurtado...

The second oldest of six siblings, Angélica Hurtado was born in León, Guanajuato, the "shoe capital" of Mexico. Her father was the owner of a small shoe factory, and her mother was a homemaker. Spanish was the family's primary language, and Angélica learned to read and write before entering kindergarten. She says that this early literacy helped her to transition to English faster. Her father came to the US "temporarily" looking for more opportunities after he lost his shoe business and later sent for the rest of the family.

Angélica remembers walking into her first U.S. classroom as a newcomer on the first day of first grade in a school in Boyle Heights. She did not know any English and recalls the teacher using gestures to communicate with her. She still remembers the teacher asking students to recite the alphabet one by one and allowing Angélica to do it in Spanish. This incident was her first connection to asset-based pedagogy. Her close family was a powerful support system, and her mother pushed the kids to succeed no matter what. Angélica recalls having caring teachers who took the time to help her as an English learner, and she discovered that her Spanish would help her learn English. She realizes now that she was benefitting from metalinguistics and cross-linguistic connections before she even knew about them or the research supporting them. "I am proof that asset-based approaches, translanguaging, and the principles of the EL Roadmap are effective ways to support newcomers."

Growing up, her life revolved around going to school, helping her mom with chores at home, and playing softball in the neighborhood park every summer. Later, she made the varsity softball team at Roosevelt High School and played shortstop. In addition, every summer for a week during high school, Angélica participated in the UCLA Partnership Program that recruited minority students to learn about college and A-F requirements, conducted campus visits, and provided writing teachers to assist with college essays. The program helped her prepare for college and get accepted to UC Riverside. She was the first in her family to go to college, thus paving the way for her siblings and cousins. She started as a math major at UC Riverside but decided to get her BA in Liberal Studies. Then, she got her teaching credential and reading certificate. Angélica received her MS in Educational Leadership from California Baptist University and is currently working on her doctorate in Organizational Change and Administration with one more year to go.

Angélica began her teaching career as a bilingual elementary school teacher and worked as a district bilingual reading support teacher and bilingual BTSA support teacher. She then went on to the district office to become the EL Programs Coordinator for seven years, providing teachers with professional learning and coordinating the rollout of the 2012 ELD standards. She was also a K-6 elementary school principal, director of state and federal programs, and is presently the Program Manager of Multilingual Education and Title III for the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS). Reflecting on her career, Angélica says, "Building relationships has been very important throughout my career, supporting those coming up in the ranks and remembering that there are resources that help us in our work. I am grateful for all the great people I have met and worked with throughout my career. I have learned so much from everyone." Angelica considers herself a champion for English learners and enjoys empowering educators to learn how to support multilingual students.

During her second year of teaching, Angélica attended her first CABE conference. "I fell in love with CABE because of its support, advocacy for ELs, courageous leadership, work with communities, and efforts to move important legislation forward. CABE was like family to me." In 2001, Angelica received the “Teacher of the Year Award” from CABE. As part of her work at SBCSS, she started presenting at CABE and was later encouraged to run for the board as the Region IV representative, a position she holds today. She was excited to join the board because she strongly believes in CABE's vision and mission. "I'm a strong advocate for EL students, and my goal is to empower others to learn about our students so that they can provide them with a high-quality education and promote multilingualism."

In her free time, she loves spending time with her family: her husband of 33 years, Jaime, a former chief of staff for the Riverside County Board of Supervisors, and her two daughters, Amaris (28), a STEM lead teacher supporting three elementary schools and Jacquelin (23), a communications technician in Human Resources. Angélica is a huge Dodger fan who loves attending games with her family. She also enjoys gardening and RVing around California with her husband.

Here's what's going on in our statewide chapters and affiliates...

Other items of interest to the CABE Community...

La Jornada Pedagógica Internacional para la Educación Plurilingüe

January 27th

View/Download Flyer

Now Available on the CEI Website!

The Community Engagement Initiative is launching a comprehensive training series to strengthen community involvement in education. These learning modules will provide in-depth training to foster meaningful engagement between students, families, communities, and educational partners.

The training series was developed in collaboration with esteemed partners, including the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence, San Diego County Office of Education, Eskolta School Research & Design, University of San Diego, San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, Families In Schools, California Association for Bilingual Educators, WestEd, Dr. Jennifer Edic-Bryant, Inform2Inspire, and the California Community Schools Partnership Program.

The goal is to equip key school staff with the knowledge, skills, and commitment to enhance their community and family engagement strategies. By participating in these trainings, local education agencies and staff will gain best-practice insights into effectively engaging with students, families, and communities.

View Modules

Comic Corner...

Contact the editor: Laurie Miles, Communications Coordinator,

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