January 18, 2024


This monthly newsletter has been created to share stories with our community. Please forward this newsletter to your colleagues, family, business partners, legislators and community members. Recipients interested in subscribing to future issues may simply click "Sign up Now."

Leadership Lansing Visits Ingham ISD

The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce brought their Leadership Lansing cohort to Ingham ISD on January 16. Leadership Lansing is a talent initiative that runs annually from October through May and is designed to develop a new generation of community leaders in our region. The group visited Career & Technical Education programs at the Wilson Talent Center and then heard from Ingham ISD Superintendent, Jason Mellema and Eaton RESA Superintendent, Dr. Sean Williams on how educators and business leaders can work together to bridge the talent pipeline in our region. #InghamImpact 

WTC Students Give Back to the Community

Students in the National Technical Honor Society at the Wilson Talent Center (WTC) coordinated several initiatives in December to help others. The students hosted both a food drive as well as a hat and mitten drive. Donations received were provided to the City Rescue Mission of Lansing and the Mason Food Bank. In addition, several WTC classes sponsored young mothers and babies at Angel House, providing needed items. The generosity of our students, families and staff were greatly appreciated. #InghamImpact  

Save the Date - Transitions College Tour

High school juniors with either an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan are invited to the Transitions College Fair at LCC on March 15, 2024 at Lansing Community College West Campus. Sponsored by Lansing Community College, the Capital Area College Access Network and the Ingham ISD Special Education Parent Advisory Committee, this event offers hands-on experiences to explore programs offered by LCC's Technical Careers Division. More information and registration details are available on our website.

Project SEARCH Enrollment Deadline Approaching

The deadline is approaching to apply for 2024-25 Project SEARCH cohort. Applications are due Friday, February 16, 2024. Project SEARCH combines classroom instruction provided by Ingham ISD with a year-long unpaid internship at Michigan State University. This combination of instruction and immersion in the workplace prepares interns to meet employer expectations. Participants in the program gain experience in a variety of settings that will align with their interests, abilities and availability. 

Ingham ISD Communications
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Mason, MI 48854
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