Panicum virgatum

Native to the North American prairie, and yet still a stylish and ornamental vertical landscape element, Panicum virgatum is perfectly at home in any sunny landscape.

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'Heavy Metal'

Glaucous blue leaves and a strong upright form create a formal look that is softened by its delicate seedheads.

Tolerates a wide range of soils.

Mature height: 5'

Tough and carefree, "switch grass" is a long-lived, warm-season grower. In mid to late summer soft, airy panicles rise above sturdy, color-changing foliage. The autumn-hued stands remain through winter providing beauty for the gardener and vital cover for birds. Hardy for Zones 4-10.

A versatile native, the formal-looking upright habit belies the easy culture of Panicum. Established plants are drought-tolerant and require little maintenance outside of late winter to early spring cutback. Often used in breezy sweeps, large containers, or as an eye-catching specimen punctuating the perennial border, switch grass is tolerant of most soils.

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'Dallas Blues'

Very large, pastel pink seedheads bloom over showy, wide blue leaves.

Attractive seedheads can be used in dried arrangements.

Mature height:5-6'

Offer a premium prairie native that makes an elegant, long-lasting impression. Switch up your ornamental grass selection with a full range of Panicum virgatum from Emerald Coast Growers – your easy choice!




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